search for “Smack_Rabbitt”:

results for your search for “Smack_Rabbitt”:

– and PhlippedOut and several other handles. Trolls like “Toto” seem to be extremely bothered by the multiple handle thing. I take that as a “good” thing since they are so bothered when they are trying so hard to bother others.

I guess it’s my duty to my little twinkie bitchling lover to inform the new posters in the forum, that you are posting in the forum under many different handles, of which “ID-Entity”, “Braniac_5”, “FreakasaurusRex”, “CaveatEmporer”, “BadHotBubbaWhack”, “Smack_Rabbitt”, “sliverbitch2”, “Doctor_Zebo”, “OneArmedMike”, “SpaceChrysler”, “Captain-Fappin”, “Dr-Bubba”, “PhlippedOut”, “Mal_Adapted”, “Flatulizer”, “MadChihuahua”, “phi1osomos”, “Cosmo_Politan”, “DippityDoo”, “JackRigg”, and “HannaBananna” represent a just fractional percentage (literally just the tip of an internet troll iceberg). P.S. You seem to be forgetting to do that quite a lot lately, and if you hadn’t so adamantly declared that you always do that, I wouldn’t be made to wonder if you might be exhibiting symptoms of either Alzheimer’s disease, dementia/senility, or actually what consumed Robin Williams, which was called LBD (lewy body dementia).

….to inform the new “KimNeedsMoney” poster that you are posting in the forum under many different handles, of which “ID-Entity”, “Braniac_5”, “FreakasaurusRex”, “CaveatEmporer”, “BadHotBubbaWhack”, “Smack_Rabbitt”, “sliverbitch2”, “Doctor_Zebo”, “OneArmedMike”, “SpaceChrysler”, “Captain-Fappin”, “Dr-Bubba”, “PhlippedOut”, “Mal_Adapted”, “Flatulizer”, “MadChihuahua”, “phi1osomos”, “Cosmo_Politan”, “DippityDoo”, “JackRigg”, and “HannaBananna” represent a just fractional percentage (literally just the tip of an internet troll iceberg). P.S. You seem to be forgetting to do that quite a lot lately, and if you hadn’t so adamantly declared that you always do that, I wouldn’t be made to wonder if you might be exhibiting symptoms of either Alzheimer’s disease, dementia/senility, or actually what consumed Robin Williams, which was called LBD (lewy body dementia).

…the new posters in the forum, that you are posting in the forum under many different handles, of which “ID-Entity”, “Braniac_5”, “FreakasaurusRex”, “CaveatEmporer”, “BadHotBubbaWhack”, “Smack_Rabbitt”, “sliverbitch2”, “Doctor_Zebo”, “OneArmedMike”, “SpaceChrysler”, “Captain-Fappin”, “Dr-Bubba”, “PhlippedOut”, “Mal_Adapted”, “Flatulizer”, “MadChihuahua”, “phi1osomos”, “Cosmo_Politan”, “DippityDoo”, “JackRigg”, and “HannaBananna” represent a just fractional percentage (literally just the tip of an internet troll iceberg). P.S. You seem to be forgetting to do that quite a lot lately, and if you hadn’t so adamantly declared that you always do that, I wouldn’t be made to wonder if you might be exhibiting symptoms of either Alzheimer’s disease, dementia/senility, or actually what consumed Robin Williams, which was called LBD (lewy body dementia).

…under multiple handles truth, yet again (that’s seems to have become a nasty habit of yours here lately), of which “ID-Entity”, “Braniac_5”, “CaveatEmporer”, “BadHotBubbaWhack”, “Smack_Rabbitt”, “sliverbitch2”, “Doctor_Zebo”, “OneArmedMike”, “SpaceChrysler”, “Captain-Fappin”, “Dr-Bubba”, “PhlippedOut”, “Mal_Adapted”, “Flatulizer”, “MadChihuahua”, “phi1osomos”, “Cosmo_Politan”, “DippityDoo”, “JackRigg”, “PolarBird”and “HannaBananna”, represent a just fractional percentage (literally just the tip of an internet troll iceberg).

…that you are posting in the forum under many different handles, of which “ID-Entity”, “Braniac_5”, “CaveatEmporer”, “BadHotBubbaWhack”, “Smack_Rabbitt”, “sliverbitch2”, “Doctor_Zebo”, “OneArmedMike”, “SpaceChrysler”, “Captain-Fappin”, “Dr-Bubba”, “PhlippedOut”, “Mal_Adapted”, “Flatulizer”, “MadChihuahua”, “phi1osomos”, “Cosmo_Politan”, “DippityDoo”, “JackRigg”, and “HannaBananna” represent a just fractional percentage (literally just the tip of an internet troll iceberg).

There’s been a surge of white people arguing in defense of appeasement towards Nazis since Donald seized power. This isn’t surprising to anyone who looks at history, but I’m pretty sick of seeing it already. First people were tut-tutting at a Nazi being punched in his stupid face on one of the darkest days in my lifetime; which was annoying for reasons that would take another article. Now I’ve reached my limit with people aghast over broken windows, fetishistic passivity, and declaring that Nazis need to be given space for their hate rallies. To start; people seem to be confused as to what a Nazi is. I’ll explain this to you. A Nazi is someone who supports and works towards a fascist regime. A Nazi is someone who wants to use violence to reach their goals, and to reach their goals they need genocide. They recruit more Nazis to aid them in their violence. They commit violence and escalate whatever they can get away with to keep moving towards their goal of genocide. They’re not a different way of doing things. They’re not people with different opinions. They are a threat to you unless you fit properly into their ethno-nationalist state, you’re on-board with their goals, and you will accept genocide to reach those goals. If that doesn’t describe you, maybe you should re-evaluate if you think the best plan is appeasement while they gain power. Now that you understand what a Nazi is, understand Milo is a Nazi. (Side note: I don’t give a shit that he’s gay or had sex with a black guy. Ernst Rohm was gay, the Nazis were cool with it while he helped them gain influence. When he wasn’t useful they killed him. Because they’re Nazis. Also, racists can have sex with black people. Lots of people can be Nazis. It doesn’t matter if they’re a ______.) Milo argues that there is a “Muslim problem” that includes all Muslims and that they need to be eliminated. He argues that undocumented immigrants need to be purged. He spreads hate about transgender people and tries to claim that Muslims, undocumented people, and transgender people are threats to his followers and the country. When he goes to schools he will collect pictures/personal information about transgender and undocumented students beforehand. After arguing for violence and genocide, he will then out these members of marginalized groups so his followers can direct attacks on them. Understand that these are the hate rallies you’re arguing in favor of having. Speaking of the arguments, one of the main reasons I wanted to write this is that I’m tired of repeating myself answering the same six arguments. They can be summed up like this: I can understand how you came up with these, but they’re stupid and here’s why. 1. The right to free speech is more important than anything in the world and must be defended! No it’s not. That’s a great thing to establish right away. Your right to do whatever you want isn’t more important than my right to live my life without hate crimes being organized against me. You’re not allowed to organize attacks on the government. You’re not allowed to lie about a fire in a crowded building. You aren’t allowed to hire an assassin to kill someone. The idea that someone shouldn’t be allowed to organize violence against minorities is an alien idea just because it doesn’t sound like that violence would be at straight white guys. Yes. I get that the ACLU defended the right for Nazis to rally in the past. Guess what? We’ve made lots of shitty mistakes in our past. We don’t have to repeat them. Directing violence and building towards genocide isn’t harmless speech. They don’t care about your logical arguments. They’ll let you defend them until you aren’t useful. I already went over how that goes. 2. If you don’t let a Nazi talk than you’re the real Nazi! As I explained earlier, Nazis committed genocide and used violence to seize power. They didn’t stop people from having hate rallies. This seems to be a common confusion. 3. If you’re violent towards Nazis they might be violent back! Again, you might need to read the beginning again when I explain Nazis. There was actually this whole thing where they tried appeasment. The Nazis just kept working towards their goals glad to be free of interference. In fact, here’s a link to a documentary. It’s 45 minutes. It’s really useful. Ok, so now moving on 4. If you’re violent towards Nazis then Trump might crack down on protests! You must have missed how the Womens March was referred to as “Dangerous or worse” “A threat to security” “Violent and threatening” “A riot” as well as calls to investigate Madonna for terrorism and treason. You must have also missed how Donald banned Muslims only from countries where we’ve had no deaths from militant attacks. You must have also missed Spicer talking about the non-existent Iranians who blew up our boat which was actually not ours. What I’m trying to get at is that they don’t care about real threats. If they want a threat they say there’s a threat. Chicago has a murder rate of 7.8 out of 100,000 while the average for America is 3.9 out of 100,000. According to Donald and Co, Chicago is a post-apocalyptic war zone where gang thugs trade dead bodies for social programs and anyone who goes out for bread is executed on sight. This argument also sets up people to blame marginalized groups for their own oppression. Don’t do that. 5. By trying to stop the Nazis you’re giving them attention and they might get more power! The Nazis have attention because they’ve had a wide online hate platform to operate on that Steve Bannon helped create. Milo was given a platform by Steve Bannon and he writes for Breitbart. Steve Bannon is already in the White House. It’s not some future worry you’re trying to prevent. They’re in power now. Their plan is to use that power to reach their goal and help with the genocide on the way. Stopping that is the important part. 6. The best solution is to be peaceful. The police will protect you if they get violent. 🙂 Lol. That’s so adorable. But no. It’s bullshit. If you turn to walk away instead of fighting they will stab you in the back. Then the police won’t give a shit because you’re some marginalized individual and Nazis are in power. They won’t protect you. Don’t tell me to endure hate crimes until you get some laws passed against hate speech. It’s your job to catch up. I’m not waiting around for you. A lot of you have been protected in your bubbles of privilege, and you’ve been able to stay blissfully unaware of some fucked up shit that’s been going on. Hate groups are at an all time high Transgender murders are at an all time high And when I say transgender murders, I mean the worst shit you can imagine being done to people in America at a higher rate than ever before. Transgender people being brutally tortured to death, their deaths ignored, and then they’re misgendered by the police and media. Understand that the “Unidentified male body found” you might catch the barest of mentions of could be another transgender woman whose last few hours on earth were indescribable pain at the hands of a group of men who saw her as less than human and the police didn’t even care enough to use the right pronouns for. My entire fucking life is harassment from this. From constant abuse online, people confronting me or screaming insults in public, assuming that I can be sexually assaulted with impunity, to being repeatedly hospitalized from hate crimes. So no. It’s not fucking harmless to whip up hate towards transgender people and publicly out them and doxx them to your followers afterwards. I am not willing to put up with this shit anymore. Pass some laws against hate speech. Don’t expect me to be a victim until that happens. You know how you love to use the word “Ally”? Well what do you think it means? It doesn’t mean lecture me about how I should really give appeasing the Nazis a try. It means that we have each others back. Have mine. Fight the Nazis.

LOW EDUCATION IDIOT FINGER-POINTING RETARD BLAMES the Democrats and George Soros for the GENOCIDAL WORKER”S HOLOCAUST the REAGANOID “RIGHT WING” CONSERVATIVE “PARTY OF “NO>” have DELIBERATIVELY DONE TO THEM. THERE IS NO MIDDLE CLASS ANYMORE. THE MONEY REQUIRED TO CLASSIFY AS MIDDLE CLASS HAS GROWN SO FAST THAT THE MIDDLE HAS SHRANK TO NOTHING. THERE IS ACTUALLY, AN UPPER MIDDLE CLASS, A MIDDLE MIDDLE CLASS, AND A LOWER MIDDLE CLASS. THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT IN POVERTY AND SURVIVE BUT LIVE PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK. Kathy M. There are certainly a lot of LOW CLASS , UNEDUCATED, PREJUDICED, RACIST, STUPID people making Comments. Because of the Stupidity of such as are exhibited BELOW the RIGHT FASCISTS PUSH AND PUSH and EVIL CAD like TRUMP into office, a ELITE HIMSELF, from a WHITE SUPREMEST FAMILY, to CRUSH THE WORKING CLASS. Being Amazingly STUPID the Republican TOADS vote for such a CREATURE as STUPIDLY “CUT OFF THEIR NOSE TO SPITE THEIR FACES!” The only Political Party that has TRIED to HELP the working class WAS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY up until and ending with Jimmy Carter. AFTER THAT ALL DEMOCRATS were more or less DEVOTED TO AYN RAND’S PECULIAR NAZI CULT of OBJECTIVENESS which when STOOD NEXT TO THE PHILOSOPHY of the THIRD REICH is totally parallel and following the same GAME-PLAN. William Jefferson Clinton was a Admirer of Ayn Rand, and a Close Friend of Alan Greenspan…. As a graduate student I had to read Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s history-making but horribly written novel What Is to Be Done? Re: Du hast meinen Tag gemacht, versuch und bleib aus dem Sonnenlicht Re: Du hast meinen Tag gemacht, versuch und bleib aus dem Sonnenlicht Machen Sie Ihren Tag, wenn jemand auf Ihren Kauderwelsch antwortet, diesmal auf der gefälschten Wissenschaft des Menschen verursacht die globale Erwärmung. Wie die meisten deines ilk, wenn dein Argument gezeigt wird, dass du betrügerisch bist, tust du, ein Opfer zu sein, und du bist in einer Weise, ein Opfer deiner eigenen Dummheit. Ich weiß so gut wie Sie es gibt keinen Beweis 97% aller Klima-Wissenschaftler haben eine Konsens-Meinung über die globale Erwärmung, in der Tat niemand kann oder hat alle Wissenschaftler, die diese Ausgabe mit ihren Meinungen aufgeführt, um eine solche Statistik zu bezeichnen . Sie, weil Sie denken, Sie sind clever angeboten eine Liste von Organisationen, die # 1 ist nicht der Beweis gefragt und # 2 zeigt nicht, dass 97% ihrer Mitglieder haben sogar die gleiche Meinung. Sie haben eine Sache nachgewiesen, Ihre Meinung beruht auf persönlicher Vermutung, die nichts mit dem wissenschaftlichen Beweis verbunden ist. Wieder Herr D-Lister, du bist so voller Mist wie Berkeley ist auf diesem sowie gehen zu diesem lächerlich spielen eine Opfer-Routine Sie immer tun. Was verkrüppelt Sie ist Ihre Unwissenheit und müssen Mist Wissenschaft akzeptieren und einfach seltsame Beiträge. Sie denken, Ihre Antworten sind relevant und auf den Punkt, aber sind absolut nicht sie sind irrelevant. Bitte speichern Sie diesen Beitrag und lesen Sie es, wenn Sie auf Ihrem hohen Pferd zu bekommen und spuck Ihre crappy Meinung, vielleicht werden Sie für einmal zu unterlassen, so dass Sie nur etwas Nützliches mit Ihrer Zeit zu tun. Du irrst niemanden, du denkst, du kannst rationale Leute aus diesem Forum mit Drohungen und Lügen führen. Was machst du jetzt, dein Junge-Kind Trump in einem Narren wie du, ein Neandertaler Wissenschafts-Denier, ein Idiot. Und dein ganzes Selbstvergrößern – die Sprache, die mit offener Entschärfung und Lügen über Demokraten geschnürt ist, zeigt eindeutig dumme Leute komplex. Du bist ein G.E.D. Klasse turd. Die Menschen, die Sie angreifen, sind Hochschulabsolventen. Wie kann ein Analphabeten-Idiot wie Sie in den Spiegel schauen? Ihre ganze Position ist Alternative Wahrheit (auch, Alt Fakten): Ein neu berühmter zeitgenössischer Irrtum der Logos, die in der Postmoderne verwurzelt sind und die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Tatsachen oder Wahrheit als solche verleugnen. Schriftstellerin Hannah Arendt, in ihr Die Ursprünge des Totalitarismus (1951) warnte, dass “das ideale Subjekt der totalitären Herrschaft nicht der überzeugte Nazi oder der engagierte Kommunist ist, sondern Menschen, für die die Unterscheidung zwischen Tatsache und Fiktion, wahr und falsch, nicht mehr existiert . ” Der Journalist Leslie Grass (2017) schreibt: “Gibt es jemanden in deinem Leben, der darauf besteht, dass es passiert ist, was nicht passiert ist, oder hat eine völlig andere Version von Ereignissen, in denen du die Fakten hast? Es ist eine Form der Gedankenkontrolle und ist sehr verbreitet Unter den Familien, die sich mit Substanz- und Verhaltensproblemen beschäftigen. ” Sie schlägt vor, dass solche “Alternate Facts” arbeiten, um “dich aus dem Gleichgewicht zu bringen”, “die Geschichte zu kontrollieren” und “machen Sie denken, dass Sie verrückt sind”, und sie stellt fest, dass “die Darstellung von alternativen Tatsachen das Markenzeichen der nicht vertrauenswürdigen Menschen ist”. Die Alternative Wahrheits-Irrtum bezieht sich auf die Big Lie-Technik. Siehe auch Gaslighting, Blind Loyalty, The Big Brain / Little Brain Fallacy und zwei Wahrheiten ——> Machen Sie Ihren Tag ist mit jemandem reagieren auf Ihre Kauderwelsch, diesmal auf die gefälschte Wissenschaft des Menschen verursacht Globale Erwärmung. Wie die meisten deines ilk, wenn dein Argument gezeigt wird, dass du betrügerisch bist, tust du, ein Opfer zu sein, und du bist in einer Weise, ein Opfer deiner eigenen Dummheit. Entschuldigung, Ted. Du bist der Wissenschaft Denier. Du bist das Opfer deiner eigenen Dummheit. Luddites wie Sie sind zu dumm, um zu erkennen, dass Ihre Art Massenmorde des ganzen Planeten sind. Wirklich klug, Junge, NICHT, ich weiß so gut wie Sie es gibt keinen Beweis 97% aller Klima-Wissenschaftler haben eine Konsens-Meinung über die globale Erwärmung, in der Tat niemand kann oder hat alle Wissenschaftler aufgelistet, die dieses Problem mit ihren studieren Um eine solche Statistik zu beanspruchen. Sie wissen nicht, “für eine Tatsache” Sie dumme luddite, Sie sind kein Wissenschaftler.

And in Amurica Trolls are Government Approved Starting from World War I until now, which country has killed the most people: Hitler-ruled Germany, the British Empire a.k.a United Kingdom, the Communist-ruled USSR a.k.a Russia, the U.S.A, or Japan? USA, by far. Including direct invasions, bombings, puppet regime backing, dictators, ‘freedom fighters’, incredible outrages like contra, US corporations’ dealings, private armies, hit squads (reagan was particularly fond of them), the impact of their sanctions, embargoes, blockades, chemical weapons, you can easily go towards an estimate of ~100 million people. And counting: As of this moment US backed Indonesian government is massacring Papuan locals to make way for palm oil plantations for the benefit of US corporate interests. Last 2 years’ tally is estimated to be 100,000-150,000. Have you heard about that at all? I guess not. ….. Vietnam was bombed with agent orange to make sure that ‘nothing grew on its soil’ anymore. Children are still being born with birth defects. And on top of that there are the people whom US military duly massacred. Was My Lai just one of many massacres in Vietnam War? – BBC News All part of a greater plan hatched by a sociopath who had the courage to say “Our policy towards Third World should be one of depopulation”… ….. The sanctions against iraq, which lasted for a decade is estimated to have killed ~5 to 10 million people alone. They encompassed A LOT of what the ordinary iraqi population would need – from medicine to food. The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars The UN commissioners who were tasked with observing the sanctions quit, after seeing what was being done through sanctions. Understandably, it was evident that sanctions targeted the people, not saddam administration – there was no way in hell the administration elite would have difficulty in obtaining anything. …. The US backed puppet dictatorships in South America, who are the origin of the term ‘banana republic’, is another massive case – an estimated ~20 million died there. Started with the first military dictatorship in Brazil and then it went on from there. These people just massacred anyone who did not agree with the dictatorship’s ideas. Leftists, independendists, even jesuit priests who preached solidarity and helping the poor. An extraordinary case is the case of Reagan, who had a specific fondness for sending cia trained hit squads anywhere in the world to kill people with whom US did not agree – activists, environmentalists, politicians, writers, left wing intellectuals, indigenous leaders. And, priests… Jesuit priests who were backed by Vatican, who were preaching solidarity, helping the poor and non materialism. El Salvador: The Truth Commission and the Jesuit Massacre A hit squad trained in Florida School of Americas just went there and massacred Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and children and whomever they found there. …………… The history of US backed dictators, warlords and extremist groups in Africa is more colorful and even more brutal – they even had CANNIBALS among them. friendly dictators This is a rather cheerful list with short stories and the characters. Greater research is easily obtained below: genocides in africa by us backed dictators Africa’s specific position is that, this is a vast area in which us backed dictators did not only not hesitate from engaging in large scale massacres, but also found it easy to do so due to historical ethnic differences in between regions and cultures. …………… The contenders after USA are first the British empire – but this was in the past 200 years. In the latter half of 20th century British empire lost its position to USA, and actually it handed it over consciously as understood by the recently declassified speech of Churchill handing over the task of ‘protectorship of the opulent’ (rich) to the ‘friends’ on the other side of the atlantic. Japan comes after them – a great tally of people in China. They even used biological weapons for it – Flu, to be exact. They dropped flu loaded bombs from bombers. No wonder, one would say, that there are that many Flu variations coming out of China these days. The other entities you listed there are questionable. For USSR, the main claims about atrocities come from angloamerican establishment. So about china. And these generally involve famines or dire situations in which entire countries suffered, which are entirely blamed on these administrations, even countries without much logic. Episode 10. Who Organised the Famine in the USSR in 1932-1933? With the logic being used against these countries, one can easily accuse Hoover administration in USA for genocide against its own people by enforcing the interests of wall street against the survival of its own people – in which many millions died, the exact tally is unknown. Mao’s ethnic cleansing coming from thousands of years old ethnic divisions and biases in chinese society would come afterwards. I dont understand why on earth Russia is in your list. Really doesnt make sense at all.

I only badger bullshit. I badger one of your SMMDI/PD identity/personality posting handles about their EMDR/PTSD bullshit, and low and behold, you pop in on the:”Smack_Rabbitt” and “Homer-Sapien” SMMDI/PD identity/personality posting handles to misdirect and deceive, like a bird feigns being wounded in order to deceive a predator to lure it away from their nest. Just so there is no confusion or uncertainty, the “nest” is being used as a metaphor, which was being used to illustrate your “nest of internet forum troll lies”.

What’s funny, is how much money you just made me, when you “squished” out another “DannyMcDelta thread gem”, as soon as you switched to posting with the “Smack_Rabbitt” SMMDI/PD identity/personality posting handle. Tomorrow is my last day, so I had to get you to do it soon, and I sincerely thank you for being so predictably easy to manipulate 🙂

….when some schizoid posts as “focccl10”, and then the same sxhizoid posts as “Smack_Rabbitt “, and then that schizoid poster tries to make it look as though they are “mortal troll/stalker enemies”, replete with up and down rating the posts they are making.

right. The Goldwater rule prohibits psychiatrist from giving their “professional opinions”. However this does not apply in this case. If the psychiatrist in question, Dr. Prudence L Gourguechon were to say “Trump looks disheveled”, that would have been a professional opinion. She did nothing of the sort. She pointed out a number of qualities field officers should have. Such things as not allowing emotion to guide decision making, or not acting angrily to bad news. She then goes out of her way NOT to offer an opinion but states “we are all free to choose” not once but twice. There fore she did not violate the Goldwater Rule. Smack_Rabbitt is right. I doubt if focccl10 even read the link, if he (or she) did I can’t help but question their reading level. Resources:

repeatedly, constantly, continuously for the lying troll you are. By the way, your sentence is a typo – you meant to say: Dr_Eliza: “^^^ Smack_Rabbitt has nailed me again. So I can only lie and pretend that HE is the troll when it has always been only just me.” And we all know that “Dr_Eliza” is also: 1. A_Dult 2. adsmith 3. A–Hat 4. AnneCiva 5. AnnTeak 6. Aw_Hector 7. BadHotBubbaNoid 8. BassAwkWords 9. BrerNabbit 10. BubuhGanesh 11. BuckarooBonsai 12. ChicoAmigo 13. Chronicidal 14. CL_Helper 15. clustermuck 16. CogGnoses 17. cognut 18. ConTroll 19. Denny_Petaluma 20. Dr_Eliza 21. DrGruntled 22. Eclectricity 23. ElbowGrease 24. Every_One 25. Faxtotum 26. Fee_Fie_FoRum 27. Fhroyd 28. Fo_Mole 29. FoGetIT 30. FollyWog 31. ForuMeister 32. ForumRegular 33. ForumWryter 34. FreakasaurusRx 35. GooGooGoogly 36. HipGnosis 37. ID_Entity 38. ImeU 39. ImSoFlattered 40. InfoDespot 41. ItsAllAbout 42. ItsDyerNotDyer 43. JabberRacket 44. kimmie_kins 45. KnoWay 46. Lurkster 47. Med54321 48. NoDoubtAboutIt 49. NowAWordFromOur 50. OccamShave 51. OttoNommy 52. patroll 53. Payshunt 54. Peering 55. Petroll 56. PH00L 57. Phacts 58. Pheeling 59. PhlipPsyed 60. Pholly 61. Phool 62. Phoole 63. Phorensician 64. Phrankly 65. Phredd 66. PhreeStyle 67. Phrend 68. Phrends 69. Phroid 70. Phun 71. Pol_Potshot 72. PolerBird 73. ProblemNym 74. ProseAndConText 75. ProTherapist 76. Psychialogical 77. PsychoEcologist 78. PsyedPyper 79. Psyentology 80. PsyFo_Troll 81. PsyFoBabble 82. PsynakeOyl 83. Psyneeky 84. Psyologist 85. RamChuck 86. raw_truth 87. redchoir 88. Regular-Fellah 89. Safe_n_Sane 90. Scientrolligist 91. SelphEsque 92. SerenAbFishMemBein 93. SereneSee 94. Shmuck_Rabbit 95. ShrinkRapped 96. silverfish2 97. SimplestSanity 98. SkullDiggery 99. SoothingSayer 100. SparkyBucko 101. StaffLunge 102. SupervisingReplier 103. Sussyjump74 104. SycoBabble 105. The_Real_Jack_Rigg 106. The1stHucksterbee 107. TheForum 108. ThePhinger 109. ThePopularGuy 110. TherapyFun 111. TheTreatment 112. TheTrueAgenda 113. tinytroll-inabox 114. TomRiddle 115. TooQuoque 116. Vow-Wow 117. WhichHunter 118. WhoCouldKnow 119. Willy_Nilly 120. Yes_Another_Handle

Note the use of bold, italic, grammatical structure, and other notable similarities. This particular individual has been hounding drugsuqk and the others on his list for a number of posts now. It’s unfortunate that he suffers from the delusion that he somehow can self-legitimize through a link to and his use of typeface – though perhaps the link is useful in reporting something that does legally qualify as harassment.

Bottom line: Homer-Sapien is an uneducated (about drugs and mental health) troll with a negative agenda, and he (like other paid psychiatry trolls) lies (and exaggerates and misinforms) constantly, despite being educated about the real truth – by many other posters in addition to myself, and even by a few… The ‘real truth’ gives him away; a Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘catch word,” also used by other Cults, these psychotic posts, using multiple criminal alias’ are a cult. …. invested, financially and emotionally, and will probably blame others for his own cult. This troll is invested, financially and emotionally, and will probably blame me for merely pointing out Homer-Sapien has his own little Multiple-Personality cult, being in his mind a Great Leader, but his followers are ‘hallucinations’ as schizo-multiple personality maniacs. phi1osomos Doctor Zebo Bocipherous Dr-Bubba Mr-Frodo BabaGanoush out-of-beer Smack_Rabbitt PhlippedOut FreakasaurusRex Drugsugk PolarBird Sliverbitch2 MadChihuahua Homer-Sapien HotShot09 friggin JackRigg 1: Mud slinger BaBahGanoush & his multiple personalities comes here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental Patients – and anyone who seeks to benefit from life without Illegal Drugs; Psychotropic Drugs are Illegal.. 4: If you stand up to BigPharma that sponsors BaBahGanoush & his multiple personalities and correct misinformation,well-known here for lying and BaBahGanoush et al, will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: well-known here for lying and stalking to commit murder< BaBahGanoush & his multiple personalities believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. Homer-Sapien & his multiple personalities hate-trolls does show signs of mental instability. “There’s two definitions of sanity: one is legal definition, and that is somebody who is so out of it they don’t know the difference between right and wrong,”friggin’ is the troll that thinks he is not, as he believes HE IS GOD. . “Very few people meet that standard. When you’re legally insane, you’re really not functioning. Clinically, medically, usually when we talk about insanity, we mean psychotic, hearing voices, hallucinations.” “There’s two definitions of sanity: one is legal definition, and that is somebody who is so out of it they don’t know the difference between right and wrong,”friggin’ is the troll that thinks he is not, as he believes he IS GOD. . “Very few people meet that standard. When you’re legally insane, you’re really not functioning. Clinically, medically, usually when we talk about insanity, we mean psychotic, hearing voices, hallucinations.” Facts About Delusional Disorder and Cyber-Stalking A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness, although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression. Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a “psychosis” in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated. People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function normally, apart from the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who also might have delusions as a symptom of their disorder. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted.

Simplest Sanity-here is the Simple Reason these trolls make up vile misogynist and hateful lies directed toward women: Explanation: Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is the existence in an individual of two or more distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. At least two of these personalities are considered to routinely take control of the individual’s behavior, and there is also some associated memory loss which is beyond normal forgetfulness. This memory loss is often referred to as “losing time”. These symptoms must occur independently of substance abuse, or a general medical condition. The fact that the woman loves her ice cream, has nothing to do with the lowering of taxes, and therefore, is irrelevant to the argument. Ad hominem attacks are usually made out of desperation when one cannot find a decent counter argument. Again, this person, or this Cult leader, only post to disrupt, demean, hurt, shame, and create reversion, to banish any intelligent person who dares to question their MIME. The Cult operates like the “Manson Family” structure. However, the wonderful thing about this cult, the leader merely set up about a dozen straw-man false names and therefore all his ‘followers’ are Psychotic Alter identities. This is by His Admission —his different servants in his schizophrenic delusional Cult— One Person is all and are These: phi1osomos Doctor Zebo Bocipherous Dr-Bubba Mr-Frodo BabaGanoush out-of-beer Smack_Rabbitt PhlippedOut FreakasaurusRex Drugsugk PolarBird Sliverbitch2 MadChihuahua Homer-Sapien HotShot09 friggin JackRigg -Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is the existence in an individual of two or more distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. At least two of these personalities are considered to routinely take control of the individual’s behavior, and there is also some associated memory loss which is beyond normal forgetfulness. This memory loss is often referred to as “losing time”. These symptoms must occur independently of substance abuse, or a general medical condition

phi1osomos Doctor Zebo Bocipherous there is only one reply to such lower class, nay; non classifiable people who disrupts any and all conversational attempts, & without hurling obscene personal attacks; is to Calmly inform the perpetrator that he is a illogical loser. ad hominem You attacked your opponent’s character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument. Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone’s case without actually having to engage with it. Example: After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn’t married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird. Dr-Bubba Mr-Frodo BabaGanoush out-of-beer Smack_Rabbitt PhlippedOut FreakasaurusRex Drugsugk PolarBird Sliverbitch2 MadChihuahua Homer-Sapien HotShot09 friggin JackRigg

You KNOW you can’t “beat” me all by yourself – you feel you NEED all the help you can get. You are the pretender: you are not hiding your Schizophrenia as a sick MPD who maintains multiple personalities and upon checking the DATES of each one, your psychotic behaviour of multiple personality disorder is a long standing sickness. If you did not utilise your psychotic and contrary disease to harass, incriminate, degrade, threaten, slander and abuse people, you would be a harmless mental nut sack, but snce Reagan shut down all the mental places, such vermin as yourself are crawling like body lice all over the Internets. So fool, are you not, by your own admission, posting under many handles, here: phi1osomos Doctor Zebo Bocipherous Dr-Bubba Mr-Frodo BabaGanoush out-of-beer Smack_Rabbitt PhlippedOut FreakasaurusRex Drugsugk PolarBird Sliverbitch2 MadChihuahua Homer-Sapien HotShot09 friggin JackRigg

over six years. I KNOW him (without any doubt) by what he posts and the way he posts it. Additionally, he even told people he “had to get a new handle” because his old one got banned. He, of course, tried to blame me for getting it banned (I’ve flagged his posts, but it takes several DIFFERENT posters complaining to get anyone’s handle banned). (To avoid confusion, I also post as BaBahGanoush, out-of-beer, Smack_Rabbitt, Homer-Sapien and a few other handles). I understand letting people express their opinions, but drugsuqk doesn’t just express opinions, he is (like the other antipsychiatry trolls) on a crusade to sabotage people who are trying to get help and feedback here by essentially demanding that everyone ignore their doctors and stop taking ALL meds. Considering the FACT that he does NOT have ANY education, knowledge, experience, or training – and he is NOT any kind of mental health professional … he does NOT know what he’s talking about. Yet he keeps trying to convince people he does – and for those who DO know these things, he is OBVIOUSLY incorrect. By posting here what he does, he is being not only irresponsible and disingenuous, he is also actually attempting to influence people to do things that COULD be harmful or even fatal. I don’t understand why people actually defend these antipsychiatry trolls. This is the psychology forum – NOT the antipsychiatry forum. If people want to preach antipsychiatry, they can start their own forum, and stop trolling this one. People come here for feedback, advice, help, and to exchange USEFUL messages – NOT to read about disgruntled malcontents bashing meds and the mental health field with exaggerations, lies, distortions, and personal bias and hate. Nor do they come here to be attacked and assaulted by antipsychiatry trolls who know nothing but bias, hate and prejudice, and have an irrational vendetta against a field they really don’t even understand.

I’ve decided it’s time to help people understand that a large number of posts on this forum are actually created by the same person using multiple handles. If others out there would like to add to my list of aliases used by Doctor Zebo please feel free. Here is just a start. Doctor Zebo is also Bocipherous who is also Dr-Bubba who is also Mr-Frodo who is also BabaGanoush who is also out-of-beer who is also Smack_Rabbitt who is also PhlippedOut who is also FreakasaurusRex who is also Drugsugk who is also PolarBird who is also Sliverbitch2 who is also MadChihuahua who is also Homer-Sapien who is also HotShot09 who is also friggin who is also JackRigg who is also … you add some.

Honestly speaking drug companies and doctors have been misrepresenting these drugs for as long as they have been in existence. Honestly speaking people taking these drugs are falsely convinced that their problems are not simple and easily fixed with a change in psychology but that they are something more serious and neurological requiring neurological drugs. Honestly speaking any drug that disrupts the neurology of your brain is a prescription for suicide because that’s how painful it is to be on these drugs. Honestly speaking psychiatrists pretend to be stupid and not know these things but the fact is that they know them full well and they use these drugs to make people suicidal. Honestly speaking you Smack Rabbitt are a real piece of garbage who finds enjoyment in seeing others in pain.

(allowing for handle changes) and then…. “Ganondorf” just posted to someone elsewhere: > no citations. > No sources listed for the Dr. Rieger’s studies, or of the > study itself, just a handful of references And IT just posted elsewhere here (as “Smack_Rabbitt)…. > Note how “Psyologist” posts “disconnected” quotes … no source, > no attribution – just mangled, jiggered, unsourced “quotes” … Proof Positive!

FreakasaurusRex, (I only have two handles with “freakasaurus” in them), but if you think I’m “Rants” – no, I’m not. Issat whatcha wuz thinkin’?

handles AGAIN? TO ALL NEW POSTERS: If you get a post from < Smack_Rabbitt > 2014-08-28 23:12 ANY of these handles: it’s a 99% probability you are being trolled bu this forum’s most heinous pathological LIAR and mega-troll. (Hie more recently used handles are bolded): 1. A_Dult 2. adsmith 3. AnneCiva 4. Aw_Hector 5. BadHotBubbaNoid 6. BassAwkWords 7. BrerNabbit 8. BubuhGanesh 9. BuckarooBonsai 10. ChicoAmigo 10. Chronicidal 11. CL_Helper 12. clustermuck 13. CogGnoses 14. cognut 15. ConTroll 16. Denny_Petaluma 17. DrGruntled 18. Eclectricity 19. ElbowGrease 20. Every_One 21. Faxtotum 22. Fee_Fie_FoRum 23. FoGetIT 24. FollyWog 25. ForuMeister 26. ForumRegular 27. ForumWryter 28. HipGnosis 29. ID_Entity 30. ImeU 31. InfoDespot 32. ItsAllAbout 33. ItsDyerNotDyer 34. JabberRacket 35. kimmie_kins 36. KnoWay 37. Lurkster 38. Med54321 39. NoDoubtAboutIt 40. NowAWordFromOur 41. OccamShave 42. OttoNommy 43. patroll 44. Payshunt 45. Peering 46. PH00L 47. Phacts 48. Pheeling 49. PhlipPsyed 50. Pholly 51. Phool 52. Phoole 53. Phorensician 54. Phrankly 55. Phredd 56. PhreeStyle 57. Phrend 58. Phrends 59. Phroid 60. Phun 61 . Pol_Potshot 62. ProseAndConText 63. ProTherapist 64. Psychialogical 65. PsyedPyper 66. Psyentology 67. PsyFo_Troll 68. PsyFoBabble 69. PsynakeOyl 70. Psyneeky 71. Psyologist 72. raw_truth 73. Regular-Fellah 74. Safe_n_Sane 75. Scientrolligist 76. SelphEsque 77. SerenAbFishMemBein 78. SereneSee 79. ShrinkRapped 80. silverfish2 81. SoothingSayer 82. SparkyBucko 83. StaffLunge 84. SupervisingReplier 85. Sussyjump74 86. SycoBabble 87. The_Real_Jack_Rigg 88. The1stHucksterbee 89. ThePhinger 90. TherapyFun 91. TheTreatment 92. TheTrueAgenda 93. tinytroll-inabox 94. TomRiddle 95. TooQuoque 96. Vow-Wow 97. WhichHunter 98. WhoCouldKnow 99. Willy_Nilly 100. IAmSoFlattered 101. FreakasaurusRx 102. PolerBird 103. Fo_Mole (Most newly revealed deceitful handle) 104. ProblemNym 105. ThePopularGuy 106. SimplestSanity 107. TheForum 108 Petroll 109. RamChuck 110. A–Hat 111. PsychoEcologist 112. redchoir>/b> 113. Yes_Another_Handle 114. AnnTeak

Here, IT’s using just ONE of ITs numerous “IMP”(osture) handles. These are handles IT creates to mock ITs named targets, and has ADMITTED to doing so to “troll” (ITs own term) and “bother” people. In this case, the “out-of-beer” handle is a mockery of ITs target: “out-of-here”. ITs “StinkRapped” IMP is to mock ITs target: “ShrinkRapped”. ITs “PsyedPooper” IMP is to mock ITs target: “PsyedPyper” ITs “ID-Entity” IMP is to mock ITs target: “ID_Entity”. ITs “JackRigg” IMP is seemingly to mock a real person: “Jack Rigg” who IT believes IT stalked successfully far outside of this forum. ITs also gone to similar lengths to stalk and harass and cause others problems/harm “IRL”, ITs term for “in real life”. IT regularly also does so with COUNTLESS other handles, most recently using a lot of: FreakasaurusRex Freak-A-Saurus Mal_Adapted Smack-Rabbitt and others IT has bragged about ITs ability to pass as “other people” unbeknownst to many, but has also been caught using two or more handles even in dialogue with ITself. Being a troll, naturally IT accuses others of what IT does. Be careful of this one. Not only has IT stalked/adversely attacked others elsewhere, but has many, many times expressed ITs extreme “hate”, very violent inclinations and/or especially lurid, perverse sexual fantasies.

Here, IT’s using just ONE of ITs numerous “IMP”(osture) handles. These are handles IT creates to mock ITs named targets, and has ADMITTED to doing so to “troll” (ITs own term) and “bother” people. In this case, the “out-of-beer” handle is a mockery of ITs target: “out-of-here”. ITs “StinkRapped” IMP is to mock ITs target: “ShrinkRapped”. ITs “PsyedPooper” IMP is to mock ITs target: “PsyedPyper” ITs “ID-Entity” IMP is to mock ITs target: “ID_Entity”. ITs “JackRigg” IMP is seemingly to mock a real person: “Jack Rigg” who IT believes IT stalked successfully far outside of this forum. ITs also gone to similar lengths to stalk and harass and cause others problems/harm “IRL”, ITs term for “in real life”. IT regularly also does so with COUNTLESS other handles, most recently using a lot of: FreakasaurusRex Freak-A-Saurus Mal_Adapted Smack-Rabbitt and others IT has bragged about ITs ability to pass as “other people” unbeknownst to many, but has also been caught using two or more handles even in dialogue with ITself. Being a troll, naturally IT accuses others of what IT does. Be careful of this one. Not only has IT stalked/adversely attacked others elsewhere, but has many, many times expressed ITs extreme “hate”, very violent inclinations and/or especially lurid, perverse sexual fantasies.

posting in here are actually just the same person that posts with handles such as: 007Bubba BaBahGanush Bad_Ass07 BadAss00007 BadAss0007 BadAss007 BadAss06 BadAss07 BadHotBubbaWhack bastid bumstrap cdb4444 Dr_Guy Dr_Johnson DrBubba DrParker DrSlick DrSlicker Drugsugk Flatulizer Fraud4Life Freak-A-Saurus Freakasaurus FreakasaurusRex ghetto_ho Hemo_Prrhoid Hemophrroid HipGnoses Homer_Sectional HOTSHOT06 HOTSHOT07 HotShot08 HotShot09 I_See_Dumb_People ICDumbPeople Im_Not_Lieing InfoDepot ISeeDumbPeople JackRigg JasperZax Knight4Life MadChihuahua Mal_Adapted me-xenu Mr-Frodo MrFrodo Oo_IT_oO out-of-beer PhlippedOut Phraud Phrend_SUCKS Phrendly PolarBird Prozac Prozac2 Psycho-Active PsyedPooper pudgy45 RackJabbitt Ramcheck robotkytten ScientologyIsACult sliverbitch2 Smack_Rabbitt StinkRapped surviverx2 WhackADoodle Etc. Etc. Etc.

And there’s no mental illness, much as you might want to think so. As I said, you are new, so you don’t know about patroll/BassAwkWords, etc. Obviously, you can make your own judgment, but you should actually lurk or learn more about the “players” here before you jump to judgment. That is what intelligent people do, and you seem intelligent.

she never had a basement. So I guess you have to stand there and be exposed as a liar, yet again. And what’s to “deny” Anthony? I’m not the one sitting on his ass typing lies into the forum; YOU are. (Oops! You just busted yourself again). And what, exactly, IS my “illness” Anthony? Let’s see what new lie you’ll make up here. (I predict you’ll just chichkenshit out again and not even respond, because you KNOW you’re a liar.) I am indeed online ALMOST every day Anthony. Gee, guess how many times I’ve actually done the COURTESY of explaining that to IDIOTS like yourself. How easily and quickly you “forget” eh? Or, rather, we see how quick you are to lie again. Oops! BUSTED in ANOTHER lie in the very same post! (And you try to tell people you DON’T lie? Then WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING RIGHT HERE, Anthony, you fraud? Oh, that’s right you’re LYING — again). Uh, YES dick-head, I DO post under multiple handles, as I’ve explained, openly, MANY times. Ask ANY of the “old-timers”. The honest ones can verify that. You poor little bitch, you’re desperately grasping at straws, trying to be “insulting”. *LOL* I’m just laughing at you, Anthony. You are hilariously stupid and dishonest! Smack_Rabbitt IS my handle, 4pharma is not. But I’ve told you that already Anthony you stupid ass. But you ARE so incredibly STUPID that you actually DO think I’m damned near EVERYONE!!!! I don’t HAVE to prove that you are STUPID, Anthony. You are doing a BANG-UP job of it right here! You poor little pussy!

results per page: 10 30 100

Looking over your posting history, you have < BadHotBubbaWhack >

a consistent pattern of posting totally nonsensical posts, often having nothing whatsoever to to with the posts you respond to.

One would question if you even have any clue what you are talking about.

Looking over your posting history, you have < DannyMcDeIta >

nothing to make you elavate yourself….your threats of voilence and nasty trash talking puts you on a lever of a shit eating bondage faggot, don’t you hang out at ‘Kink” in SF on Massion Street…the Armory of Scat Slaves?

Your highest level is below a Klux Klux Kluan White Chritern Cross Burning Trump Supporter, your ability to Make Up Lies out from your Rectum is equill to Trump, are you a Piss Boy to a Daddy Bear that acts like Trump?

Just saying…


. Pretty sure he meant Bed Bugs < DannyMcDeIta >

But this is not an ordinary case. In July, a judge found Gallagher, 63, not guilty of murder by reason of mental illness. He since has been committed to the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter. Reached by phone on Monday, Gallagher said he wanted the money to “help out with expenses after my mother’s death.”

This is where I live now, Grannie54

When it appeared that bedbugs were infesting his 89-year-old mother’s apartment, the Minneapolis man believed “there was no way out.” Fearing she would be evicted from her home, he decided to “send her to heaven,” according to court records, striking her with a sculpture of himself, smothering her with a pillow and suffocating her to death.

More than a year after admitting to killing his mother, Michael Gallagher is trying to get her life insurance.

It would be a clear-cut case if Gallagher had been found guilty. According to a Minnesota statute often referred to as the “slayer statute,” a surviving heir who “feloniously and intentionally kills the decedent is not entitled to any benefits under the will.”

The wrinkle in the case is that he was not convicted. Although there was no doubt that Gallagher killed his mother, a judge ruled in July he was not guilty by reason of mental illness, stating he “was unable to understand that his actions were wrong.”

Given this fact, it “does leave the door open for him to make the claim,” Jim Reichert, who represented Gallagher during his criminal case, told the Star Tribune.

The case has left a court with a baffling question: If a man clearly killed his mother but was not convicted, is he still entitled to his inherited benefits? Unable to find a judicial precedent, insurance company Horace Mann, which holds the policy, filed a lawsuit in Hennepin County District Court against Gallagher last week in an attempt to block his claim, the Star Tribune reported.

Gallagher’s mother, Patricia Gallagher, listed her son as the primary beneficiary of her life insurance policy for about $3,600. If the court decides that he should not receive the money, Horace Mann said the mother listed two brothers as contingent beneficiaries.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas in 2015, Gallagher became “increasingly delusional, obsessive, depressed, hopeless, and frantic,” according to court records. A week before his mother’s death, he tried to commit suicide, taking two-thirds of a bottle of pills, he told authorities. It was not his first time battling mental health issues — in 1991 he was hospitalized for one month at the University of Minnesota and treated with shock therapy.

He became convinced that his mother’s apartment was infested by bedbugs, even though the landlord had inspected the home and found no evidence of them. He also worried that his mother was experiencing Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. Gallagher was so stressed that he could no longer work at his job as a lawyer and chose to work at a temporary agency instead.

In an attempt to get rid of what he believed was a bedbug infestation, he said he treated his mother’s apartment with a chemical, according to a criminal complaint. Gallagher became convinced that he had tainted the Twin Cities’ water supply with the pesticide he used, even mailing the landlord a letter informing him of the possible contamination and of the bedbug infestation.

He said his attempts to remedy the eviction “created a nightmare” and a “vicious circle” of desperation and guilt. He feared that after the landlord read the letter, his mother would be evicted. Since he “didn’t have the resources” to find alternative housing for his mother, he decided to “spare her the pain of the eviction.”

“It was an impossible situation,” he said, according to court records. “There was no way out so I was going to send her to Heaven and spare her the problems of the impossible situation we were in.”

When he was helping his mother clean her apartment Dec. 18, 2015, he climbed on top of her, held her down and hit her five times with the sculpture, according to the criminal complaint.

The woman called out for her own deceased mother, asking him to stop. After that didn’t kill her, he grabbed a pillow and tried to smother her with it. He put both hands on her neck and strangled her. Then, finally, he grabbed a garbage bag and held it over her face.

Five hours after her death, he called 911.

More results for your search for “Grannie49”:

(like “patroll”) to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude IslandGhost072770 engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with him and/or argues contrary to his antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, he spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. IslandGhost072770 – at this writing (5/24/2016) he is a brand new arrival and one thing that is clear is that he is also an antipsychiatry believer. Don’t know much more about him at this point. It is not known yet if he will be a contributor/participant or an AP/Co$ troll … The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

psychiatry troll. Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude IslandGhost072770 engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with him and/or argues contrary to his antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, he spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. IslandGhost072770 – at this writing (5/24/2016) he is a brand new arrival and one thing that is clear is that he is also an antipsychiatry believer. Don’t know much more about him at this point. It is not known yet if he will be a contributor/participant or an AP/Co$ troll … The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

my handle. It is one of several “imp” handles from the troll who uses all these handles, too: freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer

When one exchanges posts with an antipsychiatry proponent here, (like spiritdude and others) the conversations tend to get polarized: “either you’re PRO drug and PRO psychiatry, or you are anti-drug or antipsychiatry” … and that is just not accurate. AP/Co$ (antipsychiatry/”Church” of $cientology) trolls like spiritdude, drugsuqk, Psyologist with over 115 handles, the filth and gibberish-spewing “JohnnyJazz” (aka HebrewHobo, grannie49, freak-a-sister, JohnnyJazz, MS-13, TijuanaHobo2, DannyMcDe1ta and several other handles) … label ANYONE who disagrees with them as “trolls”, “drug-pushers”, “You work for Big Pharma”, and a lot of other completely untrue labels and “accusations.” They do this, of course, to try to “character assassinate” me and whomever they direct their vile lies at and to try to discredit me/us. I am NOT pro-psychiatry or pro-drug – but, rather, I am pro-TRUTH. And truth is something these (aforementioned) antipsychiatry trolls do NOT ascribe to. They exaggerate, twist, jigger (dishonestly edit) quotes and cites, post Scientology videos (Scientology is a known family-wrecking, law-breaking, lying cult that campaigns to “destroy” psychiatry – and the mental health field in general), use other antipsychiatry propagandists as “sources,” and outright blatantly lie – with the expectation that people are somehow stupid enough to believe them. As I said, I am pro-truth. I want people to know that drugs do have side effects, sometimes severe – but those side effects are problematic for a comparatively tiny fraction of the people who take them. These antipsychiatry trolls want you to believe ALL drugs ALWAYS have SEVERE side effects for EVERYONE who takes them, and that these side effects get worse as time goes on … and that is just a flat-out lie. drugsuqk wants you to believe these drugs “cause pain” and “create chemical imbalances” (which is dishonest, and he constantly uses loaded statements and weasel-wording meant to try to scare people away from drugs that CAN help them – and HAVE helped millions). If what these AP/Co$ trolls say about drugs and the mental health field were true, the drugs would be banned and the mental health field scrapped … but that isn’t going to happen because what these AP/Co$ trolls keep claiming is BOGUS and LIES. These uneducated, untrained, NON-expert, low-to-no actual knowledge trolls want people to believe THEM over educated, trained, experienced, credentialed experts and professionals (doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, licensed clinical social workers, etc.) – and that’s just plain ludicrous and insane. And what these trolls post is NOT the truth AT ALL. You can confidently be CERTAIN what these AP/Co$ trolls post is 98% lies – in the form of jiggered cites, dishonestly edited quotes, grossly exaggerated negtives, fabricated tales, falsified “data,” misdiretion and misinformation – and outright lies. And, in their constant trolling and attacking everyone who is NOT an antipsychiatry goon – they try to polarize discussions into either you’re with them or you are their enemy – which, of course, is a ridiculously grossly biased – and quite wrong – and frankly stupid way to think. That’s a very important point that NONE of the AP/Co$ bobble-heads seem capable of grasping. To them, and their limited mental capacities, you are either with them or you’re against them. And, again, that’s THEIR bullshit alone – not anyone else’s. People are entitled to their opinions. If they, PERSONALLY do not like drugs or psychiatry or the mental health system, that’s their prerogative to not partake of them. No … significant … complaints here. It is NOT their right to demand that others stop or refuse to consider medications and/or treatments that CAN (and DO) help. MY complaints start when THEY try to coercively impose their biases onto everyone else, and when they “crusade” to bash the mental health field, its practitioners, all therapies and approaches, and the people here who speak favorably of drugs/mental health system – and they do so by spreading lies and dishonest, bias-and-hate-driven, untruthful propaganda. MOST antipsychiatry proponents, when actually challenged, do NOT have any significant actual knowledge about the field OR drugs, and tend to repeat and grossly exaggerate ONLY the negative propaganda they read in biased media sources (while intentionally ignoring anything positive about the mental health field or medications), the negative pieces aired by so-called “professionals” who (for whatever crazy reason) have adopted an antipsychiatry stance (and have thereby alienated themselves from the field), and the disgustingly dishonest videos put up onto youtube by the CCHR (Scientology), and other antipsychiatry sub/counter-culture cults. What I object to is the stigma these liars promote through their biased ignorance which, on a large scale, actually discourages people from getting help who NEED it. In too many cases, antipsychiatry beliefs have led to serious problems and even (many) deaths. And antipsychiatry is what these irresponsible trolls preach and try to force upon everyone here. Antipsychiatry is, at BEST, pseudo-science fueled by bias – it is a gross exaggeration of negatives (making mountains out of molehills), and outright lies – and does a grave disservice to those suffering from mental illness. These trolls try constantly to force-feed THEIR irrational, negative and dishonest bullshit onto people … and NO ONE should EVER trust ANYTHING these trolls say – about drugs, about the mental health field OR about other posters THEY started and perpetuate conflict with. They SHOULD be flagged and reported to We don’t need their hate, derision, lies, insults, denigration, bigotry and stigma here.

Please flag and report antipsychiatry trolls to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude IslandGhost072770 engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spend 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with him and/or argues contrary to his beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, he spreads almost verbatim antipsychiatry propaganda. IslandGhost072770 – at this writing (5/24/2016) he is a brand new arrival and one thing that is clear is that he is also an antipsychiatry believer. Don’t know much more about him at this point. It is not known yet if he will be a contributor/participant or an AP/Co$ troll …

antipsychiatry proponent troll here, the conversations tend to get polarized: “either you’re PRO drug or PRO psychiatry, or you are anti-drug or antipsychiatry” … and that is just not accurate. AP/Co$ (antipsychiatry/”Church” of $cientology) trolls like drugsuqk, Psyologist with over 115 handles, the filth and gibberish-spewing “JohnnyJazz” (aka HebrewHobo, grannie49, freak-a-sister, JohnnyJazz, MS-13, TijuanaHobo2, DannyMcDe1ta and several other handles) … label ANYONE who disagrees with them as “trolls”, “drug-pushers”, “You work for Big Pharma”, and a lot of other completely untrue labels and “accusations.” They do this, of course, to try to “character assassinate” me and whomever they direct their vile lies at to try to discredit them. I am NOT pro-psychiatry or pro-drug – but, rather, I am pro-TRUTH. And truth is something these (aforementioned) antipsychiatry trolls do NOT ascribe to. They exaggerate, twist, jigger (dishonestly edit) quotes and cites, post Scientology videos (Scientology is a known family-wrecking, law-breaking, lying cult that campaigns to “destroy” psychiatry – and the mental health field in general), use other antipsychiatry propagandists as “sources,” and outright blatantly lie – with the expectation that people are somehow stupid enough to believe them. As I said, I am pro-truth. I want people to know that drugs do have side effects, sometimes severe – but those side effects are problematic for a comparatively very tiny fraction of the people who take them. These antipsychiatry trolls want you to believe ALL drugs ALWAYS have SEVERE side effects for EVERYONE who takes them, and that these side effects get worse as time goes on … and that’s just a flat-out lie. drugsuqk wants you to believe these drugs “cause pain” and “create chemical imbalances” (which is dishonest, loaded statements and weasel-wording meant to try to scare people away from drugs that CAN help them – and HAVE helped millions). If what these AP/Co$ trolls say about drugs and the mental health field were true, the drugs would be banned and the mental health field scrapped … but that isn’t going to happen because what these AP/Co$ trolls keep claiming is BOGUS and LIES. These uneducated, untrained, NON-expert, low-to-no actual knowledge trolls want people to believe THEM over educated, trained, experienced, credentialed experts and professionals (doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, licenses clinical social workers, etc.) – and that’s just plain ludicrous and insane. And what these trolls post is NOT the truth AT ALL. You can confidently be CERTAIN what these AP/Co$ trolls post is 98% lies. And, in their constant trolling and attacking everyone who is NOT an antipsychiatry goon – they try to polarize discussions into either you’re with them or you are their enemy – which, of course, is a ridiculously grossly biased – and quite wrong – and frankly stupid way to think. That’s a very important point that NONE of the AP/Co$ bobble-heads seem capable of grasping. To them, and their limited mental capacities, you are either with them or you’re against them. And, again, that’s THEIR bullshit alone – not anyone else’s. People are entitled to their opinions. If they, PERSONALLY do not like drugs or psychiatry or the mental health system, that’s their prerogative to not partake of them. No … significant … complaints here. It is NOT their right to demand that others stop or refuse to consider medications and/or treatments that CAN (and DO) help. MY complaints start when THEY try to coercively impose their biases onto everyone else, and when they “crusade” to bash the mental health field, its practitioners, all therapies and approaches, and the people here who speak favorably of drugs/mental health system – and they do so by spreading lies and dishonest, bias-and-hate-driven, untruthful propaganda. MOST antipsychiatry proponents, when actually challenged, do NOT have any significant actual knowledge about the field OR drugs, and tend to repeat and grossly exaggerate ONLY by the negative propaganda they read in biased media sources (while intentionally ignoring anything positive about the mental health field or medications), the negative pieces aired by so-called “professionals” who (for whatever crazy reason) have adopted an antipsychiatry stance (and have thereby alienated themselves from the field), and the disgustingly dishonest videos put up onto youtube by the CCHR (Scientology). What I object to is the stigma these liars promote through their biased ignorance which, on a large scale, actually discourages people from getting help who NEED it. In too many cases, antipsychiatry beliefs have led to serious problems and even (many) deaths. And antipsychiatry is what these irresponsible trolls preach and try to force upon everyone here. Antipsychiatry is, at BEST, pseudo-science fueled by bias – it is a gross exaggeration of negatives (making mountains out of molehills), and does a grave disservice to those suffering from mental illness. These trolls try to force-feed THEIR irrational, negative and dishonest bullshit onto people … and NO ONE should EVER trust ANYTHING these trolls say – about drugs, about the mental health field OR about other posters THEY started and perpetuate conflict with. They SHOULD be flagged and reported to We don’t need their hate, derision, lies, insults, denigration, bigotry and stigma here.

“trained ankle-biter trolls” (uneducated, know-nothing “drugsuqk” and Lying “DannyMcDe1ta” – the dirty, filthy, schiz’tarded, pee-smelling street trash bum) to attack me for exposing the REAL truth about them and their lord and (Puppet)Master Psyologist … DannyMcDe1ta (who also posts as: freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi is a particularly heinous liar and severely demented, disgusting, vulgar, criminally insane, forum-flooding shit-troll.

babbling street filth “DannyMcDe1ta” (which is, by the way, an imposter handle of another person). You AND your sick, disgusting, vulgar, lying, filthy disciple (who also goes by freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi) are the most disgusting, lying, intentionally harassing, (wanna-be) injurious, malicious, trolling antipsychiatry vermin in this forum. NOTHING you, your filthy street bum OR drugstupid cult disciples post here is truthful and all three of you should have long ago been permanently banned from this forum – including every last one of your email accounts and handles. I urge people reading this to flag and report these three antipsychiatry trolls to – and to do so repeatedly and tenaciously until they either stop trolling, or are gone.

When one exchanges posts with an antipsychiatry proponent here, the conversations tend to get polarized: “either you’re PRO drug or PRO psychiatry, or you are anti-drug or antipsychiatry” … and that is just not accurate. AP/Co$ (antipsychiatry/”Church” of $cientology) trolls like drugsuqk, Psyologist with over 115 handles, the filth and gibberish-spewing “JohnnyJazz” (aka HebrewHobo, grannie49, freak-a-sister, JohnnyJazz, MS-13, TijuanaHobo2 and several other handles), hatchet4ratchet – another schizophrenic, verbose trolling stalker … label ANYONE who disagrees with them as “trolls”, “drug-pushers”, “You work for Big Pharma”, and a lot of other completely untrue labels and “accusations.” They do this, of course, to try to “character assassinate” me and whomever they direct their vile lies at to try to discredit them. I am NOT pro-psychiatry or pro-drug – but, rather, I am pro-TRUTH. And truth is something these (aforementioned) antipsychiatry trolls do NOT ascribe to. They exaggerate, twist, jigger (dishonestly edit) quotes and cites, post Scientology videos (Scientology is a known family-wrecking, law-breaking, lying cult that campaigns to “destroy” psychiatry – and the mental health field in general), use other antipsychiatry propagandists as “sources,” and outright blatantly lie (with the expectation that people are stupid enough to believe them). As I said, I am pro-truth. I want people to know that drugs do have side effects, sometimes severe – but those side effects are problematic for a comparatively very tiny fraction of the people who take them. These antipsychiatry trolls want you to believe ALL drugs ALWAYS have SEVERE side effects for EVERYONE who takes them, and that these side effects get worse as time goes on … and that’s just a flat-out lie. drugsuqk wants you to believe these drugs “cause pain” and “create chemical imbalances” (which is dishonest, loaded statements and weasel-wording meant to try to scare people away from drugs that CAN help them – and HAVE helped millions). If what these AP/Co$ trolls say about drugs and the mental health field were true, the drugs would be banned and the mental health field scrapped … but that isn’t going to happen because what these AP/Co$ trolls keep claiming is BOGUS and LIES. These uneducated, untrained, NON-expert, low-to-no actual knowledge trolls want people to believe THEM over educated, trained, experienced, credentialed, experts and professionals (doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, licenses clinical social workers, etc.) – and that’s just plain ludicrous and insane. And what these trolls post is NOT the truth AT ALL. You be CERTAIN what these AP/Co$ trolls post is 98% lies. And, in their constant trolling and attacking everyone who is NOT an antipsychiatry goon – they try to polarize discussions into either you’re with them or you are their enemy – which, of course, is a ridiculously grossly biased – and quite wrong – way to think. That’s a very important point that NONE of the AP/Co$ bobble-heads seem capable of grasping. To them, and their limited mental capacities, you are either with them or you’re against them. And, again, that’s THEIR bullshit alone – not anyone else’s. People are entitled to their opinions. If they, PERSONALLY do not like drugs or psychiatry or the mental health system, that’s their prerogative to not partake of them. No … significant … complaints here. It is NOT their right to demand that others stop or refuse to consider medications and/or treatments that CAN (and DO) help. MY complaints start when THEY try to coercively impose their biases onto everyone else, and when they “crusade” to bash the mental health field, its practitioners, all therapies and approaches, and the people here who speak favorably of drugs/mental health system – and they do so by spreading lies and dishonest, bias-and-hate-driven, untruthful propaganda. MOST antipsychiatry proponents, when actually challenged, do NOT have any significant actual knowledge about the field OR drugs, and tend to go ONLY by the negative propaganda they read in the media (while intentionally ignoring anything positive about the mental health field or medications), the negative pieces aired by so-called “professionals” who (for whatever crazy reason) have adopted an antipsychiatry stance (and have thereby alienated themselves from the field), and the disgustingly dishonest videos put up onto youtube by the CCHR (Scientology). What I object to is the stigma these liars promote through their biased ignorance which, on a large scale, actually discourages people who NEED help from getting it. In too many cases, antipsychiatry beliefs have led to serious problems and even (many) deaths. Antipsychiatry is, at BEST, pseudo-science fueled by bias – it is a gross exaggeration of negatives (making mountains out of molehills), and does a grave disservice to those suffering from mental illness. These trolls try to force-feed THEIR irrational, negative and dishonest bullshit onto people … and NO ONE should EVER trust ANYTHING these trolls say – about drugs, about the mental health field OR about other posters THEY started and perpetuate conflict with. They SHOULD be flagged and reported to We don’t need their hate, derision, lies, insults, denigration, bigotry and stigma here.

He also posts as JohnnyJazz, HebrewHobo, DannyMcDe1ta, MS-13, freak-a-sissy, grannie49, Freak-A-Sabrus, ElijahRabinProphet, HebrewHobo2, TijuanaHobo, and others. Have you seen the sick, gross, horrible things he has posted? This is one sick, sick individual and I don’t mean just from mental illness. Please flag this vile, evil person and report him to cl staff. also report him here: Why do we let this kind of sick person abuse so many others all the time?

When one exchanges posts with an antipsychiatry proponent here, the conversations tend to get polarized: “either you’re PRO drug or PRO psychiatry, or you are anti-drug or antipsychiatry” … and that is just not accurate. AP/Co$ (antipsychiatry/”Church” of $cientology) trolls like drugsuqk, Psyologist with over 115 handles, the filth and gibberish-spewing “JohnnyJazz” (aka HebrewHobo, grannie49, freak-a-sister, JohnnyJazz, MS-13, TijuanaHobo2 and several other handles), hatchet4ratchet – another schizophrenic, verbose trolling stalker … label ANYONE who disagrees with them as “trolls”, “drug-pushers”, “You work for Big Pharma”, and a lot of other completely untrue labels and “accusations.” They do this, of course, to try to “character assassinate” me and whomever they direct their vile lies at to try to discredit them. I am NOT pro-psychiatry or pro-drug – but, rather, I am pro-TRUTH. And truth is something these (aforementioned) antipsychiatry trolls do NOT ascribe to. They exaggerate, twist, jigger (dishonestly edit) quotes and cites, post Scientology videos (Scientology is a known family-wrecking, law-breaking, lying cult that campaigns to “destroy” psychiatry – and the mental health field in general), use other antipsychiatry propagandists as “sources,” and outright blatantly lie (with the expectation that people are stupid enough to believe them). As I said, I am pro-truth. I want people to know that drugs do have side effects, sometimes severe – but those side effects are problematic for a comparatively very tiny fraction of the people who take them. These antipsychiatry trolls want you to believe ALL drugs ALWAYS have SEVERE side effects for EVERYONE who takes them, and that these side effects get worse as time goes on … and that’s just a flat-out lie. drugsuqk wants you to believe these drugs “cause pain” and “create chemical imbalances” (which is dishonest, loaded statements and weasel-wording meant to try to scare people away from drugs that CAN help them – and HAVE helped millions). If what these AP/Co$ trolls say about drugs and the mental health field were true, the drugs would be banned and the mental health field scrapped … but that isn’t going to happen because what these AP/Co$ trolls keep claiming is BOGUS and LIES. These uneducated, untrained, NON-expert, low-to-no actual knowledge trolls want people to believe THEM over educated, trained, experienced, credentialed, experts and professionals (doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, licenses clinical social workers, etc.) – and that’s just plain ludicrous and insane. And what these trolls post is NOT the truth AT ALL. You be CERTAIN what these AP/Co$ trolls post is 98% lies. And, in their constant trolling and attacking everyone who is NOT an antipsychiatry goon – they try to polarize discussions into either you’re with them or you are their enemy – which, of course, is a ridiculously grossly biased – and quite wrong – way to think. That’s a very important point that NONE of the AP/Co$ bobble-heads seem capable of grasping. To them, and their limited mental capacities, you are either with them or you’re against them. And, again, that’s THEIR bullshit alone – not anyone else’s. People are entitled to their opinions. If they, PERSONALLY do not like drugs or psychiatry or the mental health system, that’s their prerogative to not partake of them. No … significant … complaints here. It is NOT their right to demand that others stop or refuse to consider medications and/or treatments that CAN (and DO) help. MY complaints start when THEY try to coercively impose their biases onto everyone else, and when they “crusade” to bash the mental health field, its practitioners, all therapies and approaches, and the people here who speak favorably of drugs/mental health system – and they do so by spreading lies and dishonest, bias-and-hate-driven, untruthful propaganda. MOST antipsychiatry proponents, when actually challenged, do NOT have any significant actual knowledge about the field OR drugs, and tend to go ONLY by the negative propaganda they read in the media (while intentionally ignoring anything positive about the mental health field or medications), the negative pieces aired by so-called “professionals” who (for whatever crazy reason) have adopted an antipsychiatry stance (and have thereby alienated themselves from the field), and the disgustingly dishonest videos put up onto youtube by the CCHR (Scientology). What I object to is the stigma these liars promote through their biased ignorance which, on a large scale, actually discourages people who NEED help from getting it. In too many cases, antipsychiatry beliefs have led to serious problems and even (many) deaths. Antipsychiatry is, at BEST, pseudo-science fueled by bias – it is a gross exaggeration of negatives (making mountains out of molehills), and does a grave disservice to those suffering from mental illness. These trolls try to force-feed THEIR irrational, negative and dishonest bullshit onto people … and NO ONE should EVER trust ANYTHING these trolls say – about drugs, about the mental health field OR about other posters THEY started and perpetuate conflict with. They SHOULD be flagged and reported to We don’t need their hate, derision, lies, insults, denigration, bigotry and stigma here.

that babbling nutcase fucktard HebrewHobo????? *ROTFLMAO* You were “detained” on a psycho hold, that YOU ADMITTED, yourself, you lying wimp-ass pussy. And no, you babbling, stupid ass fool, I never claimed to be pro-anything. You fucking DUMB trolls love to put words in other peoples’ mouths, don’t you! That IS a sign of desperate stupidity, and you are desperately stupid. YOU don’t even know what “most psychiatrists” are even like, you gutless little whining baby. And the only transvestite I know of here is your ol’ butt-buddy HebrewHobo (aka freak-a-sister, grannie49, JohnnyJazz,HebresHobo2, MS-13, aka dumbfuck retard). See how idiotically stupid you really are? You seem to want to believe everything EXCEPT the truth. No WONDER you are so fucked up in the head. You began working again? *LOL* I don’t believe you, I believe you are a really stupid, uneducated liar. Why do you even say dumb shit like that? You want someone to pat your little head and say “good girl!”? Little girl you don’t know SHIT about “doing good.” ALL “you” “know” how to do is talk shit and make an ASS of yourself. I don’t believe SHIT you say, because you’ve proved you are nothing but a pissy little panties-wetting crybaby liar and a shivering, quivering, sniveling little whiny pussy.

to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion and by lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post dishonestly edited quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” to things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious troll who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). drugsuqk started out here making some of the most ridiculously obvious claims, like “all psychiatrists are quacks” “doctors don’t know what they’re doing” “ADs cause irreversible brain damage” “doctors prescribe drugs (knowingly) that cause brain damage” “doctors and pharmaceutical companies are ONLY concerned about money” “ADs ‘create an unhealthy chemical imbalance'” “ADs make you ‘unable to sense joy or excitement'” “ADs will cure (or were said to cure) mental illness” “Labels are intended to give doctors leverage to prescribe drugs and surgeries that make no sense” “mental illness are simply emotional reactions linked to conditioned thought patterns and stress.” “Psychotropic prescription drugs are more dangerous and more harmful than illegal recreational drugs like pot or ecstacy” “modern medicine has no basis in scientific reason.” “doctors intentionally misinform people (meaning ‘patients’)” “Antidepressants are actually depressants” “Doctors/Pharmaceutical companies don’t tell you about the side effects” “It’s all a fraud. Psychiatry is a fraud.” “ADs never help anyone” As time goes by, he still says the same things, but he tries hard to “sound smart(er)” – but he just can’t cut it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

Please flag & report the antipsychiatry trolls < Bocipherous > 2016-02-27 10:01 to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion and by lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post dishonestly edited quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” to things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious troll who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). drugsuqk started out here making some of the most ridiculously obvious claims, like “all psychiatrists are quacks” “doctors don’t know what they’re doing” “ADs cause irreversible brain damage” “doctors prescribe drugs (knowingly) that cause brain damage” “doctors and pharmaceutical companies are ONLY concerned about money” “ADs ‘create an unhealthy chemical imbalance'” “ADs make you ‘unable to sense joy or excitement'” “ADs will cure (or were said to cure) mental illness” “Labels are intended to give doctors leverage to prescribe drugs and surgeries that make no sense” “mental illness are simply emotional reactions linked to conditioned thought patterns and stress.” “Psychotropic prescription drugs are more dangerous and more harmful than illegal recreational drugs like pot or ecstacy” “modern medicine has no basis in scientific reason.” “doctors intentionally misinform people (meaning ‘patients’)” “Antidepressants are actually depressants” “Doctors/Pharmaceutical companies don’t tell you about the side effects” “It’s all a fraud. Psychiatry is a fraud.” “ADs never help anyone” As time goes by, he still says the same things, but he tries hard to “sound smart(er)” – but he just can’t cut it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

Please flag & report these antipsychiatry trolls to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

or mental health. Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

trolls …. Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

even have a real CLUE what you’re talking about? SERIOUSLY? *rolls eyes* YOUR Scientology is dying, you dumb quack. It’s in its death throes right now, as we “speak.” And look at you – you are SO genuinely stupid that you KEEP repeating the same IDIOTIC bullshit you KEEP getting BUSTED for being wrong about. How does anyone (i.e., YOU) GET that fucking stupid? But hey, why am I wasting ANY time on you, you fucking idiot? You are NOTHING but a pig’s ass troll. To EVERYONE; We REALLY need to flag the shit out of this asshole and all the rest of the antipsychiatry trolls. Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demand, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

You are a pugnacious, lying, severe paranoid schizophrenic trolling fucktard who starts shit with people, then cries like a bitch when they FINALLY “fire back” at him after he has stalked them for months – as is the case here. About “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo/freak-a-sissy/MS-13/DannyMcDe1ta/grannie49 (etc.)”: The pathetic piece of street trash (he is a periodic transient – aka street bum) who has been in and out of mental institutions most of his life, and who has been homeless because of both his mental illness and his penchant for being a verbally combative loser who enjoys taunting people with disgusting vulgarity, while hiding behind his schizophrenia as an excuse for his disgusting behavior. He DOES have the ability to discriminate between right and wrong behavior, but consciously chooses “wrong,” then tries to play the “victim card” to get sympathy when he starts getting consequences of his sewer-dwelling scumbag behavior.

Hate Troll for Tonight! I have no Drugs to Bring my Repulsion under contral, but there ARE no “Drugs” that stops Crawling Skin and Nausious Feeling that Filthy Troll gives me, it reminds me of 22 Years as a Girly Man in Back Wards in Old Snake Pit State Hospitals, where I was RAPED BY THESE SAME PEOPLE—>PhlippedOut. A unfortunate Primal Response, in my Old Age it seems Unfathomable that People NOT CONFINED to Back Wards are Able to Become HATE-PORN-TROLLS , who are Exact Same People who Rape, Buggered, Forced their Nazi White Supremacist Cocks into my Arse…I Apologise To Others….grannie49.

by Hate Troll for Tonight! I have no Drugs to Bring my Repulsion under contral, but there ARE no “Drugs” that stops Crawling Skin and Nausious Feeling that Filthy Troll gives me, it reminds me of 22 Years as a Girly Man in Back Wards in Old Snake Pit State Hospitals, where I was RAPED BY THESE SAME PEOPLE—>PhlippedOut. A unfortunate Primal Response, in my Old Age it seems Unfathomable that People NOT CONFINED to Back Wards are Able to Become HATE-PORN-TROLLS , who are Exact Same People who Rape, Buggered, Forced their Nazi White Supremacist Cocks into my Arse…I Apologise To Others….grannie49. He also goes by HebrewHobo grannie49 TijuanaHobo freak-a-sissy DannyMcDe1ta (with a number one “1” instead of an “L” …) MS13 and others. You can always tell it’s him by his word-salad and random disconnected babbling nonsense. As you can see HE verbally assaults poster after poster using crude, vulgar, profane language – then tries to claim others are trolling HIM. Please flag and report this vulgar troll. Thanks.

Scientology-promoting trolls bent on keeping it in a state of ruin, and all those they chronically attack retaliating. One or two out of every 100 posts may actually be a legitimate, “real” post. Actual professionals who visit here are usually “run off” in very short time by, predominantly, the antipsychiatry cultists like “Psyologist and his more than 115 handles, and by “drugsuqk” – another (particularly ignorant, uneducated, grossly biased/bigoted) antipsychiatry cultist troll, and a “newer” arrival who uses the handles “freak-a-sister, HebrewHobo, Johnnyazz, grannie49 (NOT grannie52 who is a different poster) and other handles. These people are so hate-filled it’s bizarre. While I welcome you openly, I do so knowing you will probably see the ruination that is this forum and want to move on … as these Scientologist-apologist trolls want you to do. If you were genuinely interested in actually making any effort to be helpful and informative, well, you’d have your work cut out for you. Sorry for the seeming negativity, but we’ve seen this same scenario play out here time and time again for over a decade – mostly due to the constant irrational attacks from the very same antipsychiatry/Scientology trolls for – literally – over a decade. I hope you DO stick around, but it’s not fair that you be subjected to the abuse these fools will certainly heap upon you. In ANY case, I wish you the best!

How Ever, I am a BORNED IN 1949, GRANNIE52 Is YOUNG MAN that PLAYS Famale NOT: Drag Republicoons are EXACTLY. SAW was a PICTUER SHOW or GAME SHOW “Trap” EXPORTED by way of The AKASTIK RECORS to Ed Gein on B&W 1954 RCA 24″ Television by TELE KINKY NESSES (The VAN NESS Bart Station in Sam FramCisCo FLOODS becuuse LOCH NESS MONSTER EGGS were laid there, VAN NESS MONSTERS eat Homeless People, BUT I AM the Liberated Cohen Jazz Hobo “I PRAYING UP a GLOEM to EAT TECHIES & GENTRIFYING UPPITY YANKEE FAGGITS!” Keep Your Eyes Open, WATCH ED LEE try to STOP MISSION GENTRY FRIED GREEN TOMATOES my Grandmother borned Indian Res. , GERONOMO. QUANNA PARKER was my UNCLES. My GRAND FAThERS COHENS from HAMBURG, 1854 Uncle Levi FOUNDED the MODERN RABBINICAL MOVEMENT in Hamburg, His Daughter ANNE marry Gamp’s Brother SIGMUND FREUD si si senior, SOOM INVISABLE MONSTERS SHALL DEVOUR RIGH TECHIE HIPSTERS with BLOOD FLOWING IN THE STREETS! Shalom But HOLY HOBO HEBREW JAZZ GUITAR RABBI ACOLYTE OF Swami Vivekandanda, and Third Cousin to Deputy Dawg in Poontang Mississippi Borned & Bred with Hounds and Bovine Female Heifers, I KNOW ALL- El TODO . Ask Me. I REVEAL DIRT on your COLLAR! Ring Around The Collar!!! TV Commercial!!! Remember? MY UNCLE CREATED THAT SILLY COMMERCIAK, & WOMEN SMOKING CIGARETS! DANCING HERBERT TARYTON’S in the HARD PACK!! By UNCLE that sent me $1,000 when I got out of MENTALLY CHALLENGED STATE HOSPITAL in 1990. I AM SUPER DUPER ALL KNOWING recently Jesus Christ Lightening Amen Reincarnated in my PANATHIEON, in my HEAD are LEGIONS of GREAT PEOPLE’S ATMAN. The COSMIC CONSCINESSESS wear DRESSES, but at 76 Years Old, I just weared out. But HOLY HOBO HEBREW JAZZ GUITAR RABBI ACOLYTE OF Swami Vivekandanda, and Third Cousin to Deputy Dawg in Poontang Mississippi Borned & Bred with Hounds and Bovine Female Heifers, I KNOW ALL- El TODO . Ask Me. I REVEAL DIRT on your COLLAR! Ring Around The Collar!!! TV Commercial!!! Remember? OOOoooh Oh OOOooh MY UNCLE CREATED THAT SILLY COMMERCIAK, & WOMEN SMOKING CIGARETS! DANCING HERBERT TARYTON’S in the HARD PACK!! By UNCLE that sent me $1,000 when I got out of MENTALLY CHALLENGED STATE HOSPITAL in 1990.

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results for your search for “Grannie49”:

I think that shit should be not eaten. < Elderly-Senile > 2018-01-14 23:52 — BadHotBubbaWhack hate troll stalker liar. Washington Times 1989 White House Call Boy Scandal Reagan Bush White House Pedophile ring DrSlicker–schizophrenic street beggar and a particularly vulgar, lying troll who keeps posting nonsensical crap here while attacking me and several others just out of mindless malice. He stalks people, sends them vulgar, disgusting emails, and posts lies about them here, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. 99% of everything he posts is pure nonsensical gobbledygook, accompanied by unprovoked, malicious, vulgar, dishonest personal attacks. He has lost a number of handles for trolling and literally cyber-stalking people. He has genuinely gone beyond just harassing people online – he is actually breaking laws regarding cyber-stalking. I strongly encourage anyone being harassed and attacked by him to flag & report his disgusting posts to and, if he stalks you on other sites, as well, please report him to the San Francisco Police Department. Since he has, himself, posted his real name here (and all over the ‘net), if you’d like his real name, send me an email address and I’ll send it to you. If you don’t want anyone knowing your email address, it’s easy to set up a temporary email address to get this information. How to set up a disposable email address: *** Note: This trolling cyber-stalker also uses (used) these handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy Jews4Truth — frequent trolling Stalker BadHotBubbaWhack < DannyMcDeIta &DrSlicker > 2017-04-13 18:57 you are a pathological liar. I used to play down by the Beanery on 9th. Avenue starting in 1999. jim buckmaster used to stop often and complement me. Jim Buckmaster: Possibly the only CEO ever described by the business press as anti-establishment, a communist, and a socialistic anarchist, and a friend of Boxcar-Johnny. You do Not Know who I am or Where I live. If you try to fuck with me, you will have Dr. Barry Zevin, director of 50 Ivy Clinic, and Dr. George Harrison, of UCSF clinic, Dr. Jan Gurley, Robyn Stukalin, MS CSW, Dr. Allen T. Turpin III, MD. and abut 100 other Real Doctors to contend with. The Mental Health Professionals here actually will Laugh At You, you crippled POS. The police will laugh you to scorn, you sick troll. YOU SAY [Keep it up, asshole. You forget, I know who you really are, AND where you live. I can let the police know about you and they can haul your ass in again.] I have not ever been even considered a molester, YOU are the MOLESTER. There is no criteria to 5150 me, I was a Mental Patient who Recovered in 1990. I was not a Criminal Insane Patient. YOU MAKE UP BULL SHIT TO SUIT YOU HATE-TROLL AGENDA; That is called LYING, and Jesus Said ‘All Liars Shall Burn In Hell!” Call the Cops? Your full of shit! I know you have probably tired this silly and stupid threat several times and been Slapped Down. I am in Treatment, and have no criminal record, and no incidents of violence, YOU, actually, HAVE A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, YOU ARE A WELL KNOWN VIOLENT ON LINE ATTACK TROLL, but that is Not a 5150 offense, you smug little twitched shit. You LARD BUTT need to Stop trolling people here, you sick childish pervert. LOL you bouncing off your cage, monkey boy? Everybody who frequents this FORUM knows YOU are the ATTACK TROLL. WHEN YOU WERE CONFRONTED BY A BETTER, SMARTER, JEWISH, EDUCATED OPPONENT Who Turned Your Hatred BACK ON YOUR HAIREY SCALP, You went ballistic, You are used to people just Wilting after your VILE, PROFANE, FILTHY, ATTACKS. You ESPECIALLY Like to USE FOUL LANGUARE against WOMEN, You PERCEIVE WOMEN AS WEAK and FOOLISH. Typical MALE SUPREMACIST Women haters (consciously) get off on treating women badly. Every time they can put down a woman or hurt her feelings, they unconsciously feel good because deep down in their hidden brain, their bad behavior is rewarded with a dose of the pleasure chemical dopamine—which makes them want to repeat the behavior again and again. As you are a CRIPPLED SEXLESS WHEELCHAIR BOUND DISABLED NON-PERSON, you only SEXUAL RELEASE is TERRORIZING WEAK PEOPLE: Mental Ill Patients, Woman. You are a TRULY PITIFUL MAD LITTLE TROLL. IT MUST HURT TO BE A SEXLESS SUBHUMAN, CANNOT RELIEVE YOUR SEXUAL URGES by MENSTRUATION, you Relieve your SEXUAL LIBIDO by RAPING PEOPLE WITH ‘DIRTY WORDS!” MUST BE HARD TO BE YOUR In Home Health Care Provider. SHIT EATER! Former F.B.I. Agent, Ted Gunderson talks about the Franklin Cover-Up case in 2001; Google Search::; and; Bush family pedophilia crimes; The Franklin Cover-Up & Johnny Gosch Story; Elite child sex slaves “1981” forgotten documentary; 14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen = SLAVE; Testimony to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O’Brien charges. Hundred of children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport. – See more at:; The Santa Barbara Connection to Satanism A Connection to this; Barbara Bush & Aleister Crowley In Search of the Great Beast; Full Video Here Aleister Crowley – In Search Of The Great Beast 666; Uganda has billions in oil reserves; here is your “credible” source.; By 2015, Uganda will be producing 150,000 barrels of oil per year.; Obama already deployed 100 American troops to Uganda in October of 2011 to capture Joseph Kony.; With the help of Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros’ International Crisis Group urged for military presence in Uganda in April 2010.; Bohemian Grove performs Cremation of Care ceremony in 1913 at Red Rocks.; When Discovery Channel was set to release their episode about the Franklin Cover-up child sex ring scandal, involving kids from Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska, being flown to the Washington D.C., the episode was bought out and never shown to the public.; Former 2001 Sheriff of the Year, Pat Sullivan, was arrested for soliciting sex with meth and taken to Arapahoe County’s Pat Sullivan Detention Center on November 30, 2011.; — BadHotBubbaWhack hate troll stalker liar. Washington Times 1989 White House Call Boy Scandal Reagan Bush White House Pedophile ring DrSlicker–schizophrenic street beggar and a particularly vulgar, lying troll who keeps posting nonsensical crap here while attacking me and several others just out of mindless malice. He stalks people, sends them vulgar, disgusting emails, and posts lies about them here, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. 99% of everything he posts is pure nonsensical gobbledygook, accompanied by unprovoked, malicious, vulgar, dishonest personal attacks. He has lost a number of handles for trolling and literally cyber-stalking people. He has genuinely gone beyond just harassing people online – he is actually breaking laws regarding cyber-stalking. I strongly encourage anyone being harassed and attacked by him to flag & report his disgusting posts to and, if he stalks you on other sites, as well, please report him to the San Francisco Police Department. Since he has, himself, posted his real name here (and all over the ‘net), if you’d like his real name, send me an email address and I’ll send it to you. If you don’t want anyone knowing your email address, it’s easy to set up a temporary email address to get this information. How to set up a disposable email address: *** Note: This trolling cyber-stalker also uses (used) these handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy Jews4Truth — frequent trolling Stalker BadHotBubbaWhack < DannyMcDeIta &DrSlicker > 2017-04-13 18:57 you are a pathological liar. I used to play down by the Beanery on 9th. Avenue starting in 1999. jim buckmaster used to stop often and complement me. Jim Buckmaster: Possibly the only CEO ever described by the business press as anti-establishment, a communist, and a socialistic anarchist, and a friend of Boxcar-Johnny. You do Not Know who I am or Where I live. If you try to fuck with me, you will have Dr. Barry Zevin, director of 50 Ivy Clinic, and Dr. George Harrison, of UCSF clinic, Dr. Jan Gurley, Robyn Stukalin, MS CSW, Dr. Allen T. Turpin III, MD. and abut 100 other Real Doctors to contend with. The Mental Health Professionals here actually will Laugh At You, you crippled POS. The police will laugh you to scorn, you sick troll. YOU SAY [Keep it up, asshole. You forget, I know who you really are, AND where you live. I can let the police know about you and they can haul your ass in again.] I have not ever been even considered a molester, YOU are the MOLESTER. There is no criteria to 5150 me, I was a Mental Patient who Recovered in 1990. I was not a Criminal Insane Patient. YOU MAKE UP BULL SHIT TO SUIT YOU HATE-TROLL AGENDA; That is called LYING, and Jesus Said ‘All Liars Shall Burn In Hell!” Call the Cops? Your full of shit! I know you have probably tired this silly and stupid threat several times and been Slapped Down. I am in Treatment, and have no criminal record, and no incidents of violence, YOU, actually, HAVE A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, YOU ARE A WELL KNOWN VIOLENT ON LINE ATTACK TROLL, but that is Not a 5150 offense, you smug little twitched shit. You LARD BUTT need to Stop trolling people here, you sick childish pervert. LOL you bouncing off your cage, monkey boy? Everybody who frequents this FORUM knows YOU are the ATTACK TROLL. WHEN YOU WERE CONFRONTED BY A BETTER, SMARTER, JEWISH, EDUCATED OPPONENT Who Turned Your Hatred BACK ON YOUR HAIREY SCALP, You went ballistic, You are used to people just Wilting after your VILE, PROFANE, FILTHY, ATTACKS. You ESPECIALLY Like to USE FOUL LANGUARE against WOMEN, You PERCEIVE WOMEN AS WEAK and FOOLISH. Typical MALE SUPREMACIST Women haters (consciously) get off on treating women badly. Every time they can put down a woman or hurt her feelings, they unconsciously feel good because deep down in their hidden brain, their bad behavior is rewarded with a dose of the pleasure chemical dopamine—which makes them want to repeat the behavior again and again. As you are a CRIPPLED SEXLESS WHEELCHAIR BOUND DISABLED NON-PERSON, you only SEXUAL RELEASE is TERRORIZING WEAK PEOPLE: Mental Ill Patients, Woman. You are a TRULY PITIFUL MAD LITTLE TROLL. IT MUST HURT TO BE A SEXLESS SUBHUMAN, CANNOT RELIEVE YOUR SEXUAL URGES by MENSTRUATION, you Relieve your SEXUAL LIBIDO by RAPING PEOPLE WITH ‘DIRTY WORDS!” MUST BE HARD TO BE YOUR In Home Health Care Provider. SHIT EATER! Former F.B.I. Agent, Ted Gunderson talks about the Franklin Cover-Up case in 2001; Google Search::; and; Bush family pedophilia crimes; The Franklin Cover-Up & Johnny Gosch Story; Elite child sex slaves “1981” forgotten documentary; 14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen = SLAVE; Testimony to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O’Brien charges. Hundred of children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport. – See more at:; The Santa Barbara Connection to Satanism A Connection to this; Barbara Bush & Aleister Crowley In Search of the Great Beast; Full Video Here Aleister Crowley – In Search Of The Great Beast 666; Uganda has billions in oil reserves; here is your “credible” source.; By 2015, Uganda will be producing 150,000 barrels of oil per year.; Obama already deployed 100 American troops to Uganda in October of 2011 to capture Joseph Kony.; With the help of Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros’ International Crisis Group urged for military presence in Uganda in April 2010.; Bohemian Grove performs Cremation of Care ceremony in 1913 at Red Rocks.; When Discovery Channel was set to release their episode about the Franklin Cover-up child sex ring scandal, involving kids from Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska, being flown to the Washington D.C., the episode was bought out and never shown to the public.; Former 2001 Sheriff of the Year, Pat Sullivan, was arrested for soliciting sex with meth and taken to Arapahoe County’s Pat Sullivan Detention Center on November 30, 2011.;

Big Pharma Paid Troll threatens a Mental Ill Holocaust Surviver FROM Freakasaurius BadHotBubbaWhack etc. 166 Handles Hate-Stalker. WROTE A THREAT TO ME….Below: I live on the corner of 9th Ave and Judah for 19 years now. I own a home there (rather 1/2 floor on the multi-floor building on the corner). There is no place for you play guitar there. I am half owner of the Holy Galto which sits right across from Craig’s old place. Craig has been into my store 100’s of times. That would mean you would be standing right in my shops doorway playing guitar if you were telling the truth. Sorry you crank, but you are a liar. No guitarist has been in front of my shop in the past 16 years. I also own another store a few spots down from Holy Galto as well and I can say, no guitarist there either. In fact I have never seen a guitarist on 9th ave ever with the exception of 9th and Irving. From time to time there are homeless playing some god wretched stuff that sounds like chicken scratch because they are too stoned to play anything. I have never seen a “regular” there ever, NEVER. You are a liar! ————————————————————————— —– the Person You Stalk lives 1 BLOCK FROM YOU, Lee Kelly! My-Frodo lives in Mental Health SEnior Housing. I live in Progress Foundation Senior Housing, chump. 1443 7th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122 You live at 374 Judah st. San Francisco CA 94122. ———————————————————————- HERE IS ANOTHER THREAT YOU MAILED ME. LEE. YOUR TROLLING AND STALKING will make you LOSE YOUR BUSINESS., You’ve made public record your name, family, picture, home address and business, you can’t claim your privacy invaded or being harassed for what you willingngly revealed. Because you feel empowered to mock and character assassinate based on your Liberal hate strategy you’re finding out that it can now be turned against you, if need be in a court of law. For the better part of today with the ‘turn around is fair play scenario’ you were back on your heels in a dizzying haze only now dipping your toe back in with the usual immature mockery you’re pathetically known for. Notice how you have to make those who oppose your foolishness big bad dangerous (fill in the blank) It’s because your ego won’t allow you to be outdone by normal people but normal has defeated you whether you admit it or not. You are now officially exposed as a fraud, irrelevant, stripped naked for the Trolling Clown you are. So you know all your emails and posts have been saved, your record has been preserved and distributed to those that can take action if necessary. ——————————————————————————————- And WE Know WHO YOU ARE, Lee Kelly, crippled troll who haunts Forums to Spew Filth at Women and Psychiatric Patients. You have also been under the MONITORING by the Calif. Senior Protective Services. Don’t think you are in the High Road on this….”YOU ARE A TROLL and HATE-STALKER of a far worse degree than is the Person You Attack. You have been STALKING ME over 10 Years, why don’t you shut up, Fool! You have never found a charge to get anyone to think twice about police action. Fool. Have a good evening Shmuck! YOU SENT ME THIS THRATENING LETTER OVER 5 YEARS AGO, i asked the People who Manage the 9th. Avenue Neighbourhood Day, who have asked me to perform. They describe you as a Invalid Cripple, in a Wheelchair and the Gelato Restaurant is Run by a Chinese Women. Also you stated in the Threatening Letter that You are Going to Get ‘Somebody” to ‘Beat the Shit Out Of Me!” as the VIDEO PLAINLY SAYS. Your Words. Contact Information Holy Gelato 1392 9th Ave San Francisco, CA 94122 Contact: Lee Kelly Title: Principal Phone: show contact info Contact Information Internet Wire Cafe 1392 9th Ave San Francisco, CA 94122 Contact: King Choy Title: Principal Phone: show contact info Business Description Internet Wire Cafe is located in San Francisco, California. This organization primarily operates in the Cafe business / industry within the Eating and Drinking Places sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 11 years. Internet Wire Cafe is estimated to generate $119,647 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 7 people at this single location. ——————————————————————————————————————— The vulgar troll using “My-Frodo” as a handle is the one who hijacked your handle, as he tries to hijack my handles and others who he decides to harass and lie about. He uses/has used these other handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister My-Frodo HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo — You and other trolls have been around for years. < Braniac_5 > 2017-03-26 10:52 If people would flag you relentlessly, you would be banned like you should have been years ago. This forum is for people seeking information, feedback, communication about psychology, and mutual support – it is NOT to bash the mental health field, it is NOT to promote antipsychiatry or Scientology. To make the forum better, people really should flag you, KnoWay (and his 120-plus handles) and vulgar trolls like “My-Frodo/DannyMcDeIta (with the capital ‘i’ instead of an “L”) over and over again until your handles disappear. — ^^ Please flag the antipsychiatry trolls < Braniac_5 > 2017-03-26 10:48 KnoWay, drugsuqk and the profane street bum “My-Frodo” aka “DannyMcDeIta” (with a capital “i” instead of L). All three are KNOWN antipsychiatry trolls, the latter being a filthy, disgusting, profane criminally insane street bum in San Francisco. — ^^ Please flag this post for violation of cl < Mr-Frodo > 2017-02-10 20:36 terms of use (posting another person’s personally identifying information). This poster (“DannyMcDelIta” – with a capital “i” instead of an “L” – who is also known by many other handles, including JohnnyJazz, HebrewHobo, ElijahRabinProphet, My-Frodo and others including imp handles) thinks the person in the picture is me – but it’s not, and his post is genuinely a violation of cl’s tou, AND it is legal slander against the person whose picture he is posting without authorization. The words in his post are mine, the picture is not. And the words accurately describe this “DannyMcDeIta” cyber-stalking troll. My words to him were prompted by the fact that “DannyMcDeIta” has been imping my handles, harassing and attacking me, posting GROSSLY false lies about me, not just here but also on youtube, facebook, and other social media sites, and has been harassing me through email (before craigslist removed email contact feature from the “posting history” pages). The picture he posts, however is not me, it is another cl poster. Please flag and report this poster “DannyMcDeIta” (with a capital “i”) to Regardless of what anyone thinks about me, the person being slandered is someone else that the cyber-stalking troll thinks is me, and this is an illegal and morally and ethically wrong thing to do. I am indeed sending this information to San Francisco Police. Had he kept the harassment just in this forum and had he not been posting another person’s picture along with grossly false accusations and lies against me (and the other person) on a number of other social networking sites and sending harassing emails, I would have ignored him as “just another pissed off troll.” –

certainly NOT a “trump voter.” I know because I also post here as “friggin.” Truthfully, I would really like to see this forum be more like what it was intended for: a place where people can come to discuss things related to psychology – to get and offer support and feedback, and hopefully to be helpful to people. The “DannyMcdella” person is a known malicious troll as well as a sufferer of severe paranoid schizophrenia. To see the kind of stuff he posts here, check out the posting history from his other handles (just type copy & paste them into the “search this forum” field above): He has another similar handle – DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta” – he imps others’ handles to harass and lie about them) : freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet Elderly-Senile HamRadio5 JewishRabbi Jews4Truth BaBahGomer DannyMcDeita FatManProphet only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy DannyMcdella is just one of his newest handles.

Gullyhole, after 14 years of trying her damndest to avail against these bastards…only ONE, actually, FAP, which handle was banned, who now is freakasaurousRex and 112 Other “Names” I heard of the Police Scanner a call; 801 Person attempting suicide & 802 Coroner’s case….poor drugsuqk, she hung herself from her Wheelchair Ramp, where the City Chaffer Automobile wouls see her when they picked up to carry her to TESTIFY BEFORE MAYOE EDDIE LEE’S COMMISSION of STALKING, MURDERS and CYBER STALKING in San Francisco Gay and Mental Nuscience caused from self-same, HER FINAL POINT: These Peopils Drove Her To Suicide as a STATEMENT of HOW CRUEL BIG PHARMA TROLLS ARE! and poor Grannie52, who stole my Handel ‘grannie49, ” which obviously was not her doings, as she attests if I Joanna d’Arc was borned BEFORE HER, then I AM MORE OLDER HERE IS THE ONLY VIDEO OF Grannie53, which Reddix LOLcows drudged up for me. You can CLEARLY SEE that Grannie52 is younger then me. <——-grannie53 You can CLEARLY SEE—-> THAT I AM MUCH OLDER THAN grannie52, [above is me in the State Mental Hospital in Clarandan Iowa.Below is me before they took me off Psychiatric Drugs]

Did you mean: Danny Mc Delta free_the_weed 3853 juicifur 3508 CraigsBestPal 3390 fobunny … Jan 13, 2015 … 5. MisterMusicPlease 5. BloodyHello 5. BecauseHugs 5. psychofreq 5. Fappy_Fappy 5. straightandsane 5. MagicHeart 5.×857.jpg — The “DannyMcDelta ” poster is a severe, paranoid < CaveatEmporer > schizophrenic street beggar and a particularly vulgar, lying troll who keeps posting nonsensical crap here while attacking me and several others just out of mindless malice. He stalks people, sends them vulgar, disgusting emails, and posts lies about them here, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. 99% of everything he posts is pure nonsensical gobbledygook, accompanied by unprovoked, malicious, vulgar, dishonest personal attacks. He has lost a number of handles for trolling and literally cyber-stalking people. He has genuinely gone beyond just harassing people online – he is actually breaking laws regarding cyber-stalking. I strongly encourage anyone being harassed and attacked by him to flag & report his disgusting posts to and, if he stalks you on other sites, as well, please report him to the San Francisco Police Department. Since he has, himself, posted his real name here (and all over the ‘net), if you’d like his real name, send me an email address and I’ll send it to you. If you don’t want anyone knowing your email address, it’s easy to set up a temporary email address to get this information. How to set up a disposable email address: *** Note: This trolling cyber-stalker also uses (used) these handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy Jews4Truth Parsons / The New School BFA Communication Design Thesis 2016–17 Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being DISCIPLINE(S) Book Design SHARE THIS Twitter Facebook Parsons School of Design 66 5th Avenue New York, NY 10011 Instagram Twitter Facebook Previous: Lauren Miller Greek Mythology Next: Isabela Montalvo Paperless Migrants

are: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet Elderly-Senile HamRadio5 JewishRabbi Jews4Truth BaBahGomer DannyMcDeita only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy

schizophrenic street beggar and a particularly vulgar, lying troll who keeps posting nonsensical crap here while attacking me and several others just out of mindless malice. He stalks people, sends them vulgar, disgusting emails, and posts lies about them here, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. 99% of everything he posts is pure nonsensical gobbledygook, accompanied by unprovoked, malicious, vulgar, dishonest personal attacks. He has lost a number of handles for trolling and literally cyber-stalking people. He has genuinely gone beyond just harassing people online – he is actually breaking laws regarding cyber-stalking. I strongly encourage anyone being harassed and attacked by him to flag & report his disgusting posts to and, if he stalks you on other sites, as well, please report him to the San Francisco Police Department. Since he has, himself, posted his real name here (and all over the ‘net), if you’d like his real name, send me an email address and I’ll send it to you. If you don’t want anyone knowing your email address, it’s easy to set up a temporary email address to get this information. How to set up a disposable email address: *** Note: This trolling cyber-stalker also uses (used) these handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy Jews4Truth

LOL. That is Grannie49, girl. The Older and Wiser senior Citizen here. LOL! That account was closed down a year ago, but Freaky got it Reopened and posted lots of Obnoxious hate shit to Craigslist, I did not even know. However, Craigslist requires a Telephone Number to Post with it, AND MY NUMBER associated with THAT ACCOUNT will not work…(CHANGED) But IT WILL STILL POST to FORUMS. The HATE-STALKING-TROLL ‘Freakasaurus Rex” the HATE FAGGOT you DATES TRANSVESTITE WHORES in My Neighbourhood HACKED That Account. He gets Notification from CL Staff and Mocks People who complain..Obviously he is EMPLOYED AS A IT PROFESSIONAL with Craigs List. I was a Regular Busker at Irving Street And 9th. AVenue for years, so That Is Where that BASTARD Stalked me. He probably had the “Network Cafe” by the 1392 9th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122 Holy Gelato…I have found more profital venues in the past years, although I have open requests to play at Inner Sunset Sundays (ISS) is an evolving series of street events organized by neighbors in the Inner Sunset. The events are intended to provide a space for local people to meet and interact, share their talents, build and celebrate culture, and so on. We contrast these events very strongly with the “usual” kind of street fair, which focus more on commerce and less on people interacting and are organized by non-local organizations. IMG_0053 Chris Duderstadt (right) and I in costume at one of our street events. Humble beginnings ISS began as a meeting between Chris Duderstadt and me at the end of 2009. Somehow Chris and I each got wind that the other person was interested in a street event, so we met and soon decided to do it. Chris said “How are we going to do all the many things required to put this on?” and I replied, “I don’t know but we’ll figure it out!” We organized the first event in 2010 and it was known then as the Inner Sunset Street Fair. There was a large performance stage, chairs and tables on Irving Street, and 30 or so booths around the corner on 10th IMG_4200 The Inner Sunset Street Fair 2010 – lots of lessons but still a great day. Avenue. It was a cautious start: we didn’t have any food (a must for any well-used public space) and there wasn’t much for children. And the weather was freezing! But I’m still proud our team pulled it off; we’d no previous experience and we really pushed the boat out, for ourselves and for the neighborhood – this was the Inner Sunset’s first ever street event. Looking back, I understand that it is fine to start small, it is fine to make mistakes; the important thing is to go for it, do your best, learn from your successes and mistakes, and keep going. Back with a bang 6260303644_ea68df7852_b The Inner Sunset Street Fair 2011 In 2011 we returned and planned a lot further in advance. Our team grew, we began to meet weekly, we outreached better with merchants and residents, and we fundraised much more effectively. We were learning a lot. It wasn’t always easy, though. I forced a schism in the team when I pushed hard for bringing the event down 9th Avenue between Irving and Lincoln (the main traffic artery into Golden Gate Park from this direction), which would have cost an estimated $10,000. I eventually backed down from that idea. We also got pushed back from a neighbor on 10th Avenue (between Irving and Lincoln) about taking the event down that street and we had to change plans again, although strangely enough I think the final location choice was the better for the change; an instance of an enemy being a friend in disguise. Further troubles came internally, as members of our team would often get downhearted usually because we felt we were taking on too much, we were too isolated, or we had too much to do in too little time. Nonetheless, as before, a ha

DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy

DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy

The vulgar troll using “My-Frodo” as a handle is the one who hijacked your handle, as he tries to hijack my handles and others who he decides to harass and lie about. He uses/has used these other handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister My-Frodo HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo

proponent here, (like KnoWay, patroll/Psyologist, drugsuqk, spiritdude and others) the conversations always get polarized: “either you’re PRO drug and PRO psychiatry, or you are anti-drug or antipsychiatry” … and that is only accurate on the “antipsychiatry” side. AP/Co$ (antipsychiatry/”Church” of $cientology) trolls like spiritdude, drugsuqk, Psyologist with over 115 handles, the filth and gibberish-spewing “JohnnyJazz” (aka HebrewHobo, grannie49, freak-a-sister, JohnnyJazz, MS-13, TijuanaHobo2, DannyMcDe1ta and several other handles) … label ANYONE who disagrees with them as “trolls”, “drug-pushers”, “You work for Big Pharma”, and a lot of other completely untrue labels and “accusations.” They do this, of course, to try to “character assassinate” me and whoever disagrees with them and exposes their repetitive lies, and to try to discredit me/us, since they just can’t stand on any solid ground to discuss the forum topics. I am NOT pro-psychiatry or pro-drug – but, rather, I am pro-TRUTH. And truth is something these (aforementioned) antipsychiatry trolls do NOT ascribe to. They exaggerate, twist, jigger (dishonestly edit) quotes and cites, post known dishonest Scientology videos (Scientology is a known family-wrecking, law-breaking, lying cult that campaigns to “destroy” psychiatry – and the mental health field in general), use other antipsychiatry propagandists as “sources,” and outright blatantly lie – with the expectation that people are somehow stupid enough to believe them. drugsuqk is ESPECIALLY uneducated and uninformed in matters of psychiatry, psychology, drugs and mental health. As I said, I am pro-truth. I want people to know that drugs do have side effects, sometimes severe – but those side effects are problematic for a comparatively tiny fraction of the people who take them. These antipsychiatry trolls want you to believe ALL drugs ALWAYS have SEVERE side effects for EVERYONE who takes them, and that these side effects get worse as time goes on … and that is just a flat-out lie. drugsuqk wants you to believe these drugs “cause pain” and “create chemical imbalances” (which is dishonest, and he constantly uses loaded statements and weasel-wording meant to try to scare people away from drugs that CAN help them – and HAVE helped millions). If what these AP/Co$ trolls say about drugs and the mental health field were true, the drugs would be banned and the mental health field scrapped … but that isn’t going to happen because what these AP/Co$ trolls keep claiming is BOGUS and a lot of LIES. These uneducated, untrained, NON-expert, low-to-no actual knowledge trolls want people to believe THEM over educated, trained, experienced, credentialed experts and professionals (doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, licensed clinical social workers, etc.) – and that’s just plain ludicrous and insane. And what these trolls post is NOT the truth AT ALL. You can confidently be CERTAIN what these AP/Co$ trolls post is 98% lies – in the form of jiggered cites, dishonestly edited quotes, grossly exaggerated negtives, fabricated tales, falsified “data,” misdiretion and misinformation – and outright lies. And, in their constant trolling and attacking everyone who is NOT an antipsychiatry goon – they try to polarize discussions into either you’re with them or you are their enemy – which, of course, is a ridiculously grossly biased – and quite wrong – and frankly stupid way to think. That’s a very important point that NONE of the AP/Co$ bobble-heads seem capable of grasping. To them, and their limited mental capacities, you are either with them or you’re against them. And, again, that’s THEIR bullshit alone – not anyone else’s. People are entitled to their opinions. If they, PERSONALLY do not like drugs or psychiatry or the mental health system, that’s their prerogative to not partake of them. No … significant … complaints here. It is NOT their right to demand that others stop or refuse to consider medications and/or treatments that CAN (and DO) help. MY complaints start when THEY try to coercively impose their biases onto everyone else, and when they “crusade” to bash the mental health field, its practitioners, all therapies and approaches, and the people here who speak favorably of drugs/mental health system – and they do so by spreading lies and dishonest, bias-and-hate-driven, untruthful propaganda. MOST antipsychiatry proponents, when actually challenged, do NOT have any significant actual knowledge about the field OR drugs, and tend to repeat and grossly exaggerate ONLY the negative propaganda they read in biased media sources (while intentionally ignoring anything positive about the mental health field or medications), the negative pieces aired by so-called “professionals” who (for whatever crazy reason) have adopted an antipsychiatry stance (and have thereby alienated themselves from the field), and the disgustingly dishonest videos put up onto youtube by the CCHR (Scientology), and other antipsychiatry sub/counter-culture cults. What I object to is the stigma these liars promote through their biased ignorance which, on a large scale, actually discourages people from getting help who NEED it. In too many cases, antipsychiatry beliefs have led to serious problems and even (many) deaths. And antipsychiatry is what these irresponsible trolls preach and try to force upon everyone here. Antipsychiatry is, at BEST, pseudo-science fueled by bias – it is a gross exaggeration of negatives (making mountains out of molehills), and outright lies – and does a grave disservice to those suffering from mental illness. These trolls try constantly to force-feed THEIR irrational, negative and dishonest bullshit onto people … and NO ONE should EVER trust ANYTHING these trolls say – about drugs, about the mental health field OR about other posters THEY started and perpetuate conflict with. They SHOULD be flagged and reported to We don’t need their hate, derision, lies, insults, denigration, bigotry and stigma here.

criminally insane sex offender who spent 22 YEARS in lock-down mental institutions for serious felony sex offenses – you, who begs money off people on the streets in San Francisco and stinks like nasty old piss. ^^^ This is the actual truth: this nasty troll is indeed a felon sex offender who trolls here, particularly stalking me and imping my handles. He’s a 60-something year old disgusting street filth tranny sex offender. He has lost many handles for being a stalker troll, some of “his” handles are (were): freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo

Oh Think You Miss Granny the Youngster, from the Really Older and More Contrary Grannie49…Beagh Wagh Hoooooooo!!!! I always drop in at 3:00 AM stateside time, to observe the insects in my “AntFarm.” You pathetic TOOLS are part of my Sims Game….You keep fuckin with Big Daddy Game Master…I will END THE FRIKIN GAME! Lol LOL LOLLLOLLL (0^0)

troll who, it seems, lost MANY handles for trolling and harassing people – who also posts (or postED) as: freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile

to control who can post here and who can’t. “Willy_Nilly” is – and always has been, THE forum troll. What other poster, except a troll, would refer to so many posters as “IT” and try to accuse posters of being other posters whom they are not? Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: KnoWay/patroll/Psyologist/Willy_Nilly drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only a lot dumber and more stupidly irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. He doesnt even know what the word “research” even means. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. He uses OBVIOUS loaded statements (which are, of course, lies, as everyone ELSE actually knows). People have even explained to him what’s wrong about lying, using loaded statements, and he can’t even grasp the concept, let alone understand that he actually proves himself a liar every time he does it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

these AP/Co$ (Antipsychiatry/”Church” of $cientology) trolls. They exist only to promote jiggered, twisted, false and grossly biased misinformation. They are: — Psyologist (and his OVER 120 handles – no kidding – over 120!) — drugsuqk — Engineeringnerd — spiritdude (who also thinks he is psychic and regularly sees alien spacecraft, talks to dead people and can “heal” people just by moving his hands around their bodies while acting weird. Drive-by AP/Co$ trolls: –hatchet4ratchet –Elderly-Senile (aka only-not, ElijahRabinProphet, JohnnyJazz,grannie49, HebrewHobo and at least 20 more handles) … and others.

To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: KnoWay/patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only a lot dumber and more stupidly irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. He doesnt even know what the word “research” even means. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. He uses OBVIOUS loaded statements (which are, of course, lies, as everyone ELSE actually knows). People have even explained to him what’s wrong about lying, using loaded statements, and he can’t even grasp the concept, let alone understand that he actually proves himself a liar every time he does it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only a lot dumber and more stupidly irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. He doesnt even know what the word “research” even means. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. He uses OBVIOUS loaded statements (which are, of course, lies, as everyone ELSE actually knows). People have even explained to him what’s wrong about lying, using loaded statements, and he can’t even grasp the concept, let alone understand that he actually proves himself a liar every time he does it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only a lot dumber and more stupidly irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. He doesnt even know what the word “research” even means. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. He uses OBVIOUS loaded statements (which are, of course, lies, as everyone ELSE actually knows). People have even explained to him what’s wrong about lying, using loaded statements, and he can’t even grasp the concept, let alone understand that he actually proves himself a liar every time he does it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only a lot dumber and more stupidly irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. He doesnt even know what the word “research” even means. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. He uses OBVIOUS loaded statements (which are, of course, lies, as everyone ELSE actually knows). People have even explained to him what’s wrong about lying, using loaded statements, and he can’t even grasp the concept, let alone understand that he actually proves himself a liar every time he does it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion and by lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post dishonestly edited quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” to things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious troll who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). drugsuqk started out here making some of the most ridiculously obvious claims, like “all psychiatrists are quacks” “doctors don’t know what they’re doing” “ADs cause irreversible brain damage” “doctors prescribe drugs (knowingly) that cause brain damage” “doctors and pharmaceutical companies are ONLY concerned about money” “ADs ‘create an unhealthy chemical imbalance'” “ADs make you ‘unable to sense joy or excitement'” “ADs will cure (or were said to cure) mental illness” “Labels are intended to give doctors leverage to prescribe drugs and surgeries that make no sense” “mental illness are simply emotional reactions linked to conditioned thought patterns and stress.” “Psychotropic prescription drugs are more dangerous and more harmful than illegal recreational drugs like pot or ecstacy” “modern medicine has no basis in scientific reason.” “doctors intentionally misinform people (meaning ‘patients’)” “Antidepressants are actually depressants” “Doctors/Pharmaceutical companies don’t tell you about the side effects” “It’s all a fraud. Psychiatry is a fraud.” “ADs never help anyone” As time goes by, he still says the same things, but he tries hard to “sound smart(er)” – but he just can’t cut it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM.He also poste peoples’ personal information if he is ever able to find it. He also posts other peoples’ posts after he alters them. And, of course, he lies as badly and as much as the other AP\Co$ (Antipsychiatry, “Church” of Scientology-promoting) trolls. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. engineeringnerd is just a newer amalgamation of all the other antipsychiatry trolls who also keeps posting the “standard faire” of antipsychiatry’s lies, exaggerations, jiggered quotes, distortions, misinformation and personal vendetta. NONE of these people are any kind of professional in the mental health field. Rather, they are very much like the antipsychiatry version of Rush Limbaugh’s “ditto-heads” who, bobble-headed-like, just repeat the programmed antipsychiatry propaganda preached by antipsychiatry groups like Scientology.

Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only much dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific, petulant, peurile and pugnacious troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful, snarky manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity (they do not). He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. He IS this forum’s career mega-troll. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only much dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). Go ahead, ask him. He won’t because he can’t. 98% of what he posts is false, made-up – or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. He is (gotta be bluntly honest here) incredibly stupid, petulant, and programmed by antipsychiatry cults. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

I tell people which handles are mine. AND … (to ALL): Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). 98% of what he posts is false, made-up or is a bunch of lies parroted from Scientology videos. Even when he is soundly refuted and debunked, he STILL keeps posting the same refuted and debunked, dishonest crap over and over again. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with her and/or argues contrary to her antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, she spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

to Thanks! Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, and attacking, verbally assaulting, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and they post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion and by lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post dishonestly edited quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” to things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious troll who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). drugsuqk started out here making some of the most ridiculously obvious claims, like “all psychiatrists are quacks” “doctors don’t know what they’re doing” “ADs cause irreversible brain damage” “doctors prescribe drugs (knowingly) that cause brain damage” “doctors and pharmaceutical companies are ONLY concerned about money” “ADs ‘create an unhealthy chemical imbalance'” “ADs make you ‘unable to sense joy or excitement'” “ADs will cure (or were said to cure) mental illness” “Labels are intended to give doctors leverage to prescribe drugs and surgeries that make no sense” “mental illness are simply emotional reactions linked to conditioned thought patterns and stress.” “Psychotropic prescription drugs are more dangerous and more harmful than illegal recreational drugs like pot or ecstacy” “modern medicine has no basis in scientific reason.” “doctors intentionally misinform people (meaning ‘patients’)” “Antidepressants are actually depressants” “Doctors/Pharmaceutical companies don’t tell you about the side effects” “It’s all a fraud. Psychiatry is a fraud.” “ADs never help anyone” As time goes by, he still says the same things, but he tries hard to “sound smart(er)” – but he just can’t cut it. JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, and DannyMcDe1ta) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM.He also poste peoples’ personal information if he is ever able to find it. He also posts other peoples’ posts after he alters them. And, of course, he lies as badly and as much as the other AP\Co$ (Antipsychiatry, “Church” of Scientology-promoting) trolls. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then also tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive.

different people. But you actually already know that: This is just ANOTHER “troll tactic” that you over-use to the point of abject ridiculousness – like all the OTHER lies you tell and CONSTANTLY get BUSTED for. Here’s the REAL truth: Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude IslandGhost072770 engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with him and/or argues contrary to his antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, he spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. IslandGhost072770 – at this writing (5/24/2016) he is a brand new arrival and one thing that is clear is that he is also an antipsychiatry believer. Don’t know much more about him at this point. It is not known yet if he will be a contributor/participant or an AP/Co$ troll … The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

that someone will actually buy it. But here are the FACTS: Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude IslandGhost072770 engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with him and/or argues contrary to his antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, he spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. IslandGhost072770 – at this writing (5/24/2016) he is a brand new arrival and one thing that is clear is that he is also an antipsychiatry believer. Don’t know much more about him at this point. It is not known yet if he will be a contributor/participant or an AP/Co$ troll … The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

liar: to Most people come here for legitimate reasons: To seek help, advice, and/or feedback with a distressing situation, or to learn or impart new information, or just to talk with someone about matters related to psychology. Unfortunately, there are a number of negative, disruptive trolls who endeavor to ruin this forum for legitimate posters and, as long as they keep coming here to troll, this forum can’t be what it was meant to be: These several trolls spend most of their time here preaching Scientology-like propaganda, attacking, verbally assaulting posters who won’t buy into their antipsychiatry cultism, and/or making up lies about others who do not share their irrational hatred for the mental health field. These trolls are antipsychiatry fanatics. That is, they hold irrational, biased hatred toward the mental health field (not just psychiatry). They insult and denigrate posters who believe the mental health field serves an important role in offering help and hope for those who suffer from psychological disorders. These trolls are: patroll/Psyologist drugsuqk hatchet4ratchet JohnnyJazz spiritdude IslandGhost072770 engineeringnerd … and a few others who do “drive-by” troll runs here. ALL of them do pretty much the same kind of thing: 1: they come here to bash, belittle, denigrate and put-down the mental health field – and anyone who seeks to benefit from its services. 2: They ALL preach antipsychiatry/anti mental health, and even cite and quote Scientology (and Scientology’s divisions – such as the CCHR and the and most of them post known dishonest misinformation videos that are “jiggered” (dishonestly edited) by Scientology. 3: They are all rabidly anti-drug to an excessive and irrational degree. Disliking drugs, themselves, is their personal choice, but insisting that others ignore their doctors – and adopt their views by using coercion, lying and spreading bias and misinformation, is just wrong. 4: If you stand up to them and correct their misinformation, they will label YOU “liar” and “troll” and attempt to “character assassinate” you and verbally abuse you. 5: They ALL believe that there really isn’t any such thing as mental illness, because, they claim, there is no physiological basis of mental illness (which is the same as saying that anger or love do not exist, since these emotions have no “observable physiological cause”). In this way, they minimize, dismiss, insult and stigmatize those people who actually suffer from often debilitating mental illness. These trolls are: Psyologist (who actually has over 115 handles), is THE most prolific troll and liar here. His repetitive tactics involve trying to dehumanize his targets by calling people “IT” in his usual, grossly disrespectful manner. He jiggers cites: that is, he tries to post jiggered (dishonestly edited) quotes and references in order to give the impression “real professionals” somehow “support” his irrational negativity. He claims people “admit” things when no such admissions were ever made. He is just an obnoxious ass who uses many underhanded tactics to demean, taunt and insult others. drugsuqk is very much like psyologist – only dumber and more irrational – and he can NEVER back up anything he says with ANY references (reputable or otherwise). JohnnyJazz (aka HebrewHobo, freak-a-sissy, freak-a-sister, grannie49, MS-13, DannyMcDe1ta, freakassholeRex, Joanna_dArc, ElijahRabinProphet) is a severe paranoid schizophrenic who uses gross vulgarity and attacks people who speak positively about the mental health field (the same people Psyologist and drugsuqk target). He also floods the forum with gibberish and nonsense, copies other peoples’ posts and re-posts them in senseless ways, and prattles nonsensically on and on. After attacking people, if those people respond, he dishonestly accuses THEM of attacking HIM. He says he spent 22 years in psych hospital(s) – and no one spends that long in a psych hospital unless they are criminally insane and committed a very serious crime – like predatory child molestation, rape or murder. – He also make up lies, accusing people he doesn’t like of having actually physically attacked and beat him up – and of doing things they obviously didn’t and couldn’t possibly have done. hatchet4ratchet is also a diagnosed schizophrenic who attacks people, then tries to tell everyone THEY attacked HIM. He tries to denigrate, demean, and lie about his targets, too, and he abuses his targets constantly while trying to blame THEM for being abusive. He is NOTHING but a lying, delusional, antipsychiatry troll and genuine coward. He (like “JohnnyJazz/HebrewHobo” et al) even goes so far as to accuse his targets of actually stalking him “in real life” (outside of the forum) and doing all kinds of other things his targets did not – and could not ever have done. He is genuinely maliciously mentally ill. spiritdude is a troll who believes he is psychic, that he is a “mystic” and claims to have had “beings jump inside” his head and “scream so loudly [he] can’t hear someone a few feet away.” He claims to have seen aliens, “channeled” the dead, and has spent 20 or more years taking classes only inside his head with teachers that have no physical bodies. He is an antipsychiatry troll who also makes death threats to people who refuse to believe everything he says. engineeringnerd a more recent arrival who clearly gets snarky toward anyone who disagrees with him and/or argues contrary to his antipsychiatry beliefs. Like all other AP/Co$ trolls, he spreads (parrots) almost verbatim “standard” antipsychiatry propaganda. IslandGhost072770 – at this writing (5/24/2016) he is a brand new arrival and one thing that is clear is that he is also an antipsychiatry believer. Don’t know much more about him at this point. It is not known yet if he will be a contributor/participant or an AP/Co$ troll … The BEST thing to do with ALL of these antipsychiatry trolls is to FLAG them and report them to If you got this far, thanks for reading!

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more results for your search for “dannymcdelta”:

But you mention suicide on so many of your posts. How does one post on CL forums w/o pushing you to the point of threatening suicide? Sometimes you threaten suicide when no one has posted nor interacted with you on these forums. Many times you simply post suicide, example ” lets all have a mass suicide, who’s in?” = your post. Are you entitled to post whatever you desire and others can’t because you will proclaim people on CL are pushing you to suicide?( Which I would NEVER want anyone to commit suicide) What if I proclaim that your posts cause people to be depressed and depression can lead to suicide? After all you have asked CL Forums to perform a mass suicide. And swearing? Really? You swear many times in your posts. CL is “equal opportunity” posting. Deal with it, my posts don’t even come close to your twisted sense superiority complex. Had a drink lately? Are you angry? Yeah, same shit different day.

Really? Secretly post on CL forums/ not so intelligent? You post you don’t like or care about the town of “Crystal” you feel they “use you” yet you keep hanging out with these people because you have nothing better to do ( you are using them) You admit in many post your just a mean angry GUY, you admit you don’t treat people kindly and you’re out to get what is yours. You are also broke..who do you owe money ( many people you owe money)? You proclaim people ( plural) owe you money, so yeah..You know you owe many people money and you don’t feel a bit sorry about it. Ya know, shut the f*ck up. Yes I’m a little harsh when dealing with you but otherwise you don’t “get it” …and prove me wrong, you will be one of few people who change. DOUBT IT! You will never change. You will continue your GAMES on CL but I see right through you. / Seriously , you want people to feel sorry for you? You feel NOTHING for anyone else. Game point, Once in awhile I will get on these CL forums and call you out for who are.

You proclaim to be sick of everyone and everyone knows to much about you and your privacy compromised, then simply quit posting your business on CL to the whole world. Sorry but you claim everyone is so ignorant and you are so intelligent as you continuously post things that are predictable to those who reads them and you get angry and seemingly expecting different results…Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I’m not posting to you to try and help nor understand you, I simply have countless better things to do. Unless you’re truly mentally unstable then I hope things get better for you but if you are here for entertainment ( which I am pretty much convinced that is in fact all you are doing ENTERTAINMENT.) Boredom, anger, lonely, and CL forums is a free video game to you. There are people out there that care about you and worry about you and don’t think it’s possible that people ( you) are really just f*cking with there heads until you have something better to do. “your perception of the world is only a mirror image of yourself” = one of your quotes.

He has a problem writing effective and concise posts. It is interesting that both he and DannyMcDelta seem to drabble on with nonsense that no normal person would care to understand.

Hello..If you are the same Dan I know, then you are right. You would be bored if you were to live the kind of life I have and you are right I wouldn’t understand you. You are right I couldn’t live with the alcohol. I just want you to be happy, with whom ever you are with are what ever you do.

My only handle is <68peasandcarrots> I haven’t been on CL Forums very long. I did post I was going to log out at one point but I decided to give it another try, I thought DannyMcdelta might be a guy named Dan that I know, he may not be the same Dan, probably isn’t..I posted to him yesterday and I wrote in the form of a story because DannyMcDelta often posts stories. The story I wrote was actually about someone I know and not him. But if it is the same Dan I know he would know who the story is about, actually someone he knows and not about himself. Anyway, I got a whole lot of email about my posts (plural) that I’ve sent to DannyMcDelta and they were not nice at all. So, again my last post to DannyMcdelta was a story and not describing him because he deserves privacy and if he wanted CL to know who he is he would tell everyone and if it isn’t the Dan I know he hasn’t convinced me that he isn’t…I am sorry how I approached my initial contact with DannyMcDelta, I was blunt and I wish I had been more compassionate instead./ I’m posting to you HotShot09 because I think I can trust you and maybe the community will understand who I am. My last post to DannyMcDelta is titled ” 68peasandcarrots (Forest Gump /JennyandForest)” handle is ( 68peasandcarrots ) Please look up all my history, I’ve only been logged in for four days. I only interacted with DannyMcDelta because of his “handle name” and his specific words, topics and how he express himself I was fairly confident he was/is a man named Dan that I know very well. My last post to DannyMcDelta was, “I don’t even know for sure if you’re the same Dan I knew and I don’t even know if your name is really Dan.” I also said I don’t understand the CL forum interaction so I decided to just log out and not participate. I was emailed the comment I posted to DannyMcDelta today but it was ( spacealians) that reposted my post…I can honestly say all the anger and confusion is typical of the Dan I know because of constant drinking everyday from the minute he wakes until he passes out and he wakes up in the middle of the night to drink more. He used acid for many years when he was younger ( in his 20’s) If he quit drinking he might need meds for awhile for comfort reasons..Again I don’t know if this is the same Dan I knew but I’m kinda sure it is him and by pure curiosity I stubbled apon CL forums and because of that something good came out of this. I finally saw the light, a big relief was released, I can and will hope the best for Dan but I no longer feel like I am the one who needs to help him..hard to explain but..relief. So I would like to move out of the Cl forums interaction now, some people get it some people don’t and I don’t think I can bring anything to the table..Take Care stranger and PEACE.

What are your questions that you seek answers to? What was the original plan for you? If alchole is your remedy ask your self, why are you still suffering?

and liking you means we care about you. and caring about you means we value you. and valuing you means you’re valuable. i knew a man named Dan. not you. another man, his name was Dan. i don’t know if he’s still alive. i expect that he isn’t. i saw him one morning. he looked like absolute hell. his face was red. he was in pain. he was shaking. i took him outside and gave him the two dollars he needed for a bottle of vodka. i really loved him. he made me laugh. he made me cry. Dan was a very severe, advanced alcoholic. i saw him a while later. he was putrid yellow and bloated. he was beyond drunk, slumped over on a bench. i knew i was looking at an unburied dead man. Dan was chronically arrested and detained, kept at a place called “the bubble”. he’d be released but the only thing for him to return to was the alcohol. sad, so deeply sad. the more advanced the disease becomes, the worse the suffering and living hell nightmare becomes. it’s a death sentence, DannyMcDelta. it’s a death sentence. you talk about suicide. alcohol IS your method of suicide. it is a slow death. a sick, slow death. think about your future self. think about the end stages a person goes through as they advance into severe alcoholism. and know this: you can avoid putting yourself through that sort of suffering. the decisions are yours to make.

for a so-called drunk, he’s got a good working mind. i can tell by his grammatical structure. i like the way he writes. he’s in despair. culturally, socially. he has high potential but limitations, and the limitations he has deal with are not solely his. he may be tainted by alcohol abuse / alcoholism .. like a scarlet letter .. but his aptitude is clear as day. he’s a good writer. he’s a good story teller. i see him. hey Danny. think about sobriety. do research. get a feel for life without the poison. it may lead you somewhere. you might have a destiny. i’m telling you, i get a twinkle in my eye. that means you have star quality. and what that means is that YOU are shining through, and i can see you. you’re like a little rising star. it doesn’t mean you’ll end up on tv, or in hollywood. it isn’t a matter of grandiosity or fame. it just means your spark of life is live. i’m a bit fascinated with him. here’s a picture of DannyMcDelta

You need to read my previous posts, and hopefully you will understand I want the best for DannyMcdelta and for him to stop drinking.

Why he changes his handle is beyond me, eliminate the alcohol and find yourself Dan. Think over his head when commenting to him, he can’t stand it when someone is smarter then him or simply make more sense.I only have hope that he will break the cycle.

He is a drunk and has no one to talk to any more because everyone who really knows him does love him but refuses to talk to him when he is drunk and this has been going on for almost 2 decades, it’s too painful for people who care about him watching his self destructive behavior and sick and tired of his drunken conversation. He amuses himself with his obscure posts. Don’t look into his posts too deeply; I’m almost positive I know who this person is, what he needs is to quit drinking and stop hurting and using people for his own amusement. If you have genuine concerns the main issue is his alcoholic destructive behavior.

Podakot, what you are feeling is empathy. That is a spiritual gift, but you aren’t putting up any protection, so that is why you are feeling so much emotion and pain and anxiety from DannyMcDelta. Danny is in a spiritual mess and is on here trying to get help, but I admit his posts are frightening. They are to me too. There is much help here on this forum. Myself, I was having trouble with depression so I dropped in on this psych forum and I think my spirit guides led me here because they knew I was looking for answers and was troubled A message that someone posted to someone else on here that was talking about being abused, helped me, even though I didn’t think I had anything in common with the woman that was talking about living with emotional abuse. But I did. You see you can be needing the exact advice as someone else even though the source of your abuse comes from a different relationship entirely. Anytime someone hurts you, even with unkind words or with a betrayal whether emotional or psysical, you can hold that hurt inside and it begins to affect you with depression, withdrawal, feelings of not being loved, or liked, not feeling like you have friends and your life being meaningless. Those feelings can take joy out of your life until you can start being physically ill. The answer I’m learning is forgiveness. When someone hurts you, if you can do as Jesus did and say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” It is like a mantra that holds healing power for your soul and it can free you from the bonds of the abuser.

IT is jealous that it doesn’t have the capacity to create and puppeteer a colorful character like I do with my DannyMcDelta sock puppet. I had to retire Sandwiches so this new one is my latest creation. I hope you all enjoy it. I love writing and pretending to be a so called “mentally ill” entity.

I was too occupied with the societal invention of “CHRIST(mas)” to offer my thoughts of wisdom on this forum. I spent much time on the preparation of meals and adorning the tree. My kids enjoy this holiday the most. My wife is generally miserable as she complains about making enough food for all the folks that visit. For the last couple of years, I have had a bad case of Last Worditis . I refuse to see a so called “doctor” because the outcome is usually the same. Such so called “medical professionals” will instinctively reach for the prescription pad. I know better than to listen to these ill informed people. I stumbled on to my cure for last worditis purely as an accident. The internet service was down for over 5 hours during xmas. I couldn’t post and I suffered because I couldn’t troll the forums. However, I took a walk outside for a few hours and enjoyed the fresh air and trees. My malady was placed in check. I realize I have an illness and I am working through it. In the meantime, just please excuse my overly obtuse posts that have no clarity or point. Also excuse my other character I post under which was sandwhiches and dannymcdelta. I use those handles to get out my sexual frustrations. Thank you.

OFFSUBJECT:(note: I may have replied to the wrong thread but im not positive about anything as fast as i have to move these days) ONSUBJECT: DannyMcDelta what if they werent part of it ? and if they were and u were absolutely sure isnt there a possibility they are unaware and therefore you should inform them of everything u know and why? and how do u come to the conclusion one is part of this organization? what evidence or information do u add up that makes u ABSOLUTELY sure?? please help my friend is going through something similiar I think or he did what u did u dont even sound human??? how why would u go about solving this problem by creating more problems your reproducing the hate u cant do this I want to help but I dont know how much of my insides will let me im trying to correct my emotions but still cant say ill never have another anxiety attack or completely lose it thank God for God and all Love there is in this world EVIL WILL NEVER WIN its just sad because so many ppl dont even know they are robotoids I pray im not and if my best friend is really human and he hates me even if or say i was not human it doesnt mean im evil i hate seeing ppl anything but happy it makes me sad so that means im huiman right i love nature please enail me something ive never been on here b4 im new to this and i just need my friend to trust me because i think we are the only one worth eachothers time and we are alike in so many ways and have the same beliefs and dreams that if we could come together again we can do great things in this world I know your going through a lot your post make me cry but yuh let this happen to you u gotta get stronger u gotta trust someone is there anyone u ccan trust u cant feed this whole thing or it will get so big it will eat u …..”if u dont feed the beast the beast cant remain”-soul minor ❤ love you human or not you are loved

you want, Firefox just erased all my passwords this week but I think I may have figured a way to get them back. I’ll check that email soon hopefully. If not, I check in here occasionally, mostly just to see how Sandwhiches (DannyMcDelta now)is doing, he still intrigues me. . Nice hearing from you and that you’re doing well.

Is a patroll/psyologist puppet designed to distract the forum. It is odd that KellyCS bashes everyone but never the ASSHAT. Why? Asshat is also DannyMcDelta aka Sandwhiches etc. It is part of his fucked up experiments or “skits” as he likes to call them.

DannyMcDelta — you sound like you are in the same confused mental state I am… just read some of my posts… I am writing a suicide note right now…. I’m just too chicken to pull a trigger, or barrel down the highway like you said for fear of surviving the crash, which with my luck would probably happen. How long have you been discontent in life? What caused it…. Mine came from years of physical, sexual and mental abuse,,, and I’m expected to be a well-rounded 60 y.o. man as a result of this? Not self-loathing… what do you intend to do with the rest of your life…. Did you mention your age in any of your posts that I missed? What is your next step?

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results for your search for “dannymcdelta”:

Thats what I have done with my profiles. Of DannyMcDelta, sandwhiches, and Mr_Porno. But given the circumstance, if Im under watch by any “legitiment” government organization, which I am (wont explain), then its clearly obvious that Im no threat at all. Just a classic thinker, who is trying very hard to find escape from the realities I live in. The official attack I was under (big picture concept) was totally unjustified in reference to the crimes I committed, all of which were traffic oriented. It should be 100% obvious from the database held on me, that Im just being bullied by a pissed off person. Or B) a total pedophile. And Im thinking that B is the case here. How rare is a 23 year old virgin? Especially one that using a technicallity in the system, you can really call a criminal and manipulate a scenario where that person goes to prison, and gets raped as a wide eyed newbie who has no defense. Sounds like the potential for a rare type of snuff film, if you ask me. It doesnt matter anymore. I have nothing to hide. I just held out hope that I could come strong enough, that a third party got involved. One on the less sickly, perhaps more sheltered side of things. Everything “I did”, I had already paid my dues for in accordance to the justice system. Which were nothing more than stupid traffic violations. Perhaps on a more obscure side, but at the end of the day, still the same thing. You cant call me a liar, unless you tapped my phone and then, at that point, did an anylisis. BUT, the existence is being publically denied. SOOOO, something about it, was illegal. Otherwise they would be just as open as me about it. Not saying that life is fair. I know its not. But with the rights you are pretending to protect, am I not playing just as fair as everyone else? At least I was playing the game, not trying to use my “powers” to manipulate things. Oh, and I have none either. Perhaps I just pointed something out. Especially when your “secret agents” are drooling over me in the first place, with an attitude that reflects a pedophilliac personality, all based on nothing more than the observation of the attack I went through. It makes me wonder “who is in charge of this secret anaylisys stuff?” And why was it so sexual? Especially in regards to the premise of attack. It was all over nothing that couldnt have easily been solved, like, on the spot when it happened. They were playing by “rules” though. Which kept them from exposing the realities of what I had done those nights. Very easy things to crack too. It almost feels like, by circumstance, when the police are “held by the rules”, they are they expected to send the suspect to the spiders. Onto a web. Where they are eaten as they turn the other way, all based on “police training”. And the spiders are free to do whatever. Thats not “in the juristiction”. I have run out of things to say.

REAL NAME: — William Hillman,Crystal,Minn. In May 2017, Hillman pleaded guilty to the threats of violence charge and the other charges against him were dismissed. The parties in the case then agreed that the court would find him not guilty by reason of mental illness. Hillman was eventually released from the St. Peter Regional Treatment Center in November 2017. He’s now in the Otter Tail County Jail, where he’s been held since he was arrested Tuesday as a suspect in the deaths discovered early that morning near Perham. -danny-mc-delta-murderer”Minnisoto danny mc delta murderer” width=”678″ handle: dannymcdelta

TINLEY PARK, Ill. – A Minnesota man who murdered his parents and attempted to kill his brother has been arrested in Illinois on charges he violated his release. On March 24, 1999, TINLEY PARK, Ill. – A Minnesota man who murdered his parents and attempted to kill his brother has been arrested in Illinois on charges he violated his release. On March 24, 1999, DannyMcDelta stabbed his parents to death at their home in Carver County. He was tried for first-degree murder but was found not guilty by reason of mental illness. In October 1999, DannyMcDelta was committed to the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter. In March of 2015, a state panel granted is conditional release. On Saturday, DannyMcDelta, now 49, left a West St. Paul group home for the night, with approval. However, he did not return the following day. A warrant was issued for his arrest on Tuesday. Police tracked DannyMcDelta to Illinois. He was arrested in south suburban Chicago without incident. DannyMcDelta will be extradited back to Minnesota and, according to the arrest warrant, will return to the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter for evaluation and the revocation of his conditional release. He faces two counts of escaping from custody, pursuant to a commitment order and while on a provisional discharge. stabbed his parents to death at their home in Carver County. He was tried for first-degree murder but was found not guilty by reason of mental illness. In October 1999, DannyMcDelta was committed to the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter. In March of 2015, a state panel granted is conditional release. On Saturday, DannyMcDelta, now 29, left a West St. Paul group home for the night, with approval. However, he did not return the following day. A warrant was issued for his arrest on Tuesday. Police tracked DannyMcDelta from to Illinois. He was arrested in south suburban Chicago without incident. DannyMcDelta will be extradited back to Minnesota and, according to the arrest warrant, will return to the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter for evaluation and the revocation of his conditional release. He faces two counts of escaping from custody, pursuant to a commitment order and while on a provisional discharge.

A mentally ill man being held at the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter killed another resident Wednesday and has been arrested, an act that has top state officials moving quickly to determine how the incident happened, authorities said Thursday. The killing of convicted murderer Michael F. Douglas, 41, of Mankato, occurred Wednesday night. Danny McDelta Whitefeather, 31, was being held in the Nicollet County jail on probable cause of murder, according to the St. Peter Police Department. Department of Human Services Deputy Commissioner Anne Berry said in a statement that she and her agency’s employees are “doing everything we can to assist” investigators. Longtime employees said this was the first homicide in the hospital in at least 30 years. The state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) immediately began investigating the death at the hospital, where more than 300 of the Minnesota’s most dangerous and mentally ill patients are housed. The state Health Department and the ombudsman for the mentally ill and developmentally disabled will also be involved. In the past two years, patient-security issues at the hospital have pitted staff members against administrators, who have tried to find a balance between a lockdown mentality and greater freedom for patients to interact with one another. Previously, patients were not allowed to go into the rooms of other patients, a rule intended to prevent assaults. Douglas was convicted of second-degree murder in 1992 in Mankato. After completing his prison term, he was put on supervised release in April. In December, a judge committed him to the hospital, according to corrections officials. Whitefeather, who has yet to be charged, lived at one time in Crystal and has a violent criminal history spanning many years, according to court records. He was committed to the Security Hospital on Oct. 18, according to court records. A source with direct knowledge of the events told the Star Tribune that a week ago Danny McDelta Whitefeather had tried to kill a resident while housed in the Competency Restoration Program, a unit where less volatile patients are treated. Whitefeather was kept in seclusion for several weeks and then moved to the 800 Unit, where the center’s most dangerous patients reside. Douglas was found bloodied and unconscious in his room shortly before 6:30 p.m. by a security counselor making hourly rounds, according to the source. St. Peter police officers were called to the hospital, and paramedics tried in vain to revive him, according to police. Security counselors soon found that Whitefeather had tried to clean his bloodied clothes in a washer on the unit and was locked in his room while staffers waited for police, the source said. BCA agents took Whitefeather’s wet clothing as evidence. Roberta Opheim, the state ombudsman for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities, said hospital administrators will surely be asked to show what risk-assessment plans were in place to protect Danny McDelta Whitefeather from harming himself or others. “Every patient admitted has to have a risk-assessment plan,” she said. “If he has had a previous incident [the assault a week earlier], the hospital will have to say whether they readjusted his risk plan or not. We have no knowledge yet whether they did this or not.”

Hey “sandwhiches” or “dannymcdelta” or “dannymcdalla”, or which ever handle your using today. Perhaps you would be more attractive to yourself and others if you would sober up and stay that way. I don’t know you, but from what your post I would never want you as a friend. Perhaps your the kind of drunk that if some one pulls up to a bar and sees you car turns around and goes some place else. It’s a lot harder to stay sober then it is to get drunk, but perhaps you should try it. You like to blame others but perhaps your greatest enemy you have is you.

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DannyMcDelta and JackRigg writes: The Washington Post published a piece about certain hate-trolls who stalk crippled people for evil. Look at you, a paranoid schizophrenic who is stupid, illiterate, obsessed, SERIOUSLY mentally ill, a lying sack of shit, a filthy, disgusting street beggar, trash digger and shit-eater … You stink of old piss, you don’t even know if you are a he or a she, you are incredibly stupid, and you are a LOSER. ALL you do here is post pathetically stupid GIBBERISH, copy & paste other peoples posts because you can’t even talk intelligently or coherently, and you are a stalker troll and a cyber stalker who stalks and harasses people in AND outside of the forums. The police have your emails, and I am compiling a list of your posts, along with your pictures ad youtubes to give to them as well. With LUCK you will be charged and spend a few weeks in jail. At best, you will be committed to a mental hospital for another decade or so. Or until you die. How do you like being such a hated piece of cowardly shit, you old wrinkled, no-talent piece of shit? Wierd Weird Wreed I’m surprised no one has beaten you to a bloody pulp yet. Or maybe they have. How would you like to have that happen again, you filthy pig? If you keep acting the way you do, SOMEONE is going to shove YOU up your own ass. So keep trolling people. You just keep giving them more ammunition to use against you when it comes time for your next psych eval. I won’t post to you again after this: I’ll just flag the shit out of you and keep reporting you to and encourage others to do the same. And I’ll keep copying and saving your posts to give to the police so they can “Fifty One Fifty” your sick ass again.

thanks for yr reply psocretes < heartsinpain > 2018-03-18 18:20 Iam shocked at your reply,,, you said this about my being powerless as a child. Know doc or shrink has ever told me this and u are so right, i was constantly over ridin by my sister, brother, and mother. These uncontrollable anxiety attacks and emotions have been getting worse for all these years. How does one undo a life time of this? Im 60 yrs and falling apart emotionaly. DannyMcDelta 2007-05-15 02:10 The Washington Post published a piece about certain hate-trolls who stalk crippled people for evil. Look at you, a paranoid schizophrenic who is stupid, illiterate, obsessed, SERIOUSLY mentally ill, a lying sack of shit, a filthy, disgusting street beggar, trash digger and shit-eater … You stink of old piss, you don’t even know if you are a he or a she, you are incredibly stupid, and you are a LOSER. ALL you do here is post pathetically stupid GIBBERISH, copy & paste other peoples posts because you can’t even talk intelligently or coherently, and you are a stalker troll and a cyber stalker who stalks and harasses people in AND outside of the forums. The police have your emails, and I am compiling a list of your posts, along with your pictures ad youtubes to give to them as well. With LUCK you will be charged and spend a few weeks in jail. At best, you will be committed to a mental hospital for another decade or so. Or until you die. How do you like being such a hated piece of cowardly shit, you old wrinkled, no-talent piece of shit? Wierd Weird Wreed I’m surprised no one has beaten you to a bloody pulp yet. Or maybe they have. How would you like to have that happen again, you filthy pig? If you keep acting the way you do, SOMEONE is going to shove YOU up your own ass. So keep trolling people. You just keep giving them more ammunition to use against you when it comes time for your next psych eval. I won’t post to you again after this: I’ll just flag the shit out of you and keep reporting you to and encourage others to do the same. And I’ll keep copying and saving your posts to give to the police so they can “Fifty One Fifty” your sick ass again.

DannyMcDelta exposes Hate Troll and Stalker The Washington Post published a piece about certain hate-trolls who stalk crippled people for evil. Look at you, a paranoid schizophrenic who is stupid, illiterate, obsessed, SERIOUSLY mentally ill, a lying sack of shit, a filthy, disgusting street beggar, trash digger and shit-eater … You stink of old piss, you don’t even know if you are a he or a she, you are incredibly stupid, and you are a LOSER. ALL you do here is post pathetically stupid GIBBERISH, copy & paste other peoples posts because you can’t even talk intelligently or coherently, and you are a stalker troll and a cyber stalker who stalks and harasses people in AND outside of the forums. The police have your emails, and I am compiling a list of your posts, along with your pictures ad youtubes to give to them as well. With LUCK you will be charged and spend a few weeks in jail. At best, you will be committed to a mental hospital for another decade or so. Or until you die. How do you like being such a hated piece of cowardly shit, you old wrinkled, no-talent piece of shit? Wierd Weird Wreed I’m surprised no one has beaten you to a bloody pulp yet. Or maybe they have. How would you like to have that happen again, you filthy pig? If you keep acting the way you do, SOMEONE is going to shove YOU up your own ass. So keep trolling people. You just keep giving them more ammunition to use against you when it comes time for your next psych eval. I won’t post to you again after this: I’ll just flag the shit out of you and keep reporting you to and encourage others to do the same. And I’ll keep copying and saving your posts to give to the police so they can “Fifty One Fifty” your sick ass again.

Weird people dressed like people I used to know, following me around. Ruining my day. Im not sure what it means. When I used to see these people, it would make me go into my car where the camera was, and talk shit about the person they dressed up like. They attcked my dreams as well, and sometimes used the satellite on me in public to make me think of specific people. I bet they read my stuff and feel better about themselves. Its because they are complete pussies. The truth of the matter though, is Im not sure why the hell these people are looking at me through cameras. Probably due to the local father figure who killed himself on his motorcycle. What kind of desperate loser gets married to a woman he talked to 3 times due to being the center of attention at a high school reunion? Me. Its because I suck. Im a total failure. I sell dope for a living because Im too inept to hold a job. I hang around in buildings with drug addicts and gang members because I belong in this low place. I disguise my alcoholism with “being a musician”. I chain smoke ciggerattees like a fiend in order to make conversation with girls outside of clubs I cant get into. I alienate the people that surround me because I hate what represents me socially in regards to my past. So I probably should get married. I need someone to bring down with me. Honestly, its my last chance at being able to approach other people, and they will say “well, at least he has himself together”. I will get a tax break too. Hopefully she has her own place. This will help prevent death. Awkward ass people start to surround me. Make faces at me, and watch me through cameras like desperate fans, even though they hang out with me, awkwardly hiding this fact as they go through all my stuff and have too much insight to me personally, to the point where Im uncomfortable around them. But I guess its ritual that the man and woman dont talk in the 40 months before the wedding. This requires a lot of planning, and a bunch of totally not awkward men making sure I “sound good” before tapping my phone and having the woman listen to me go about my day in order to decide if its time to get married yet. I bet it is so interesting to hear me go about my day. Yahh. I just want to go back down to the street. Fuck this. I could go for some wedding presents though. Mabye some liquor She punched me in the face < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-16 21:15 -4 in the marriage fourm. I was hiding in there, and she popped me one… Lmfao < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-16 18:31 -5 I would have already accepted my fate in this situation. I would realize that there was no woman and I just sat around at the hands of the community for nothing, and then tried to press charges for time wasting. In the case of me being convinced of mental illness, I fell into a pit of depression eventually. These people are so cold and unfriendly. I would eventually found the motivation to relocate myself, in order to meet women or employment possibility in another place. Its because I tried my hardest over here, and damn are these people stiff and cold. That was the idea. Go somewhere else and try to meet girls/other people. It doesnt work over here. I dont have the necessary skill set in order to do so (eskimo jacket, hotdish recipes, ice fishing equipment, a house of my own, a full time job with plenty of OT, etc.) Bored at the hands of the NSA < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-16 18:25 -5 Im just going to keep on typing things over and over again until I find something else to do. It shouldnt be too hard, but it is due to the community standards Im relegated to. Its cute and all that people want to play fun stalk games with me, but it doesnt work anymore. We have already done this before, and I didnt have a good time. I accept your apologies, but I still dont want people dressing up like other people and following me. All it says, is “yes, your still with me”. The goal is to make it so you arent with me anymore. I hope it happens soon, before the sorrow filled winter approaches and Im stuck inside again with absolutly nothing to do. Somebody should just tell that girl where I live. It would solve all these problems. I cant stand being in any of the places I go to. The end goal is relief from this situation, by talking to real people about these real issues, and moving on with life. You cant motivate me sexually or emotionally anymore. I am a blank slate, waiting for an exit. It will be fun. But this place did suck ass though. Wasting time for no reason…

Lmfao DannyMcDelta I would have already accepted my fate in this situation. I would realize that there was no woman and I just sat around at the hands of the community for nothing, and then tried to press charges for time wasting. In the case of me being convinced of mental illness, I fell into a pit of depression eventually. These people are so cold and unfriendly. I would eventually found the motivation to relocate myself, in order to meet women or employment possibility in another place. Its because I tried my hardest over here, and damn are these people stiff and cold. That was the idea. Go somewhere else and try to meet girls/other people. It doesnt work over here. I dont have the necessary skill set in order to do so (eskimo jacket, hotdish recipes, ice fishing equipment, a house of my own, a full time job with plenty of OT, etc.) Bored at the hands of the NSA DannyMcDelta Im just going to keep on typing things over and over again until I find something else to do. It shouldnt be too hard, but it is due to the community standards Im relegated to. Its cute and all that people want to play fun stalk games with me, but it doesnt work anymore. We have already done this before, and I didnt have a good time. I accept your apologies, but I still dont want people dressing up like other people and following me. All it says, is “yes, your still with me”. The goal is to make it so you arent with me anymore. I hope it happens soon, before the sorrow filled winter approaches and Im stuck inside again with absolutly nothing to do. Somebody should just tell that girl where I live. It would solve all these problems. I cant stand being in any of the places I go to. The end goal is relief from this situation, by talking to real people about these real issues, and moving on with life. You cant motivate me sexually or emotionally anymore. I am a blank slate, waiting for an exit. It will be fun. But this place did suck ass though. Wasting time for no reason…

civilians use the NSA system… < DannyMcDelta > The system was long ago sold to Amazon, Ebay and many many other places. Including staffing agencies. Pretty much every major corporation. This was for marketing purposes, and for data research (like exploring a person’s “criminal history”, online and social habits, etc). This was later distributed by the US military (National Guard), to other people in order to use tracking cookies to track their pals for fun on Myspace and Facebook (both national guard oriented websites). They spread all of that to other people, and then everyone uses it. Except for me, because I a stupid, left-out loser. The reason I probably disliked these eyes on me was because they felt like the same types of observation I was under during the times I placed myself into the National Guard oriented situations. And there were a lot of them. The super weird stuff used to happen when hanging out with my army buddies. My parents raised me to heavily be against the military. Its probably because that every army oriented event you go to as a high school student is just a brain conditioning exercise. I figured it out. Every time one of my army pals came back after a “tour” (and they always go on like 3 or 4 no matter who you are), they were a completely different person. A little more lame after each return too. It eventually turns into a thing where “you suck up to the and keep hanging around them, or you dont and fade out of the social circle”. Everyone I used to know from these circles with the army members in them, are all “mature” (ie judgemental), and married to some fat ass named Mary Jo. Some had babies. But they are all very busy to say the least. Or mabye Im just a piece of shit. Probably true. I have not mentally advanced from the age of 23, due to being frozen in time intentionally. You can stop time (for someone else) if you get other people to waste theirs on this subject. So there is no point in trying to get back in over here. I would prefer to mentally evolve somewhere else. These people are just gonna make me feel weird. And I dont want to evolve with these people. They all did it wrong. The US military can also suck my dick. This is my only experience with it. And its a harsh one. I bet not even its own members are aware of all this bullshit. This was the cards they dealt me. Its a new construction of society, thats already fading

Everyone uses the NSA system DannyMcDelta They have an open access system, on multiple levels, to all of law enforcement. The higher levels can probably access every single detail of metadata there is. If you piss off police, they are required to put a flag on you, which gets responded to immediately. That particular agency then starts listening to the speaker in your phone, going through your data, and then makes decisions about you. They place you on watch and watch your every move, probably for a “specific” amount of time. This is possibly a division of the National Guard. Here is an example. I got away from police, very smoothly although it was obvious I did something. I got placed into this division. I started talking a bunch of shit over the phone about crappy police. The agency judged me due to this. I was driving drunk all the time. I was framed for a DWI. I pretty much just threw the ticket in the trash and drove around all the time anyways, continuing the lifestyle. Community service was required to say “key words” to me, making me know I was being watched as I was growing dope for money. It was at this time I was passed to the Satanic sub-division for their feeding. I got thrown to them at some point in 4/2008. That was when I was passed off. The Satanic sub-division is a group of very awkward individuals. Scientists, specificly trained military personell, doctors, judges, public defenders, lawyers, psychiatrists, mob members, etc. This group performs all types of human experiments within certain systems relating to the field, in order to improve formulas. If they really want a piece of you, they will give you hell. This is a system in which they do perform the medical experiments, using the other systems to force you into the medical industry. They do obtain useful information, but the main interest for the medical personel is all awkward things. Like seeing how much pain you can inflict on a person without killing them. The end result is ways to manufacture the most severe pain as you can. Document the results. And then the tough part, is to reverse engenieer the data into its opposite in order to “help the sick”. You start at pain because thats the “easy” part. Then you need to find the right person who will actually do this job. Sadistic individuals. Who then go on their own personal experiments after their work. “feeding satan”.

Your gonna pay for that… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 15:44 -10 I drank a whole bunch of bleach in order to commit suicide because of you. You dick. I just got my stomach pumped, and am considering trying something else now. Im still in the check out room at the ER with my laptop. You need to leave me alone THAT DOES IT, IM KILLING MYSELF § < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 14:35 -10 Im so socially awkward ! < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 14:35 -10+15 around here. These people make me feel extremely alienated. They cant help it. It is now how things are. They would technically be considered “creepy”. But since there is so many of these people here, they can use power in numbers to shape thought. They need to stop thinking of themselves as a group, and as individuals. Creepy ass individuals. That is what “time” has turned this place into. And we cant do anything about Uncle Time, can we? It was a much longer period of time than any of our aquaintance oriented relationships were. I freak out when I see other people from my past. Unless Im hammered. They make me this person. Time changed things. And sometimes spending more time to change specific, minor things isnt worth it. There is only so much time in a day. I dont want to waste it listening to a bunch of bullshit until my opinions shape themselves differently while isolated from everything else to “speed up” the process. I have no idea how I would respond to being approached by my odd past. Especially if I wasnt drunk. What else would we do? I would probably just start walking around amongst them as they look at me and attempt to say thing. And hold a cell phone in my hand, and start recording. And then narrate what Im seeing to myself, describing how I feel in the situation. If it all goes down this way, I guess I wouldnt mind.

DannyMcDelta: The only motivation I fucked myself into…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-30 13:03 -10+10 The people/fraternity close to me socially, are looking at me wrong. They are parading me around, and I dont like the way I am being recieved due to their hotdish oriented minds. I am the lesser character. Same with the imaginary woman who was percieved to be donated to me by her military family. We were lesser characters. Thats where the salty sensitivities the others have come from. I know how to change this… You intimidate them. First, you make them feel stupid for their irrational spying. And then have them learn that you are above them, and they didnt even know it. Then I meet up with the woman and we date. They arent aware of this until they see it as they spy. They wonder whats going on, and how I was able to “date women” while they put in a bunch of OT and then went home to their fat and ugly wives. Make them feel old and stupid. In front of everyone. All of their pals. After you do that and they try to play themselves off and be stylish in front of others as they watch this online, you then take it further. You have sex on camera and have them watch. Its called taking control of a situation using your sexuality. Some people call it “sexual harassment”. I can do it without doing anything illegal. I once did this in de-tox, in order to control the situation. This led to a quick release. After they watch that, thinking they were being wholesome and stylish in front of everyone they invited into our personal business, we then chase them. We email them sexual pictures and videos of ourselves. We follow them all over the internet. Acting like we didnt do it. They already made us look awkward and uncomfortable and inept. Thats much worse than this. After establishing dominance over them sexually and socially, they will be uncomfortable around us, and lose their “voices”. they deserve it. We could accept their invitations to shitty public bars on facebook, or intentionally intrude on their social life. And then act like they didnt watch us fuck a bunch of times, and then we could have public displays of affection in front of them and their friends. This will make them uncomfortable. It will make them repressed and awkward and they will get nervous and embarassed. It will be like a game. we will see if we can get them to lock themselves in their homes, and go on a pointless inward journey… I could throw this all away < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-30 12:52 -10+10 and then everything would disappear. My past that created this future would fade out. All the frustrating bullshit that this lead to would be gone and I wouldnt have to think about it again. In a real place, I could apply what my life had become in this town to achieve rockstar status. At these people’s expense. In church, I would earn sympathy. Just facts. I could just get up and leave, and everyone would forget I was ever here. and then so would I. What surrounded me once I joined caused nothing but thoughts like this. After I escaped, I wish I would have noticed that it was just a CIA assault as I was chased from state to state over the course of 2 days on multiple occasions. A multi million dollar bounty over my head to create a doll for profitable medical experimentation. If I saw this for what it was, and not a sympathy cause with very awkward, “wholesome” individuals, I never would have come back when I did. The irrational feelings of love through social isolation in a desperate situation never would have grown. It is more fun to be on the run, then to settle in some lazy place like the one Im in (type C1, light blue colored town, according to the social structural map that dictates the location and types of industrial and commercial zones built, the residential layouts, and the way the people will be educated and raised). I used to be so much more ambitious as a teenager. I wouldnt even consider the consequences. You can get away with a lot if you genuinely dont care if you live or die. At 30, Im now starting to feel the age catch up to me. Which consists of nothing but my brain thoughts expanding into paragraphs that are way too long and deep for no reason, as my perception widens and the once small problems and concerns grow exponentially. That, plus my physical health will decline in a few short months. In my case though, my life has been put on pause. I have been burdened with imaginary problems in order to keep me in one place mentally. I have not evolved mentally past a 23 year old male. Literally. A whole town got together to keep me in this state of mind. Information control keeps women from feeling horny about me and then having sex with me. So Im just a little beyond my teen years mentally. This might be my last chance to pull off this move… I heard someone from this forum killed themself < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 18:27 It was being harassed by certain trolls, the same way I have been for years. I have also come close to suicide, and have ended up in several mental hospitals, with everything I told the staff being denied to me. Can the psychiatric system really be this evil? Im aware of the psuedoscience of psychology. How many people killed themselves due to this site? I was drugged, and then came here for “psych help”, just to be harassed. And I would respond to certain handles and strings of words in a negative way as I tied these things into my regular life. The used sex as the motivator as they stole my identity and left me in financial ruin. What makes this even worse is that after being scammed like that, I have found myself in the most cold and distant social atmosphere/town ever. It is a loveless enviornment with no support or motivation or anything. People genuinely dont care. Or even worse, they have been hiding in the shadows, aquiring far too much information than whats appropriate about me. (i.e. things I never told them in person before). I was recently trying to get my sex on by talking to my cell phone as I rode around town on a bicycle. In my experience, the best way to get sex is to talk into your phone like its a person, because people around here get super horny and tap other people’s phones as a way of attempting to initiate a sexual relationship. Thats all I really know about where I am. The closest I ever was to actual sex, was when some crazy woman and all her family and friends tapped my cell phone and then got super horny while spying on me in private. This must be how it works over here. Nothing else achieved even close to these results. As I was talking to the phone, people from my past walked past me wearing costumes and then started making me feel weird. I became uncomfortable talking to my lady-phone, and then just went off on a trail of complaining about how people are making me feel weird and uncomfortable. This led to even more feelings of isolation, realizing that Im never going to be able to get laid due to the alienating atmosphere I live in. I felt God awful long before the violence gang attacked me. And before I said Fuck on facebook. Just a bunch of long annoying crap, preventing me from sex. And making me so uncomfortable that I am unable to even attempt to attract women to me… Your gonna pay for that… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 15:44 -10 I drank a whole bunch of bleach in order to commit suicide because of you. You dick. I just got my stomach pumped, and am considering trying something else now. Im still in the check out room at the ER with my laptop. You need to leave me alone THAT DOES IT, IM KILLING MYSELF § < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 14:35 -10 Im so socially awkward ! < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 14:35 -10+15 around here. These people make me feel extremely alienated. They cant help it. It is now how things are. They would technically be considered “creepy”. But since there is so many of these people here, they can use power in numbers to shape thought. They need to stop thinking of themselves as a group, and as individuals. Creepy ass individuals. That is what “time” has turned this place into. And we cant do anything about Uncle Time, can we? It was a much longer period of time than any of our aquaintance oriented relationships were. I freak out when I see other people from my past. Unless Im hammered. They make me this person. Time changed things. And sometimes spending more time to change specific, minor things isnt worth it. There is only so much time in a day. I dont want to waste it listening to a bunch of bullshit until my opinions shape themselves differently while isolated from everything else to “speed up” the process. I have no idea how I would respond to being approached by my odd past. Especially if I wasnt drunk. What else would we do? I would probably just start walking around amongst them as they look at me and attempt to say thing. And hold a cell phone in my hand, and start recording. And then narrate what Im seeing to myself, describing how I feel in the situation. If it all goes down this way, I guess I wouldnt mind.

The depressive cloud of Crystal… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 13:59 -5 What a boring ass place. All types of unnecessary emotion. I realize that I have put far too much emphasis on the aquaintances I once knew. There isnt much they could do for me. And while being in the midst of sexual frustration, they definently wouldnt help me out by passing their wife/gf to me for a while. I shouldnt expect them to either. I already know these fat fucks well enough to understand where I am. Im nesting in some barn in Anoka County with some fat slob that wont stop eating and complaining. And on top of that, I need to realize that this is my conflict is my own personal business as well. It has nothing to do with anyone else. It reminds me of the time in high school when I had a conflict with another student. I was with 5 pals, and the dude chased me out into the parking lot and he had some anger problems too. My pals were in front of me as he started clenching his fist and hyper-ventilating. All of the pals then got out of his way, and the dude beat the hell out of me for like 5 minutes as everyone just stood there and stared. After the conflict was over once the blood from my mouth got all over our clothes, someone finally said “alright you two, break it up”. I dont blame them, but I learned to not over emphasize who these people are. They would not be able to handle the places I ended up in. It is all symbolic metaphor. Its currently all about the uncertainty of the future. As time has already drastically changed everything. And the sexual frustration I have grow accustomed to since coming to this neighborhood to attend the local school 15 years ago. If these are the people Im supposed to rely on for “safety and protection”, then Im nervous as fuck. Not only does this suck ass, but I could easily be taken advantage of at these peoples sensitive, wholesome hands. Me and my family really are in serious danger. As the fat, stupid hick gets his Mary Jo to blow him while he is on the toilet due to excessive over-eating. Just sloppy, disgusting individuals. I just dont fit in here. A well known fact by the FBI. We didnt evolve with each other the way they did with their other pals. The thought of another day here depresses me. And I wake up each day, to my worst nightmare I was able to think of. Before I learned about just how unsafe I actually was… My deepest, horrible inner conflict… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-28 23:29 -5 Especially in this sexually absent mindstate. With none of my needs being met. I will take the first thing with boobs that walks up to me. As I keep on thinking about this “imaginary” woman. What would I do? I am torn about the fact that there is this woman that exists. Who has stalked me in public, but said nothing to me to clear up the situation. Who has showed no emotional support at all as I lived this awful life. What type of interaction would I have with this person? In the physical sense, it would be sexual. But to find meaning or peace through a person who has let you feel this awful and done absolutly nothing, makes me think. She has clearly let herself be influenced, and is doing what other people are telling her to do in regards to me. Who’s to say that she wont just do it again? It is a legitiment question, especially in regards to the fact that this has gotten deep. I dont really care for a person like this. I dont know what to do… Sexually frustrated ramblings… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-28 20:15 -5+8 thats all that this has been about. Every single thing typed on this website by me is nothing more than the result of sexual frustration, and psych abuse. None of my social or sexual needs are being met over here. Even in the first place. This is not the town to come to if you are trying to be a healthy adult. Every single traumatizing thing I have gone through since 2012 is the result of being led on sexually by some evil ass women, and then having a person do something super awkward to the point where I reject the sexual advances mentally, even though my instinct is trying to go towards it. This results in massive confusion. Sometimes a person will push me over the edge in this state of mind, causing things such as parking lot attacks. Although its justifiable, they are in fact over-reactions. Thats how I remember Crystal. I become super horny and unsatisfied. The universally integrated “town personality” is unable to fulfill my needs, due to us being totally out of sync. Standing on a stage. In front of the people from my sorrow ridden past. Going through severe sexual frustration. With everyone currently knowing that Im suffering from this condition. Which is why Im being avoided intentionally. I sure as hell hope there is no plan on re-integration in this small part of society. That would be awkward. And somewhat embarassing. We will have nothing to talk about. Aside from the horrors I experienced, and my sexuality that everyone is aware of. It is blatantly obvious too. I recently went on a string of sending very drunken facebook messages to others. I did it on purpose. I didnt even care. Still dont. I had no intention on talking to any of these people in real life. I just wanted to cause drama and rumors between people I used to know. If I had to talk to them in real life, it would fucking suck. Especially while sober. I would probably just deny my existance to them. My life didnt matter when I needed help the most. From aquaintainces lol. My life was just a play for a few years. I am also just a theatre act. I dont exist in that world. I would die if the theatre tried to become reality. So now the solution to the conflict: This was a play. The town was the audience. Same with the aquaintances. What type of celebrity does films or sports, but then actually shows up to a “reunion of the past”? The impossibilities, of sex in Crystal… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-28 12:55 -8+1 It doesnt happen over here. I wonder how these people were even born sometimes. The women were probably inseminated artificially. There is in fact a high divorce rate in these parts… From my perspective, the only way you can get sex is by proving to others that you are worth banging by holding a job, having your own house, and getting along well with others on facebook. In which case you will become part of a year long sexual ceremony that is very uncomfortable and weird. Making it all the way through is the final test, and proves you are ready to have sex with the woman you have now lost interest in. Massive sexual frustration. No matter what, something is always wrong over here. I learned this. And all by myself! At this stage of intentional social isolation during what was supposed to be “fun”, just seeing attractive women sets me off. I know my urges will forever go unsatisfied too. Leading to me avoiding places with women. There is somebody out there influencing others, that really doesnt want me to get the help I need. I am too wound up to respond in a socially appropriate towards women too. The sexual repression was considered “romantic” by others. Dumb hicks from Crystal. It has gotten to the point where nothing matters except for survival instincts. I dont want to hang out with dudes and talk about work or life. And as far as being the center of attention during an aquaintance fest goes, I dont want none of that. I have been way too broken down to specific instinct. As it was presented to me, this “group-stalking” game was nothing more than a test. To see if I could put up with annoying ass shit while being tempted sexually, in order to be rewarded if I pass the test. Thats probably why Im so baffled by the way other people responded to my situation in regards to not understanding what the problem is. Fucking idiots. If you enjoy having your phone tapped, there is something wrong with you. You sick fuck. The anger was all caused by being wound up sexually in a predatory manner while having feelings of guilt, plus other small problems. Then having all things I say about blatantly obvious situation dismissed and rejected. And then having these fucking dumbshits continue to do these things anyways. I wasnt trying to turn this into something major. This was just dating. Thats dumb people for you though

“The facts mam, just the facts”. Here they are, DannyMcDelta has on numerous occasions admitted to abusing alcohol and other drugs some of which are illegal. His brain becomes fried and boiled due to his self indulgence. Instead of stopping the drugs and alcohol he goes to the doctor, lies to him and is prescribed various drugs including “seroquel”. He continues to drink in heavy amounts, although the paper work provided with the drugs warn him not to. He claims to get worse while all the time not following the doctors instructions. Now he has the nerve to blame the drug “seroquel”. Danny you bought this on yourself and when you were offered help failed to follow instructions. Now you want us to feel sorry for you. You, foccl10, drugsquick, humty-dumty and others need to get real. Don’t blame the drug for what you caused.

…Illusion”: that this website was “mostly auto-bots”, then one would very likely use one of their other posting handles as a means to perpetuate the illusion. Case in point: The “My-Frodo” posting handle makes four consecutive thread posts in the forum, and then the “DannyMcDelta” posting handle immediately responds with a new thread post, in which the claim of: ” I have reason to believe these are mostly auto-bots. ” , is made. The “Gullyhole” poster “coached” the “Toto_Quod_Canis” poster to “continually harass” the “DannyMcDelta” poster, and a “touchdown” was scored, when the “play being called” resulted in four consecutive “My-Frodo” thread posts, and within less than 5 minutes from the last thread post by “My-Frodo” (2017-10-26 12:51), the very next thread post was by “DannyMcDelta” (2017-10-26 12:53).

you change mentally < DannyMcDelta >There has been some talk about the regime’s attack on transgender people this week, but since very little of it has come from transgender people, they mostly miss the point. I’m going to explain what the issue is here, but before I do that I just need to get a couple things out of the way. I am not to get into this fake debate about safety. It’s just a smokescreen to cover discrimination, and wasting my time debating it would involve accepting their premise that transgender women are fundamentally different than cisgender women. I am also not going to talk about people feeling uncomfortable in the bathroom because they don’t like the physical appearance of another person. Again, it’s a fake issue to distract from the real one. And it’s just really stupid. The conversation about this has been mostly centered around bathrooms. This is done for two reasons; One, it makes the issue seem smaller and less significant; people can wave it off and say “Just use the bathroom somewhere else” or “Just use the bathroom that doesn’t correspond with your gender identity” making it seem like it’s a big kerfuffle over a minor issue. Two, it allows them to establish a rule saying that transgender people are not the gender we identify as, without having to explicitly say it. That is not to say that these laws don’t have an enormous effect on the lives of transgender people, because they do. Transgender people are removed from public with laws like this. Everyone needs to use the bathroom, and by targeting bathrooms they are able to impact all transgender people every day of their lives. Transgender people are then forced into a position where we have to use a bathroom that doesn’t correspond with our gender identity, which outs us and makes us a target. If we don’t want to do that, we are forced to try to avoid using the bathroom all day. Recent data shows that 60% of transgender people avoid using the bathroom at all during the day, which causes 8% of transgender people to develop kidney/urinary tract infections. To avoid using the bathroom, one third of transgender people will avoid eating or drinking anything during the day. These laws are done to cause hardships like this for transgender people to encourage us to stay home and out of the public eye, or preferably to conform to a gender that doesn’t match our gender identity. That is only part of the reasoning behind these laws. The main purpose of them, as I said, is to enshrine in our laws and society the idea that transgender people are not the gender they identify as. These laws mean that every morning every transgender person has to ask, “Do I try to conform to the wrong gender to make life easier for myself? Or do I keep living as the gender I identify as and deal with the difficulties and abuse that’s going to come today?” When we’re getting ready to go out into the world, they want us to be thinking about the lengths we’re going to go to so we can avoid using the bathroom, or fearing that moment when we have to use the wrong bathroom, outing ourselves as transgender and pulling the focus of any would-be abuser to us. As I said, this is purposely done to make life so difficult for transgender people that we will want to give up and conform to the wrong gender. It often ends in suicide instead. You can see another purpose of this way of approaching the issue in the way make sure to center the conversation around the argument, “Do you want these men who think they’re women in the same bathroom as your wife or daughter?” As soon as you engage in that conversation, you’re validating their false premise that a transgender woman is really just a “mentally disturbed” man. They know it’s harder to argue their real position; which is, “We want to enforce a strict concept of a gender binary because it benefits our patriarchal society, so we need to erase those who don’t fit into that binary from the public eye.” In order to avoid the real conversation they will go with the premise that transgender people are mentally ill, so as to turn it into a discussion over how much to accommodate these mentally ill people. Focusing on transgender women and portraying us as men who are mentally ill serves another purpose too. There’s a reason they never talk about transgender men using the bathroom with cisgender men, and that they use terms like “Mentally disturbed”, “Deranged”, and “Mutilated bodies” to describe transgender people. It is done purposely to demonize and dehumanize transgender people, because if they can make the general public afraid of transgender people than they can more easily discriminate against transgender people. They want people to focus on the image of dangerous men with no regard for their personal safety or the concerns of others threatening men’s wives and parent’s daughters. It reinforces the patriarchal ideas of women being a man’s property and that if other men are left alone with his property, his property could be despoiled. Furthermore, it reinforces the idea that cisgender women would be helpless against a man who wanted to do her harm. We are doing everyone a disservice when we act like this is an issue about where someone gets to pee. This is a fight to rigidly enforce patriarchal gender roles and a gender binary while erasing those who don’t conform to it. It’s about making every person who doesn’t fit into that gender binary think about the fact that society doesn’t acknowledge us or respect who we are. It’s about creating a demonized and pathologized image of transgender people so that society will accept discrimination against them, even arguing that it’s for our own good. This isn’t a transgender issue. This isn’t even an LGBTQ issue. This is an issue that affects all of us. It’s not about where some kid gets to pee; it’s about you being assigned a gender role and ensuring there are reprisals against those who dare to push back against them.

, you change mentally < DannyMcDelta As a Right Wing Trump Supporter, this bad and dangeruois STALKING HATE TROLL feels BRAVE becasue FASCISTS run the nation. as in Ronald Reagans days. But he is nothing but a disgrunteled sexless sick crippled freak. Can anyone NOT see the obvious lie/hypocrisy/blatant trolling in:attacks against me/my handles calling ME a “stalker”! And just another point … notice how Bubba Whack Bad Hot’s posts are to me, calling me “stalker,” even though my posts are to others, and are primarily dealing with me being trolled by obvious trolls. You pitiful sociopath self-serving and pathetic hate-troll. If you had a brain you would Get A Job. When Trump Cuts Off Your Social Security SSI Disability, you are going to be a Homeless Shit Eater and a Vile Street Begger. You spend every day here all day. But you are a pathetic TROLL. Since I came into this forum a little over a month ago, I have noticed that the most ardent supporters of the psychology and psychiatry professions: and adjunct pharmacological industry, also seem to be ardent believers of religion. If the only input you have to offer in this discussion thread, is to call me an “uneducated anti-psychiatry and anti-religion troll”, then you are not intelligent enough to offer any cogent opinions or theories. The person who always attacks you has many handles, so basically only ONE or TWO people, posts all these attacks. CreavatEmpoyrer is actually FAP or” CaptianFap” who is a IT CONSULTANT to a Medical Corporation, he also is very good at Personally Stalking people in San Francisco, actually coming to find you where you work. He has admitted making a ‘killing” from IT support for BigPharma to where he owned a little Ice Cream Joint and a Internet Cafe, (the Internet Cafe was Shut Down after it was revealed it was a “Hub” for ‘child porn’) and he had a while where he lashed out at everybody, as he suspected someone here had DoXED him…someone from 4chan ….which is not true, we just found after the fact

Woman eaten by alive vultures after plunging 1,000ft to her death () whatever DannyMcDelta has. whatever DannyMcDelta has. Woman eaten by vultures after plunging 1,000ft to her death in the Pyrenees Carrion-eaters swooped on the woman after she fell from the Pic de Pista Only bones, clothes and shoes were left, local police reported Fear of the protected birds is growing and farmers want right to shoot them EC ruling means their traditional prey, dead livestock, must now be burned The body of a 52-year-old woman who fell to her death in the Pyrenees was devoured by Griffon vultures before emergency services were able to retrieve it. Furious locals are demanding that authorities take action against the endangered carrion-eaters after they left only the woman’s bones, clothes and shoes for burial. Fear of the birds has been growing in recent years, which have reportedly also begun attacking live animals since a European edict that dead livestock must not be left in the fields. Protected: A Griffon vulture in flight. The body of a 52-year-old woman who fell 1,000ft to her death in the Pyrenees was devoured by the carrion eaters before emergency services were able to retrieve it Protected: A Griffon vulture in flight. The body of a 52-year-old woman who fell 1,000ft to her death in the Pyrenees was devoured by the carrion eaters before emergency services were able to retrieve it Farmers want to be given the right to shoot the protected birds, which they say have started to prey on live sheep and cows. The campaign is gathering pace after the latest incident, in which a woman slipped and fell down a 1,000ft slope on the Pic de Pista after taking a short cut while walking with two friends. Major Didier Pericou of the gendarmerie told The Times that they believed the woman died in the fall, but added that there was little left of her by the time a search party found her body. ‘When we first went out in the helicopter looking for the body, we saw numerous vultures without realising what they were doing,’ he said. ‘There were only bones, clothes and shoes left on the ground. ‘They took 40 to 50 minutes to eat the body.’ ‘Conservation issue’: An EC ruling that dead animals must be burned due to danger of BSE transmission has critically lowered the vultures’ food supply ‘Conservation issue’: An EC ruling that dead animals must be burned due to danger of BSE transmission has critically lowered the vultures’ food supply The incident is the latest in a series to cast the griffon vulture in a villanous light, which has prompted rural French and Spanish of the region to ask for the right to shoot the protected birds. For centuries, the Pyrenean farmers lived in symbiotic harmony with the griffon vulture. Wheeling over their flocks and fields, the birds were seen as neither a threat nor even a nuisance, but as a vital part of the ecosystem. When farmers had to dispose of a dead animal, they would simply take it to one of hundreds of carcass dumps scattered across the moutains where the scavengers gathered to do their work. But now, after an EC ruling that dead animals must be burned due to the danger of BSE transmission, the vultures’ food supply has been critically lowered and they have been forced to spread further afield. Fear of vultures has been growing in recent years as they have spread from their mountain eyries. French news weekly Le Nouvel Observateur, in 2007 reported of ‘mutant vultures’, with one woman saying that a group of the birds, whose wingspans can exceed seven feet, gathered menacingly near to where her children were sitting. ‘We are seeing three-figure vulture flocks over Belgium and Holland. These birds are fanning out across Europe in search of food’ Grahame Madge, European bird of prey expert at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds One farmer, Alain Larralde, said he saw a group of vultures attack and start eating an adult cow. There have been reports of live animals carried off. ‘You can’t imagine what it is like to see an animal eaten alive,’ Mr Larralde was reported to have said. But ornithologists say the real threat is not posed by the birds, but rather to them. Grahame Madge, European bird of prey expert at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, said: ‘We are seeing three-figure vulture flocks over Belgium and Holland. These birds are fanning out across Europe in search of food. ‘There is a conservation issue here.’ Just want to let all of you out there know that I’m here to assist you in knowing the truth about the psych industry and their quack practices. Do not, repeat – do not take any of their drugs. I don’t know how often I need to say this but there is nothing wrong with your brain that a drug will fix. Sure , you might be dealing with some psychological issues but everyone does. What everyone doesn’t do is mess up their brain chemistry trying to solve psychological issues. If you were stupid enough to take these drugs like millions of other people, then just relax and get off of them ASAP. Your brain will recover but it takes some people many years. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll feel better. Good luck and feel free to ask me any thing. I am 76 Years old Holocaust Survivor (read all about it here) Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being DISCIPLINE(S) Book Design SHARE THIS Twitter Facebook

I dont know which Me Im supposed to Be… < DannyMcDelta > Given my situation, this is confusing. Im not sure what to do. A) I could be myself, and just be real, and do things that Me would do and not think about it. B) Or mabye its party time, and its time to get wild and rock this shit like normal, in this scenario. C) Or mabye somebody needs to get hurt, and I need to bust out my steel chair and crack some skulls D) Or mabye its time for me to teach a lesson, and there is a lesson, written by me E) Or mabye its time for me to read the rights of passage to a series of dying individuals. F) Or mabye, its time to re-evaluate life, and try to avoid the sorrow and despair of another Ice Age here in Minneapolis. I have no fucking idea what to do. All these scenarios, complicate each other. Who am I supposed to be?

Parsons / The New School BFA Communication Design Thesis 2016–17 Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being DISCIPLINE(S) Book Design SHARE THIS I dont know which Me Im supposed to Be Parsons / The New School BFA Communication Design Thesis 2016–17 Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being DISCIPLINE(S) Book Design SHARE THIS

The Ramblings of Danny McDelta from Craigslist Psychology Forum This guy or girl writes a lot. I will assume a guy. He started writing on the forum about late November and has written some of the most bizarre, entertaining, and … By admin 2014-12-10 The Ramblings of Danny McDelta from Craigslist Psychology Forum Dannys Forum [Read Description!] XxEvenHolyxX XxEvenHolyxX 9 28 views Published on Jun 26, 2009 A Forum That’s Wicked! Please Read: Real Url Is Loading… Autoplay Up next Intensity In Ten Cities – Chiodos XxEvenHolyxX 9,440 views 4:35 FMOLT guy setting himself up for BBC TV Licensing TV Licence Resistance 1,764 views 1:12 The Convergence of Casual and Fine | Danny Meyer | TEDxManhattan TEDx Talks 27,777 views Travis Heinze Travis Heinze 2.9K 104,980,700 views Published on Dec 10, 2014 This guy or girl writes a lot. I will assume a guy. He started writing on the forum about late November and has written some of the most bizarre, entertaining, and paranoid stuff I have ever seen. I find myself laughing as I read his stuff. There is something about it that is totally crazy, yet, it looks like he probably passed English class. For example, he doesn’t write just a wall of words. He takes the time to break up paragraphs. Also, he does a pretty good job writing in a story format so that it doesn’t seem like he is confusing the reader by jumping from one random topic to the next. I think his story telling and humor is what keep me entertained about him. It’s very edgy. I think when the winter hit in Minnesota which is where he could be living, he started to get the cabin fever, and turned more to his computer. That is all I have to say about this writing. It’s only a small fraction of what he has been writing on the forum. The street background is in front of the Tillamook County Library in Oregon. The parking lot for the library is across the street, so the City Council decided to make a 4 way stop for the people who go to the library. Ofcourse, I think the 4 way stop is unnecessary and probably has been challenged on numerous occasions, but obviously the challengers have lost their cases. —– Danny McDelta, PsyFo, commit suicide, bi polar, depression, rough childhood, booze really, drinking problem, really reckless, demasculating, pole dances, girlfriend, boyfriend, weird and creepy, cashiers, gas station attendents, ice cream salesmen, alienating, morale victory, 1845, scam letter, wife reading, missed jury, collective behavior, church support, shot of Listerine, 1999

and should be flagged and reported to Here are proof posts from his posting history: handle: Toto_Quod_Canis since: 2017-08-30 12:35 (22 days) 17% of this handle’s posts in the last 31 days have been deleted. up to 50 posts from the last 31 days for Toto_Quod_Canis: — supernatural (context) Do You Want Us To Take You To Chucky Cheese’s? § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 23:28 -5 — Psychology (context) You Can’t Cut Me Off, You Silly Sexy Bitchling.. < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 23:20 …because you haven’t the faintest a clue as to where, or whom, I’m getting it from 🙂 — supernatural (context) And The Oscar Goes To: Someone Else, Bitchling:) < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 23:15 -5+5 Hi phi1osomos 🙂 — supernatural (context) I Truly Hope That PalePooper Gave You A…. < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 22:36 -5 …compensatory “reach around” for that, because you stroked him rather well with your “astute commentary” 🙂 — supernatural (context) Are You Really Great In The Sack? § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 22:24 -5 — supernatural (context) You Should See The Thread That Ding-Dong Just… < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 20:17 -5 …created in the psychology forum 🙂 — Psychology (context) ^^^ Textbook Psyche101 Example Of Projecting ^^^ < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 19:46 -5 A.K.A. “Whomever smelt it, dealt it” — Psychology (context) I Just Thought Of A Good Reason, But You Have… < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 15:01 -5 ….to decide on your own if you consider it to be “good”. The reason: So you could grow up to be just like grannie52. — supernatural (context) I Have Nothing But Pity For You, Man, Then???? < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 14:45 -5 You are psychologically diseased, so anyone who believes in your “personal truth” would also have to be just as psychologically diseased. I believe in DragnFlyArt1’s personal truth that one of your favorite forums to haunt/hunt, is the psychology forum. I believe DragnFlyArt1’s personal truth in that respect, simply because the psychology forum would be the most logical place for you to have the opportunity to find someone who is just as psychologically diseased as you are. I just know that you hope to find the ones whom are even more psychologically diseased than you are, because those are the ones you are certain of being able to manipulate at will. Due to your behavior in both the supernatural and psychology forums, it is clear to see that you’re not having much luck in your pursuits to find someone who is as much, or more, psychologically diseased than you are, so you just create countless handle identities, which you use to talk to yourself, and fight with the part of you that wants to join the human race. — supernatural (context) Yet You’re Still Compelled To Reply,Bitchling:) § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 14:30 -5 — Automotive (context) Why Does It Need To Be A Strap-On? < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-21 13:16 Do you think that your strap-on feels better in your dark-n-fudgy place than your regular old hand operated rubber weenie does? Do you affix your strap-on to a doorknob, and then back yourself onto it? Do you fantasize that you’re a broken down Prius backing up onto its recharging station plug in a sheer act of desperate futility? — Automotive (context) Because The Onboard Tampon Dispenser Is… < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 22:59 +20 …creating a short circuit condition. — Psychology (context) Your Truth Couldn’t Upset An Amoeba 🙂 § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 22:27 -5 — Psychology (context) Because No One Replies To Him In Here § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 22:24 -5 — supernatural (context) I Don’t Read Past Your Title. Make Sense Now? § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 22:09 -10 — Psychology (context) It’s Not, I Just Like To Make You Mad 🙂 § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:50 -5 — Psychology (context) I Can’t Approach Your Level Of Full Retard… < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:47 -5 …so as much as I dislike to do it, I’ll have to agree with you there. You’ve made me accept yet another of my limitations, and I truly thank you for that 🙂 — Psychology (context) If I Called You A “Coward Pussy”, Would You… < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:35 -5 …then consider me to be “all grown up and mature” like you? — Psychology (context) You Can Take It Up Your Ass For All I Care § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:32 -5 — Psychology (context) Well Duh! Would A Mature Adult Hire You? § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:31 -5 — supernatural (context) Pretty Good Actually I Nearly Had “Squirty Time” § < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:10 -10 — Psychology (context) Are You Speaking For “Danny” Because You Are… < Toto_Quod_Canis > 2017-09-20 21:06 -5 ..DannyMcDelta, too? “Gullyhole” was right about you being the only one posting in this forum, wasn’t he? I read your many posts where you chastised the “Gullyhole” poster for “dumping his baggage in the forum”. “Danny” does nothing, but dump his babbling baggage in the forum, and yet you say nothing. Bitchling, please.

..DannyMcDelta, too? “Gullyhole” was right about you being the only one posting in this forum, wasn’t he? I read your many posts where you chastised the “Gullyhole” poster for “dumping his baggage in the forum”. “Danny” does nothing, but dump his babbling baggage in the forum, and yet you say nothing. Bitchling, please.

Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO

Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO

Parsons / The New School BFA Communication Design Thesis 2016–17 Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being

Parsons / The New School BFA Communication Design Thesis 2016–17 Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control.I like how he literally looks at actual neo nazi groups carrying torches waving swastika American flags, and spins it where it is somehow the blacks, and the left’s fault, I am sure them screaming “hail trump”, and saying how they are “fulfilling Trump’s promise”, is just liberal propaganda according to him even though that is what they literally said, or the fact Trump did not in anyway dispel the endorsement he got from them either. It wasnt a kkk gathering. It normal everyday whites finally standing up for their race.Normal everyday whites carrying nazi flags and screaming death to all those who are not like us Have you even watch or read anything from people who were actually there? Also, Antifa attacked the police as well. Then the police made the protesters that were there protesting the removal of the statue, walk single file through the Antifa mob. Then the violence started when Antifa attacked them. Get ready snowflake you will have to choose a side soon. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being DISCIPLINE(S) Book Design SHARE THIS Twitter Facebook Parsons School of Design 66 5th Avenue New York, NY 10011 Instagram Twitter Facebook Previous: Lauren Miller Greek Mythology Next: Isabela Montalvo Paperless Migrants

Did you mean: Danny Mc Delta free_the_weed 3853 juicifur 3508 CraigsBestPal 3390 fobunny … Jan 13, 2015 … 5. MisterMusicPlease 5. BloodyHello 5. BecauseHugs 5. psychofreq 5. Fappy_Fappy 5. straightandsane 5. MagicHeart 5.×857.jpg — The “DannyMcDelta ” poster is a severe, paranoid < CaveatEmporer > schizophrenic street beggar and a particularly vulgar, lying troll who keeps posting nonsensical crap here while attacking me and several others just out of mindless malice. He stalks people, sends them vulgar, disgusting emails, and posts lies about them here, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. 99% of everything he posts is pure nonsensical gobbledygook, accompanied by unprovoked, malicious, vulgar, dishonest personal attacks. He has lost a number of handles for trolling and literally cyber-stalking people. He has genuinely gone beyond just harassing people online – he is actually breaking laws regarding cyber-stalking. I strongly encourage anyone being harassed and attacked by him to flag & report his disgusting posts to and, if he stalks you on other sites, as well, please report him to the San Francisco Police Department. Since he has, himself, posted his real name here (and all over the ‘net), if you’d like his real name, send me an email address and I’ll send it to you. If you don’t want anyone knowing your email address, it’s easy to set up a temporary email address to get this information. How to set up a disposable email address: *** Note: This trolling cyber-stalker also uses (used) these handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo Andy-Dandy Jews4Truth Parsons / The New School BFA Communication Design Thesis 2016–17 Katie Minchak Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity, and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. 
The story is framed through a cultural lens 
by following one active and anonymous author 
on Craigslist that fits 
the archetype of a 
tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context 
and brought into the physical world. PROJECT WEBSITE PORTFOLIO RELATED TOPICS Well-being DISCIPLINE(S) Book Design SHARE THIS Twitter Facebook Parsons School of Design 66 5th Avenue New York, NY 10011 Instagram Twitter Facebook Previous: Lauren Miller Greek Mythology Next: Isabela Montalvo Paperless Migrants

How can you be so goddamned stupid so as to Group Paranoids and AntiSocials to create a fale idea (A Woman’s Dumb Idea!) they are people who hate other mens and womens? That shows you utter worthlessness as a Mental Health Social Worker, I feel dissapointd, gram..I thought you were a Nice Smart Lady….like Katie Minchak is a Brooklyn-based designer, illustrator and graduating Senior in Communication Design who has discovered my writings and made a Art Show in New York representing my work? And the Jew who Got them to notice me is the Old Man that FreakasaurausREX has been to cruel to, he put lots of my stuff in a PDF. file and sent it to a Relative in Long Island, RashidahBernay Female Model LONG ISLAND CITY, New York, US She took it to and I became Famous.We are insane, but we GET THINGS DONE. Danny Telephoned me today, but he tried to tell me He Was My Grandson, Danny Bernays….in Flordia….but the Caller ID said Minnisota, He must be unwilling to admit, The Crazies “GET THINGS DONE! ” which is the TITLE OF MY ART SHOW!!! Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither challenges the relationship between authorship, anonymity, identity,and the ways in which persona is crafted through the internet. The story is framed through a cultural lens by following one active and anonymous author on Craigslist that fits the archetype of a tortured artist. The chosen user, DannyMcDelta, writes in a turbulent stream of consciousness. Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither takes place in the small town of Crystal, Minnesota. Informative graphs and journal entries are used to introduce DannyMcDelta’s situation, relationships, and way of life. As the book progresses, and DannyMcDelta becomes less lucid, graphic devices such as typography and layout structure lose control. Readers become immersed in the psyche of an anonymous person. The final product exists as part character study and essay in which identity, the private and the public, and knowledge and the unknown are juxtaposed. The purpose as the author and designer is to find the intersection of persona and reality. Through investigative research, Genius, Disturbed, Both, or Neither explores what happens when content that begins online is taken out of context and brought into the physical world. My name is Rashidah Bernay. I’m an aspiring model/actress and I could use some help getting my modeling career off the ground. Even if it’s a little bit of help. I’m pretty much interested in any kind of work. I have done a nude piece (once) and it came out great, but I have no interest in doing any of that right now. I’m looking to get some high fashion and commercial shots, so if you think you can help a girl out, please hit me up! Photographers, Make-up Artists, Models (Oh my!),Wardrobe Stylists, and Hairstylists hit me up if you have any ideas or projects that I could be apart of. If I don’t have the look you want that’s okay, but I think you should try me anyway. I could surprise you! I am so ready to be successful in what I want to do. I appreciate everybody’s support and kind words and feedback. I thank you so much for it. It helps me to become a better model and to prepare myself for what’s in store for me in this industry. Note: I am not a stick, no offense to anyone who is, I’m just not. I have hips and breasts and thighs, but I can work it to my advantage. All I need is one shot! And let me just tell you that wigs can work wonders…

It is a pretty good sign that you aren’t “attempting to re-live your youth”. It is also a good sign that you are in a state of emotionally arrested development. With that said, you are “actively re-living your youth” every single day, just like “Phil Connors” in the movie “Groundhog Day”. Because of that, you keep catching your britches on your own pitchfork, and that pitchfork is rooted deeply in your emotional past, and that is why you are actively re-living your youth every single day. The only difference between “DannyMcDelta” and “Phil Connors”, is that “DannyMcDelta” is aging, growing weaker, and feeling more vulnerable by the day.

Everything is different. I thought I knew who people in my life were. Friends, family, people I had the misfortune of seeing often – I was confident I knew who they were, after years of knowing them. Then things changed. Suddenly, everyone was different, like they were all literally different people. They looked the same and sounded the same, but their personalities simply weren’t there…something was missing. I know something’s missing in me too now — not just my emotions, which are largely gone, but something else, too. It’s like I’m a sockpuppet that just doesn’t feel the hand that’s waaaay up there. Anyone else go through this? I’m not asking for your name or any specifics, but I’d like to know if there are others out there that have had a strange experience like this…like being locked in a shitty dream that mirrors real life. *P.S. Yes, I know that people who stick their head up get whacked — I know this well. It’s already happened to me and I’m past the point of caring. If you are someone who has a problem with the fact that I’m thinking outside of lines that make you comfortable, I suggest you keep that to yourself. Re: Everything is Different I have a simpler theory than your pure insanity. These people you think are clones have become drug addicts. The glazed over look of someone on prescription vicoden, or maybe crystal meth. Or maybe they just go through the motions when talking to you insane asses. Not wanting to insult you or stir you up, they might seem different now that they realize that you are bat shit crazy. What do you think? —————————————————— I are so Glad you Ask That-There Question, sonnyboy… LOW EDUCATION IDIOT FINGER-POINTING RETARD BLAMES the Democrats and George Soros for the GENOCIDAL WORKER”S HOLOCAUST the REAGANOID “RIGHT WING” CONSERVATIVE “PARTY OF “NO!” have DELIBERATIVELY DONE TO THEM. THERE IS NO MIDDLE CLASS ANYMORE. THE MONEY REQUIRED TO CLASSIFY AS MIDDLE CLASS HAS GROWN SO FAST THAT THE MIDDLE HAS SHRANK TO NOTHING. THERE IS ACTUALLY, AN UPPER MIDDLE CLASS, A MIDDLE MIDDLE CLASS, AND A LOWER MIDDLE CLASS. THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT IN POVERTY AND SURVIVE BUT LIVE PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK. Kathy M. ——————————————->There are certainly a lot of LOW CLASS , UNEDUCATED, PREJUDICED, RACIST, STUPID people making Comments. Because of the Stupidity of such as are exhibited BELOW the RIGHT FASCISTS PUSH AND PUSH and EVIL CAD like TRUMP into office, a ELITE HIMSELF, from a WHITE SUPREMEST FAMILY, to CRUSH THE WORKING CLASS. Being Amazingly STUPID the Republican TOADS vote for such a CREATURE as STUPIDLY “CUT OFF THEIR NOSE TO SPITE THEIR FACES!” The only Political Party that has TRIED to HELP the working class WAS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY up until and ending with Jimmy Carter. AFTER THAT ALL DEMOCRATS were more or less DEVOTED TO AYN RAND’S PECULIAR NAZI CULT of OBJECTIVENESS which when STOOD NEXT TO THE PHILOSOPHY of the THIRD REICH is totally parallel and following the same GAME-PLAN. William Jefferson Clinton was a Admirer of Ayn Rand, and a Close Friend of Alan Greenspan…. As a graduate student I had to read Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s history-making but horribly written novel What Is to Be Done? and I became immediately aware that its badness was akin to what I had found in Ayn Rand. I mean not merely the clunky prose style and android heroes, but the dictatorial, sermonizing tone, and the sense that questionable ideological values were being hawked practically for free. ——————————————————– And further more….. Here is another LOW EDUCATION FINGER POINTING RETARD: It’s time for the white working class to get rid of these evil globalist that are destroying our country,people are sick of them,it’s time the people told these low life f..kers to go to hell,and leave us all alone,or else we will come after you bastards,we are all sick of these rich white f..kers telling us what we should and shouldn’t do with our own lives,it’s time we stood up to these people.I’m talking about the Democrats and George Soros and their gang of bastards,and anybody that supports them. _______________________ Re: Everything is Different I haven’t had the far reaching experience you’re describing, nor is it something happening in my own self (my emotions are still in full force), but I’ve seen what you’re describing in one person I know, someone who was once a close friend. I’ll call him Robbie. For the several years I’d known him, he was the sweetest, funniest, kindest and most humble person you can imagine, and our minds were always in sync. Then inexplicably he just… changed. He became cold, hard, soulless and arrogant — out of nowhere. His affectionate attitude towards me suddenly turned into one of stony dismissal and at times even condescending contempt. For no reason, because nothing had happened, and nothing about me had changed. What’s the most weird about this is that while he ostensibly looked the same and his voice was the same (just like you describe in your post), one day during an interaction I had this terrible perception that THAT WAS NOT ROBBIE. It was like I was talking to an impostor. His face — though it was identical to Robbie’s — looked like he was wearing a mask. And those eyes — like hard, black stones. No soul behind them. I tell you, those weren’t Robbie’s eyes. What happened to him?! What was I seeing?! I have seriously wondered if human cloning is actually happening, and he was replaced by one. We have a mutual friend who has also been perplexed by the change in him. So I’m not alone in this perception, I’m not imagining it. I would also be very interested to hear if there are any other people who have experienced something like this around them. I hope someone else will respond, and not just with mocking and ridicule, which is not useful. There are some very strange things going on in the world right now, and more and more people are noticing.

DannyMcDelta 2007-05-15 02:10The Washington Post published a piece about certain hate-trolls who stalk crippled people for evil.Look at you, a paranoid schizophrenic who isstupid, illiterate, obsessed, SERIOUSLY mentally ill, a lying sack of shit, a filthy, disgusting street beggar, trash digger and shit-eater …You stink of old piss, you don’t even know if you are a he or a she, you are incredibly stupid, and you are a LOSER.ALL you do here is post pathetically stupid GIBBERISH, copy & paste other peoples posts because you can’t even talk intelligently or coherently, and you are a stalker troll and a cyber stalker who stalks and harasses people in AND outside of the forums.The police have your emails, and I am compiling a list of your posts, along with your pictures ad youtubes to give to them as well.With LUCK you will be charged and spend a few weeks in jail. At best, you will be committed to a mental hospital for another decade or so. Or until you die.How do you like being such a hated piece of cowardly shit, you old wrinkled, no-talent piece of shit? Wierd Weird Wreed I’m surprised no one has beaten you to a bloody pulp yet.Or maybe they have. How would you like to have that happen again, you filthy pig? If you keep acting the way you do, SOMEONE is going to shove YOU up your own ass.So keep trolling people. You just keep giving them more ammunition to use against you when it comes time for your next psych eval.I won’t post to you again after this: I’ll just flag the shit out of you and keep reporting you to and encourage others to do the same.And I’ll keep copying and saving your posts to give to the police so they can “Fifty One Fifty” your sick ass again.

What’s funny, is how much money you just made me, when you “squished” out another “DannyMcDelta thread gem”, as soon as you switched to posting with the “Smack_Rabbitt” SMMDI/PD identity/personality posting handle. Tomorrow is my last day, so I had to get you to do it soon, and I sincerely thank you for being so predictably easy to manipulate 🙂

“Homer-Sapien” is “DannyMcDelta”, “grannie52”, “Elderly-Senile”, “5fat-bats “, “beyondurclus2”, “AuthenticEccentric”, “floresville”, “JamesBlank”, “EagleWolfDeer”, “only-not”, “a_random_person”, “doingitmyway”, “mrscoffee”, “creigette”, “lurkerloo”, “HumanEntity”, “Eyedont”, “drugsuqk”, “Psyologist”, “TooLooseLautrec”, “SirLagsAlot”, “flaveur”, “MadChihuahua”, “43crossroads”, “JillZu”, ” Gus_from_Coronado”, “patroII”, “psocretes”, “KnoWay”, ” trending”, “Quixotique”, “good_enuf”, “mrsocks” …etc., ad nauseam.

I would strongly suggest that you do not open any of them in this forum, and that is because they are likely being used as a means to infect your device with a virus. Reason for warning: ” Do you want a virus smartass? § < DannyMcDelta > 1:57 “

And Im not sure when people actually became pricks, but it is a much more respectable to be sensitive and care about shit, then it is to “be a man/adult” and do things that put other people down. Unless you went crying to the bathroom because you spilled a can of soup or something. That might be a problem actually lol It seems like a staff, of psychological torture. The only reason you would pay somebody to do this to another person (all from a distance, hidden behind computer programs), is the fact that if you were to totally break somebody down in the realm of deep emotional pain, then you know that doing the opposite could work in regards to being “non-hurtful”. In which case, is all manipulation anyways. Which is kinda what the presise (aside from the philosophey) of psychology is all about. It is way easier to break someone down than it is to “build things up”. This is why these psychopaths exist. And not only that, get paid for their work. It really looks like that I got ass rammed by a psychology community (US military endorsed), and then picked and torn apart in every way. And I didnt even get to the point where I was about to end up in jail, in order to have this go further. And in my experience, the people from my initial “culture” (those who claim to be close with me) listen to nothing, dont care, and dont even see what is wrong with themselves. You can just tell people like me to “take medications” in order to deflect attention off yourselves. But lets not get too deep in personal with this. And just realize something. At the end of the day, all friendships and bonds, are just a bunch off bullshit. So I dont see why anybody would think it would be wrong to utilize these people in any way I see fit. Nothing violent. In my case, Im just going to use them as a defense, in order to demonstrate why I am the person I am, when it comes to my lack of sympathy and why I behave the way I do when it comes to recklessness. Family is family (if you have a family). Business is business. And social connections are just to further these aspects of yourself. Weather you are using them to network with others, or just to relax for a minute without drama. You can love your family, love your spouse, love your children, and then you can love yourself, which will motivate how you approach business and other personal projects you work on. As you weed out who does and who doesnt allow you to further yourself, which are social connections. Or mabye, I just wanna party. I dont wanna hear you vent about your day at work. Or your suspicions about your girlfriend and how she might be cheating on you, as you stand next to me and smoke ciggerattees, as she probably is in fact cheating on you, right now actually. So at the end of the day, the way I percieve social groups and friendships is a little ass backwards. Perhaps immature and illogical at my age. I just, really ended up in an abusive jam, and no matter what anybody says, nobody did 1 thing about it, and I now realize with age, that you arent supposed to be all that close with people to the point where you need them for help; Nobody thinks the same way as you. It was just a harsh reality check. The internet, was never my girlfriend I was deeply tricked by computer hackers. I developed “feelings” for “person” on facebook one time. I was being non stop harassed by a hacker using multiple names and stolen pics of people I used to know, like it was a game. Then this “woman” would say motivational quotes directed ay me as I got non stop harassed. They used her as the only source of optimism that I could see. This was all while I was being stalked in public, feeling as if I was being judged, to see if I was “good enough and tough enough” for this woman. I never should have fallen victim to this, but with the way my social life naturally unfolded, I was bound to get caught up in some type of cult. I dunno. Ever since I cleaned up my “alcohol problem”, I have been very suseptible to boredom. I used to black out every single day, to the point where I was just sick all day pretty much, everyday. Now that Im more clean, holy damn am I bored. I must have been REALLY pissed off and shame ridden or something. I used to just trail off about shit that didnt even make sense. Im wondering if I had a nasty case of PTSD or something…. And now here I am. It feels like an epic waste of my time. I very easily could have been just reading into even more “life circumstances” out of personal desperation by tieing surroundings and applying them to my own life. But what doesnt make sense at all, is how the hell did I recover from the PTSD then? I didnt even attend therapy. Its like, it wore off or something. Im now Im back to the life I was in during the summer of 2011. Realizing that this is a shitty place, and trying to manuever my way out of here, due to the fact that I stopped caring… He replied, “how much do you wanna buy that strap for?” I said “five bucks”. Then me and a cash register man exchanged a smoth Abraham for some guitar strap that doesnt even fit. Plus it hurts my back, and makes my legs hurt as well. If Im gonna play at yoyr birthday, Im gonna need a full grocerary cart to put my fat ass in. And I just wanna say, I eat a lot. Fuck you. Marriage, is for all the other people involved It has nothing to do with me, or the lady. Its for Sam to meet Lisa. And for Brett to meet Jacob. Ore perhaps it has nothing to do with anything aside from the health benefits. There was once a time in my life where marriage came onto the table. It was an incredibly terrible situation. I was only attempting to consider the marriage, due to the fact that it was going to get me into a specific “family”, where family is deep (including in prison), and I would be hooked up with all kinds of “job oriented” outlets, which just consisted of individuals in which I could drop some lbs to in regards to marijuana. This would have helped me and my life live a decent, blue collar life without me needing to get a job. I literally could make an upwards of 40k per year, to just sit on my ass and drink. And that is just a minimalist approach as well…I could easily have supported and raised a family, as long as I got out of bed each day. It was simple, and almost like one of my dark fantasies that had come to life. In regards to the “dark fantasy”, I didnt need the government, or even the church, to define it for me. I was already living that particular life. So to go back to regular society after that, is a total bummer. Im not kidding, you can make like 10x as much finances, and only work like an hour per day. My average day consisted of $250+. And I wasnt even trying. I just made some phone calls (5 minutes each). 4 of them. This easily could have turned into an upward of 1k per day, but the supply would have needed to expand, which I wasnt willing to do, due to the “risk factor”. You have to know how to work the “spy planes”. And I sort of did, but got a little messy. Especially when I got involved in Satanism. That shit is US government endorsed…Not that I believe in “Satanism” or anything. All I believe in, is the Devil, and Nikki Syxx from Motley Cru, and thats it…There is no “God”. So Im fuckin’ all over the place. I dont know what Im doing. Or what I want. But I do know that if I get married, it is for everyone else, and not necessarily me. Or the lady. We know who we are… Because Im a good time dude. And I want to have a good time as well. And I want to make sure that I save the good time, for the right moment. And we will all have a good time. I have been spending the last 2 hours, cutting the tips off my candy bar wrappers that I wrap around my penis before I consider having sex. If she is pregnet, we can just like, force the situation. Cause a panic, and then have a good time Women are intimidating DannyMcDelta I have no idea what to do. Mabye thats what a lack of a sex life is doing. Mabye Im just all naive and frightened all the time. I need to get this burden off me somehow. Because this is all a complicated first step. I have considered prostitutes, and also women at little “house parties” when that still was going on, but I think that time period has past. Plus I would just get surrounded every time I talk to a woman anyways, so fuck it. And I dont know how to go in cold either. A lot of women around here seem to have their defenses up, and always say “I have a boyfriend”. Or mabye they do, and are out in places due to dissatisfaction or something thats all super confusing as they are unsure of themselves. I dont know. I cant even talk to them. Plus I have a horrible reputation around here that Im aware of. That complicates this even more than before. Mabye girls think its cute or something that I have no idea what to do. But that doesnt get you any girlfriends or relationships even. You just stand around, look cute, then they go bang some more aggressive dude. Thats exactly how this works around here. This is why dudes do the whole “establish myself as a man” thing. Mabye it means get a new job, act independent, and wear those winter caps with the baseball rims on them during the summer time as you smoke your ciggerattees as a non smoker with style. This also gets my ass kicked by other dudes. Or if I was talking to a girl, they will do that thing where they watch real close, and say “Dude, make some moves you pussy, she wants to bang you” as you talk to her. They try to get you 2 alone together in a room, and it is a super uncomfortable situation due to the awkwardness of the other drunk men, who for some reason feel confident. I dont care if this even is just sexual frustration. This is the hand dealt to me, and this is how Im gonna remember this shit. This whole town can suck my fucking dick…

This seems to be, a National Crisis < DannyMcDelta > In 1952, Parke-Davis were faced with cases of aplastic anemia on Chloromycetin. This was their best-seller. It had made the company the biggest pharmaceutical company in the world — at a time when Pfizer was a minnow in the market. Faced with this threat, the company created an Anything But the Company Drug playbook. This involved digging deep into the medical records, and circumstances, of the person reporting a problem in order to find the ingrown toenail at the age of two that was possibly the cause of the problem. And of course if something else was possibly the cause — like the unnamed sleeping pill above (better unnamed than named) — then we can’t conclude that our drug did it. Part of the problem for Pfizer, which swallowed up Parke-Davis decades ago, is that in some of their cases the problems cleared up when sertraline was stopped. This evidence of challenge-dechallenge is still the best evidence for cause and effect there is. (Randomized Controlled Trials are the gold standard way to hide adverse effects). Parke-Davis was in a handy position with aplastic anemia — the problem doesn’t clear up when you stop the drug. The patient — child, adult, black, white — stays fucked. Skin in the Game Quite aside from any large print saying our drug can cause aggression or psychosis, the adverse reaction sections of the label of over a hundred drugs says they can cause psychosis — and this is without checking all the others that say they can cause hallucinations or delusions or paranoid reactions. The adverse reaction section in heading toward a hundred other drugs say they can cause violence, aggression, hostility or homicidal ideation. Again there may be multiple other terms under which these reactions may be hidden. I have to thank Julie Wood for putting in the leg work to track these references down. The drugs involved include the skin drug isotretinoin. This comes in tens of different trade names, so for it alone there may be close to something like fifty different drugs causing both violence and psychosis. The other skin drugs recently released, Siliq, Taltz, Otezla and others, will almost certainly have similar reactions soon — or should do. Other drugs include a host of antibiotics including the fluoroquinolones and many others, steroids, drugs like Advair (salmeterol) and Singulair (montelukast) and Accolate (zafirlukast) for respiratory problems, most of the retrovirals and other anti-viral drugs, as well as mefloquine (Lariam), obviously. The dopamine agonists are on the list. They are for Parkinson’s disease — or for just little ol’ restless legs syndrome. It may be little surprise to find the stimulants on the list, but remember that these drugs are being given hand over fist to children. Everyone recognizes the link between street amphetamines and violence, but somehow once the same drugs are channeled through a prescription pad this recognition seems to be laundered away. The list includes pretty well all antidepressants, and anticonvulsants in addition to a bunch of antipsychotics which note that they can cause psychosis and hallucinations and violence. It also includes the choline-esterase inhibitors given for dementing disorders. All these cases are interesting because the companies have the chance in most cases to blame the problem on the disease, but there is something about at least some of the cases reported to them that blocks off this easy escape route. Or Should Do A few paragraphs up, the phrase “or should do” occurs. Many years ago a number of us had a shock seeing a memo from a Forest lawyer telling staff they should never make causal determinations in the case of any reports to the company of adverse reactions happening on citalopram and escitalopram. The rough basis for something like this — a strategy first adopted by GlaxoSmithKline — is as follows. Even if by all the conventional rules of cause and effect and by the Federal Judicial Manual sanctioned rules which hinge on challenge and dechallenge (not RCTs) there is no way out of assigning causality, we can still claim that unless RCTs have shown drug A causes problem B there is no way to know for sure that the drug has caused the problem. So you guys who work for Forest or GSK, despite all logic you have to refrain from assigning causality until the RCTs proving the point get done. The fact that they will never get done, that it would be unethical to do them, is irrelevant. Come to think of it there are no RCTs of anyone ever dying from Zyklon B — maybe time to rewrite that bit of history. The above scenario is for real. It is not a nightmare. The first person I heard push it was Ian Hudson, then of GSK, now head of Britain’s MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, similar to the FDA). But it may be the case that at least some people in what Iain Chalmers and Ben Goldacre continue to laud as the most ethical outfit in the universe and in other companies have recognized the lunacy of this and are quietly doing something else. Difficult to know. But it pays to read the small print and maybe translate it for your doctor — or lawyer. There are unquestionably many people now in jail who possibly should not be because of a drug they were on, people now dead who should not be because of drugs someone else was on, and people who will not get a fair trial because when it comes to the small print vanishingly few people realize what is being said.

that Psyologist would use the imp-ed Danny McDelta handle, or that he’s the original Danny McDelta poster (who used to go by the “samwichs” (sp) handle)? I only ask because I really thought that the original Danny poster didn’t use more than one handle on here at any given time. But I also knew that there’s another poster (Hobo, et al) that shows up on here sometimes who uses an imped DannyMcDelta handle, along with a bunch of other handle names. And I know that this patroll handle you’re using is an imped one of the original patroll poster. I really should flag your imped patroll posts for violation of CL terms of use (and because it’s a pet-peeve of mine when people imp other people’s handles)… but I know that you and the real patroll have been bickering back and forth with each other for a number of years on this forum, and seem to enjoy doing so, so it’s kinda funny and entertaining to watch the kinds of stuff ya’ll will say to try to get each others goat on here.

Criticizing any post that doesn’t conform to ITs narrow intellectually limited view of the world while promoting anti-psychiatry dogma. Will often “claim” to visit the forum “infrequently” but actually posts as another character DannyMcDelta that allows IT to express it’s mentally defective gibberish.

Criticizing any post that doesn’t conform to ITs narrow intellectually limited view of the world while promoting anti-psychiatry dogma. Will often “claim” to visit the forum “infrequently” but actually posts as another character DannyMcDelta that allows IT to express it’s mentally defective gibberish.

There has been one anonymous post in this forum in the 6 weeks I’ve been in here, and it was here: I forgot how to play guitar… < DannyMcDelta > 2017-07-30 01:23 : . . Oh, I see < DannyMcDelta > 2017-07-30 02:52 : . . : . . Be careful < small-engines > 2017-07-30 08:32 : . . : . . _____________ < ___ > 2017-07-30 12:18 : . . : . . : . . Did you meet Hitler today? § < small-engines > 2017-07-30 17:34

The list now includes: Psyologist – antipsychiatry troll drugsuqk – antipsychiatry troll focccl10 – antipsychiatry troll Gullyhole – antipsychiatry troll spiritdude – antipsychiatry troll engineeringnerd – antipsychiatry troll …and the “imp” who uses the DannyMcDeita handle – only the “i” is capitalized to look like a lower case “L” to imposter the real DannyMcDelta handle – and a couple other mostly antipsychiatry fanatics – who fortunately haven’t been posting here recently but, I’m sure, will show up again now and then … Some claim they are not “antipsychiatry” (or trolls) but they bash the mental health field, claim mental illness doesn’t really exist, and/or promote anti-psychiatric propaganda and bash people who seek mental health help and use antipsychiatry propaganda as a basis for trolling this forum and the people in it. Some are irrationally anti-drug and try to tell people to ignore their doctors and experts (because they want you to take advice from them – anonymous Internet trolls …) …

Mine is DannyMcDelta Because he is most definitely in the know and he seriously like, knows me better than i know myself I love you, dude!

I don’t want you to be sick! &I want you to post more! I seriously LOVE reading your stuff You just “get it” You know? 🙂 Im totally wanting to be, like, your best friend!.. Or something! 🙂 PLEASE at least consider it!! (I’m a girl, and I’m not imaginary, I promise!) (: (; Yeah! You rule!

So if you claim you aren’t here that much WHY do you have to announce IT to the forum? Yes you are on here 24/7 on weekends and holidays. You use your other characters and skits like the DannyMcDelta character etc.

The effect “”One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision. –Bertrand Russell, The Triumph of Stupidity In his 1996 book DannyMcDelta is a Big Fat Idiot, Al Franken described the phenomenon of “pseudo-certainty” which was rampantly being displayed by pundits and politicians such as Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich, who would use “common sense” as the basis for their confidently-made assertions, but without actually backing them up with time-consuming research or pesky facts. Franken prefers the term “being a fucking moron. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a slightly more specific case of the bias known as illusory superiority, where people tend to overestimate their good points in comparison to others around them, while concurrently underestimating their negative points. The effect has been shown by experiment in several ways, but in this case Dunning and Kruger tested students on a series of criteria such as humour, grammar, and logic and compared the actual test results with each student’s own estimation of their performance. Those who scored well on these tests were shown, consistently, to underestimate their performance. This is not terribly surprising and can be explained as a form of psychological projection: those who found the tasks easy (and thus scored highly) mistakenly thought that they would also be easy for others. This is similar to the aforementioned “impostor syndrome” — found notably in graduate students and high-achieving women — whereby high achievers fail to recognise their talents as they think that others must be equally good. More interestingly, and the subject of what became known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, those who scored lowest on the test were found to have “grossly overestimated” their scores. And what about the underachievers who overestimated their performance? In the words of Dunning and Kruger: This overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. It is worth noting that the original study was focused specifically on competence, as opposed to intelligence – Dunning and Kruger were more concerned with the empirical, measurable factors of how well a person could perform a task (even “simple” or “stupid” tasks) and that person’s perception of how they performed that task, rather than the more nebulous concept of comparative “intelligence” or “education.” However, the inspiration for the entire study was a desperately under-educated Pittsburgher who possessed badly flawed reasoning skills (see below). The term is still properly meant to describe a disconnect between perceived and empirical competence, rather than IQ or intelligence. ” A little knowledge can be dangerous A little knowledge of the Dunning-Kruger effect could give you impostor syndrome![citation NOT needed] “”It is not in our human nature to imagine that we are wrong. –Kathryn Schulz “”This isn’t my first rodeo. –Guy at his second rodeo The effect can also be summarised by the phrase “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” A small amount of knowledge can mislead a person into thinking that they’re an expert because this small amount of knowledge isn’t a well known fact. For a potent example, consider former children’s TV presenter and “science advocate” Not in Chico, who in 2009 stunned audiences by denying the existence of climate change. His reasoning was based on the fact that water vapour as a greenhouse gas is much more prevalent, potent, and thus much more powerful than carbon dioxide — and because combustion reactions also produce water, it should be water vapour we’re worried about, not carbon dioxide. Sound reasoning to an amateur, but anyone minimally qualified in atmospheric chemistry would tell you that the water isn’t a problem because the atmosphere has a way of getting rid of excess water — it’s called rain. Thus its concentration (for given temperatures and pressures) remains more or less constant globally. Ball’s premise is also used by some critics against the hydrogen economy: because hydrogen vehicles emit water vapour from their exhaust, they are seen to be more damaging to the environment than petrol driven vehicles. An ill-informed and unsound argument — hydrogen fuel cell vehicles emit approximately the same amount of water per mile as vehicles using gasoline-powered internal combustion engines.The difference is that while water vapour remains in the atmosphere only a few days or weeks, and hydrogen gas about two years, carbon dioxide lingers for more than a century. Origins Comparison of actual score vs perceived score. A well-calibrated and honest set of predictions would follow a straight line (i.e., prediction of ability matches the outcome). However, experimentally it was found that people consistently over-estimated their ability. Graphed as a proportion of the over-estimate, those in the lowest quartile were guilty of the most significant over-estimation. “”The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. –Touchstone, in As You Like It by William Shakespeare Dunning and Kruger properly proved its existence in their seminal, 2000 Ig Nobel Prize winning paper “Unskilled and Unaware of It,” doubtless at great risk to personal sanity. They were famously inspired by McArthur Wheeler, a Pittsburgh man who attempted to rob a bank while his face was covered in lemon juice. Wheeler had learned that lemon juice could be used as “invisible ink” (that is, the old childhood experiment of making the juice appear when heated); he therefore got the idea that unheated lemon juice would render his facial features unrecognizable or “invisible.” After he was effortlessly caught (as he made no other attempts to conceal himself during the robberies), he was presented with video surveillance footage of him robbing the banks in question, fully recognizable. At this, he expressed apparently sincere surprise and lack of understanding as to why his plan did not work – he was not competent enough to see the logical gaps in his thinking and plan. The idea that people who don’t know that they don’t know (“Dunning-Kruger effect” is so much less confusing than any “know-know” phrase) isn’t particularly new. The Bertrand Russell quote is from the mid 1930s, and even earlier, Charles Darwin, in The Descent of Man in 1871, stated “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.” Even back in ancient Greece, Plato’s Apology attributed to Socrates the quote at the top, which today is often summed up as, roughly, “the wisest people know that they know nothing.”

The vulgar troll using “My-Frodo” as a handle is the one who hijacked your handle, as he tries to hijack my handles and others who he decides to harass and lie about. He uses/has used these other handles: DannyMcDeita (He uses a capital “i” instead of a small “L” to make it look like DannyMcDeIta”) freak-a-sissy freak-a-sister My-Frodo HebrewHobo HebrewHobo2 grannie49 JohnnyJazz MS-13 TijuanaHobo2 freakassholeRex ElijahRabinProphet HamRadio5 JewishRabbi BaBahGomer only-not Hobsapien Elderly-Senile My-Frodo

A Minnesota Lunitic [Edit] DannyMcDelta: The only motivation I fucked myself into…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-30 13:03 -10+10 The people/fraternity close to me socially, are looking at me wrong. They are parading me around, and I dont like the way I am being recieved due to their hotdish oriented minds. I am the lesser character. Same with the imaginary woman who was percieved to be donated to me by her military family. We were lesser characters. Thats where the salty sensitivities the others have come from. I know how to change this… You intimidate them. First, you make them feel stupid for their irrational spying. And then have them learn that you are above them, and they didnt even know it. Then I meet up with the woman and we date. They arent aware of this until they see it as they spy. They wonder whats going on, and how I was able to “date women” while they put in a bunch of OT and then went home to their fat and ugly wives. Make them feel old and stupid. In front of everyone. All of their pals. After you do that and they try to play themselves off and be stylish in front of others as they watch this online, you then take it further. You have sex on camera and have them watch. Its called taking control of a situation using your sexuality. Some people call it “sexual harassment”. I can do it without doing anything illegal. I once did this in de-tox, in order to control the situation. This led to a quick release. After they watch that, thinking they were being wholesome and stylish in front of everyone they invited into our personal business, we then chase them. We email them sexual pictures and videos of ourselves. We follow them all over the internet. Acting like we didnt do it. They already made us look awkward and uncomfortable and inept. Thats much worse than this. After establishing dominance over them sexually and socially, they will be uncomfortable around us, and lose their “voices”. they deserve it. We could accept their invitations to shitty public bars on facebook, or intentionally intrude on their social life. And then act like they didnt watch us fuck a bunch of times, and then we could have public displays of affection in front of them and their friends. This will make them uncomfortable. It will make them repressed and awkward and they will get nervous and embarassed. It will be like a game. we will see if we can get them to lock themselves in their homes, and go on a pointless inward journey… I could throw this all away < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-30 12:52 -10+10 and then everything would disappear. My past that created this future would fade out. All the frustrating bullshit that this lead to would be gone and I wouldnt have to think about it again. In a real place, I could apply what my life had become in this town to achieve rockstar status. At these people’s expense. In church, I would earn sympathy. Just facts. I could just get up and leave, and everyone would forget I was ever here. and then so would I. What surrounded me once I joined caused nothing but thoughts like this. After I escaped, I wish I would have noticed that it was just a CIA assault as I was chased from state to state over the course of 2 days on multiple occasions. A multi million dollar bounty over my head to create a doll for profitable medical experimentation. If I saw this for what it was, and not a sympathy cause with very awkward, “wholesome” individuals, I never would have come back when I did. The irrational feelings of love through social isolation in a desperate situation never would have grown. It is more fun to be on the run, then to settle in some lazy place like the one Im in (type C1, light blue colored town, according to the social structural map that dictates the location and types of industrial and commercial zones built, the residential layouts, and the way the people will be educated and raised). I used to be so much more ambitious as a teenager. I wouldnt even consider the consequences. You can get away with a lot if you genuinely dont care if you live or die. At 30, Im now starting to feel the age catch up to me. Which consists of nothing but my brain thoughts expanding into paragraphs that are way too long and deep for no reason, as my perception widens and the once small problems and concerns grow exponentially. That, plus my physical health will decline in a few short months. In my case though, my life has been put on pause. I have been burdened with imaginary problems in order to keep me in one place mentally. I have not evolved mentally past a 23 year old male. Literally. A whole town got together to keep me in this state of mind. Information control keeps women from feeling horny about me and then having sex with me. So Im just a little beyond my teen years mentally. This might be my last chance to pull off this move… I heard someone from this forum killed themself < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 18:27 It was being harassed by certain trolls, the same way I have been for years. I have also come close to suicide, and have ended up in several mental hospitals, with everything I told the staff being denied to me. Can the psychiatric system really be this evil? Im aware of the psuedoscience of psychology. How many people killed themselves due to this site? I was drugged, and then came here for “psych help”, just to be harassed. And I would respond to certain handles and strings of words in a negative way as I tied these things into my regular life. The used sex as the motivator as they stole my identity and left me in financial ruin. What makes this even worse is that after being scammed like that, I have found myself in the most cold and distant social atmosphere/town ever. It is a loveless enviornment with no support or motivation or anything. People genuinely dont care. Or even worse, they have been hiding in the shadows, aquiring far too much information than whats appropriate about me. (i.e. things I never told them in person before). I was recently trying to get my sex on by talking to my cell phone as I rode around town on a bicycle. In my experience, the best way to get sex is to talk into your phone like its a person, because people around here get super horny and tap other people’s phones as a way of attempting to initiate a sexual relationship. Thats all I really know about where I am. The closest I ever was to actual sex, was when some crazy woman and all her family and friends tapped my cell phone and then got super horny while spying on me in private. This must be how it works over here. Nothing else achieved even close to these results. As I was talking to the phone, people from my past walked past me wearing costumes and then started making me feel weird. I became uncomfortable talking to my lady-phone, and then just went off on a trail of complaining about how people are making me feel weird and uncomfortable. This led to even more feelings of isolation, realizing that Im never going to be able to get laid due to the alienating atmosphere I live in. I felt God awful long before the violence gang attacked me. And before I said Fuck on facebook. Just a bunch of long annoying crap, preventing me from sex. And making me so uncomfortable that I am unable to even attempt to attract women to me…

A Minnesota Lunitic [Edit] DannyMcDelta: The only motivation I fucked myself into…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-30 13:03 -10+10 The people/fraternity close to me socially, are looking at me wrong. They are parading me around, and I dont like the way I am being recieved due to their hotdish oriented minds. I am the lesser character. Same with the imaginary woman who was percieved to be donated to me by her military family. We were lesser characters. Thats where the salty sensitivities the others have come from. I know how to change this… You intimidate them. First, you make them feel stupid for their irrational spying. And then have them learn that you are above them, and they didnt even know it. Then I meet up with the woman and we date. They arent aware of this until they see it as they spy. They wonder whats going on, and how I was able to “date women” while they put in a bunch of OT and then went home to their fat and ugly wives. Make them feel old and stupid. In front of everyone. All of their pals. After you do that and they try to play themselves off and be stylish in front of others as they watch this online, you then take it further. You have sex on camera and have them watch. Its called taking control of a situation using your sexuality. Some people call it “sexual harassment”. I can do it without doing anything illegal. I once did this in de-tox, in order to control the situation. This led to a quick release. After they watch that, thinking they were being wholesome and stylish in front of everyone they invited into our personal business, we then chase them. We email them sexual pictures and videos of ourselves. We follow them all over the internet. Acting like we didnt do it. They already made us look awkward and uncomfortable and inept. Thats much worse than this. After establishing dominance over them sexually and socially, they will be uncomfortable around us, and lose their “voices”. they deserve it. We could accept their invitations to shitty public bars on facebook, or intentionally intrude on their social life. And then act like they didnt watch us fuck a bunch of times, and then we could have public displays of affection in front of them and their friends. This will make them uncomfortable. It will make them repressed and awkward and they will get nervous and embarassed. It will be like a game. we will see if we can get them to lock themselves in their homes, and go on a pointless inward journey… I could throw this all away < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-30 12:52 -10+10 and then everything would disappear. My past that created this future would fade out. All the frustrating bullshit that this lead to would be gone and I wouldnt have to think about it again. In a real place, I could apply what my life had become in this town to achieve rockstar status. At these people’s expense. In church, I would earn sympathy. Just facts. I could just get up and leave, and everyone would forget I was ever here. and then so would I. What surrounded me once I joined caused nothing but thoughts like this. After I escaped, I wish I would have noticed that it was just a CIA assault as I was chased from state to state over the course of 2 days on multiple occasions. A multi million dollar bounty over my head to create a doll for profitable medical experimentation. If I saw this for what it was, and not a sympathy cause with very awkward, “wholesome” individuals, I never would have come back when I did. The irrational feelings of love through social isolation in a desperate situation never would have grown. It is more fun to be on the run, then to settle in some lazy place like the one Im in (type C1, light blue colored town, according to the social structural map that dictates the location and types of industrial and commercial zones built, the residential layouts, and the way the people will be educated and raised). I used to be so much more ambitious as a teenager. I wouldnt even consider the consequences. You can get away with a lot if you genuinely dont care if you live or die. At 30, Im now starting to feel the age catch up to me. Which consists of nothing but my brain thoughts expanding into paragraphs that are way too long and deep for no reason, as my perception widens and the once small problems and concerns grow exponentially. That, plus my physical health will decline in a few short months. In my case though, my life has been put on pause. I have been burdened with imaginary problems in order to keep me in one place mentally. I have not evolved mentally past a 23 year old male. Literally. A whole town got together to keep me in this state of mind. Information control keeps women from feeling horny about me and then having sex with me. So Im just a little beyond my teen years mentally. This might be my last chance to pull off this move… I heard someone from this forum killed themself < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-29 18:27 It was being harassed by certain trolls, the same way I have been for years. I have also come close to suicide, and have ended up in several mental hospitals, with everything I told the staff being denied to me. Can the psychiatric system really be this evil? Im aware of the psuedoscience of psychology. How many people killed themselves due to this site? I was drugged, and then came here for “psych help”, just to be harassed. And I would respond to certain handles and strings of words in a negative way as I tied these things into my regular life. The used sex as the motivator as they stole my identity and left me in financial ruin. What makes this even worse is that after being scammed like that, I have found myself in the most cold and distant social atmosphere/town ever. It is a loveless enviornment with no support or motivation or anything. People genuinely dont care. Or even worse, they have been hiding in the shadows, aquiring far too much information than whats appropriate about me. (i.e. things I never told them in person before). I was recently trying to get my sex on by talking to my cell phone as I rode around town on a bicycle. In my experience, the best way to get sex is to talk into your phone like its a person, because people around here get super horny and tap other people’s phones as a way of attempting to initiate a sexual relationship. Thats all I really know about where I am. The closest I ever was to actual sex, was when some crazy woman and all her family and friends tapped my cell phone and then got super horny while spying on me in private. This must be how it works over here. Nothing else achieved even close to these results. As I was talking to the phone, people from my past walked past me wearing costumes and then started making me feel weird. I became uncomfortable talking to my lady-phone, and then just went off on a trail of complaining about how people are making me feel weird and uncomfortable. This led to even more feelings of isolation, realizing that Im never going to be able to get laid due to the alienating atmosphere I live in. I felt God awful long before the violence gang attacked me. And before I said Fuck on facebook. Just a bunch of long annoying crap, preventing me from sex. And making me so uncomfortable that I am unable to even attempt to attract women to me… An old truck has been until recently the domicile of a total of seven bee hives. Siegfried Vogel (in picture) has lost four of his bee colonies in the past year ­ those, which were located behind wooden shielding on his truck. His son Reinhold has had better luck: He still owns his three colonies of bees, which are located behind and protected by a portion of aluminum shielding on the same truck. Hence, Siegfried Vogel is now advising all beekeepers to protect their colonies of bees from mobile-phone radiation with aluminum shielding. Despite all the jokes about aluminum hats out there to try to poke fun at and belittle the drastic increase in people with electrosensitivity (ES), it is a known fact that aluminum does block microwave radiation ­ if you don’t believe me, try wrapping your cell phone in aluminum foil (no one will be able to call you) or putting aluminum foil in a microwave oven. Thus, this is just another strong piece of evidence demonstrating that it is indeed the microwave radiation killing the bees. Dr. Gerald Goldberg (author of Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave Oven?) offers further clarification in his paper “To Bee Or Not Too Bee?” (October 30th, 2007) as to why it is indeed the cell phones killing the bees. HYPERLINK “Another possible explanation has been parasites or viruses. There have been parasites noted in earlier isolated breakouts, but not on a global scale. Also what has been repudiated is a common virus, however the same reasons apply. Also many animals which become toxic from EMF, the effect of which is accentuated by heavy metals and toxins often show a breakdown in immunity with the appearance of pathogenic organisms, be they parasites, fungi, bacteria or viruses. The organisms found are particular to the species affected but may indicate no more than immune stress. “What other common links can there be to explain a global epidemic that occurs at the same time of year and seems to affect bee populations equally, regardless of the pesticides or pests that they may be exposed to? One common link could very well be the electromagnetic disruption that is occurring at this time and is being caused by the discriminate and indiscriminate use of microwave technologies. The main technology would be the globalized electromagnetic network that has been produced for telecommunications.” (Goldberg 2007) “Illness and pesticides would cause a gradual die off and dying bees would be found in the hives. With CCS no bees are found in the hives. Microwave interference is the only plausible means of explaining why this phenomenon is being observed at this time. It also explains why it is occurring simultaneously and on a global basis.” (Goldberg 2007) And,“As with bees, so the same effect is being observed in humans, note the rise in autism, memory disturbances and related disorders. The global alteration of our environment without regard to the limitations of our biology will have profound effects for all life on this planet. This is a timely and urgent matter that involves everyone.” [emphasis added] (Goldberg 2007) “As it becomes clear from our experiments, Man-made EMFs, can affect significantly the reproductive capacity of insects. Our results imply the need for prudent avoidance of human exposure to all kinds of EMFs. “Especially about RF radiation at 900 MHz, emitted by GSM mobile phones, the results of our experiments show that this radiation, with exposure conditions similar to those a mobile phone user is subjected to, is highly bioactive, causing dramatic decrease in the reproductive capacity of insects.” (p. 449) “Thus, this very well offers an explanation for the recent and most drastic disappearance of insects from our environment. “It is clear from our studies that full power use of GSM cellular phones (such as happens during a normal “talking” conversation ­ “speaking emission”), has dramatic effects on the reproduction of the insects, even with 6 min exposure daily, for only 2-5 days. On the other hand, when the mobile phones are used in “listening” mode, (“non-speaking emission”), then the effects are less dramatic, but still important.” (p. 450) So if a 60% decline in reproductive ability was caused only after six minutes of exposure per day for a total of only four to five days, we can only imagine what the effects of long-term incessant exposure to ambient microwave radiation from the global proliferation of GSM antennas is doing to the insects ­ hence we could very well be talking about the possible extinction in the very near future of the majority of insects on this planet. Moreover, an article by Balmori (2006) entitled “The incidence of electromagnetic pollution on the amphibian decline: Is this an important piece of the puzzle?” appearing in the journal Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry seems to be the first to address the connection between microwave radiation and the global disappearance of frogs. A bibliographical review on the possible effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from wireless telecommunications on living organisms and its impact on amphibians is presented. The technical characteristics of this new technology and the scientific discoveries that are of interest in the study of their effects on wild fauna and amphibians are described. Electromagnetic pollution (in the microwave and in the radiofrequency range) is a possible cause for deformations and decline of some amphibian populations. Keeping in mind that amphibians are reliable bio-indicators, it is of great importance to carry out studies on the effects of this new type of contamination. Finally, some methodologies that could be useful to determine the adverse health effects are proposed. On an anecdotal level, while living in an area of Japan without either cell-phone or television reception, I happened to notice an abundance of frogs close to where I was living. Deciding to do a search and armed with my microwave detector, I was unpleasantly shocked to be unable to find any frogs whatsoever in any heavily microwave-radiated areas with cell-phone reception that I searched in Japan. Besides, insects, birds, and frogs, there has also recently been reported in the media a dramatic die-off of fish and bats in the USA. A Minnesotan high-school principle sent me a paper by a high-school student who had become curious about the effects of electropollution after her aunt was cured of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) following the installation of Graham-Stetzer filters (which have the effect of getting rid of dirty electricity) in her school and home. The student, curious that there might be a link between the increase in frog deformities and electropollution, decided to test the streams for electric currents and gaining the help of Mr. Stetzer himself ­ was actually able to find them at dangerously high levels, when there should have been none. Thus, these currents running through our waters could also very well explain the increase in infections among as well as the drastic disappearance of aquatic species we are seeing around the world. In both New York and Vermont there have recently been reported the death of thousands of bats in what is being dubbed “white nose syndrome” to account for a ring of white fungus appearing around the bats’ noses. Alan Hicks, a bat specialist with New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation, called the quick-spreading disorder the “gravest threat” to bats he had ever seen. Up to 11,000 bats were found dead last winter and many more are showing signs illness this winter. One hard-hit cave went from more than 15,000 bats two years ago to 1,500 now, he said. (Hill 2008) It is interesting to note here that in many of our modern diseases (e.g. chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome [CFIDS], autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], etc.), which appeared or drastically increased in the past twenty years with the advent of wireless telecommunications (e.g. cell phone and Wi-Fi), there is a weakening of the immune system accompanied by an increase in pathogens like fungi, viruses, candida, mycoplasma and so on. There is always the possibility that this microwave radiation ­ while weakening our immune systems ­ is at the same time also stimulating the growth of fungi and other possible pathogens, and it has been shown that certain electrical currents can also have this effect at the cellular level. With regards to human beings, there are now numerous studies showing that microwave radiation does undeniably affect human fertility. For example, Brossner & Kuber (2002) found decreased motility of sperm (the ability of sperm to move in a straight line towards its target) from exposure to the EMR given off by GSM mobile phones. Aitken et al. (2005) found a significant damaging effect on sperm DNA with exposure to radio-frequency EMR. Fejes et al. (2005) found that “the prolonged use of cell phones may have negative effects on the sperm motility characteristics.” Stefenis et al. (2006) assert that “there are many animal studies that show that electromagnetic waves have a wide range of damaging effects on the male reproductive system and sperm parameters.” Moreover, Erogul et al. (2006) found “that EMR emitted by cellular phone influences human sperm motility. In addition to these acute adverse effects of EMR on sperm motility, long-term EMR exposure may lead to behavioral or structural changes of the male germ cell.” Agarwal et al. (2007) deduced that the use of cell phones decrease the semen quality in men by decreasing the sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology. The decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the duration of daily exposure to cell phones and independent of the initial semen quality.

Another attempt at escape…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-18 13:13 -5 They seem to get upset when I talk about it. And I get harassed by trolls in unicen with things I say. So it must be working. I am going to simply explain this to the Secret Service on here thats been watching me…. I am a conditioned individual. Its called different words too (mind control slave, targeted individual, etc.) I was meant to be kidnapped and then slandered through being framed for crimes I didnt commit. The purpose was for medical and psychological experimentation. I had code inside of me to commit suicide if I said too much and kidnapping wasnt possible, which was blocked through deeply sexual code by a different agency aware of this program. I am aware that what I accused the sypathizer group consisting of the town father figure was false. Thats nice to know. This is not even on the agenda though. This agency came between me and a girl I knew from high school, who then got pawned off onto a member of the US Navy. The agency again came between me and another woman I knew, who they were attempting to feed a criminal gang organization sexually with. They were so deeply devoted to getting her over there, and killing me off if I couldnt be kidnapped, that they programs I was already conditioned to over and over again, attempting to get me to either A) turn myself into them, or B) kill myself. I watched one of these men start veering his car into me (not on the sidewalk of course), attempting to trigger me to jump in front of his car. I am still here, bored as fuck. It appears these men are still out there. This is my testimony. Im just trying to get out of this community Im in, in order to re-socialize before the town and its father figure approach me. I have been called mentally incapable of getting my license back. I am unemployable within the community unless I re-socialize first. Something needs to be done about these criminals so I can resume with my life. I dont blame this woman for any of these things at all. She was conditioned in advance though US military techniques. My only question is why do you guys have to be such dicks? I do not deserve to be in this position, on pause because you have some agency operating this way. I could pick myself up and live a life of disabled independence in some shitty apartment, being “productive”. But if my relationship to life has been established already, then why? Its gotta be time to bounce…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-17 17:15 -5+6 I am not trying to sit around for no damn reason. Im dont deserve to sit around in this ice cold tundra while being locked in the neighborhood again with nothing relevent to do but sit on my ass, and have thoughts beamed into my head. Im trying to go to Miami, and get my driving/financial situations organized. Do you know how hard it is to sit in a small house like this with the severely delusional? I just want to have sex and then go driving around in a car, buying clothes. I apologize to myself for getting so sensitive last night. That was very unnecessary. Its just this time issue. This is the worst place I have ever been to, if you have nothing to do. I ran out of money so I have to be sober for a while, and Im going to hate every moment of this. Im too annoyed to be sober in this atmosphere. Please. For the love of God. Send over that lady from the street to pick me up in her car. And if not her, then send the spy over and have him bring me to the airport so I can get down to Miami for tomarrows game with the Heat against the Timberwolves. Send some 16 year old kid I never met before for all I care….

Ice Cold New Hope < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-18 13:33 -5 I still think these people are fat slobs. I meant everything I said about them. They live the sad lives they live. There wasnt much of a reason to verbally assault them aggressively. They are too stupid to realize who it is they are. They need a tragedy such as the town father figures drama play to turn into a disaster before they will even think about themselves and how they relate to decent people who are better than them. Like me. I am still convinced that every single hick from this town would go as far as taking time off of work in regards to a project that this “inspirational man” initiated. He was able to establish such deep passion inside of complete pussies, that they were finally able to build confidence off of it and ask out some fat chick from science class, and then marry her in the inspirational name of “high school sweetheart”. I still find these people very unfriendly, probably due to a constant state of selfish introspection. I know this because their attitudes have rubbed off onto me from the intentional isolation. No wonder why Im so bored, and feel so awful. I didnt lose much here. I was planning on moving anyways. I also only had like 6 friends, and mabye 4 of them understand my situation. So lets not lie to ourselves Its just that you can rattle the cage and cause disaster. The other pals I had were in committed relationships. I shouldnt have ever been hanging out with these people. Watching a bunch of people sit there and watch movies as the fat grows over their arms. I never fit in with these people, which is why I distanced myself from them. I was hit with “love bombs” in a state of personal isolation as I was making plans. I was also having a religious experience at the time as well. After multiple police escapes and some rock and roll and getting jobs, I felt it was a good time to plant the dope seeds I was hanging onto. That was some real good weed, and it was a lot too. I spent the money on clothes. Then the woman stuff happened in a situation of forced sensitivity… This whole stupid thing that everyone feels passionate about, was a big big mistake. On my part. I grew this bullshit and then sold it. Luckily I grew some solutions. I have managed to outgrow that by a couple pounds. I dont want to say out loud what it is I want and am trying to do. Please dont make me say it… Another attempt at escape…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-18 13:13 -5 They seem to get upset when I talk about it. And I get harassed by trolls in unicen with things I say. So it must be working. I am going to simply explain this to the Secret Service on here thats been watching me…. I am a conditioned individual. Its called different words too (mind control slave, targeted individual, etc.) I was meant to be kidnapped and then slandered through being framed for crimes I didnt commit. The purpose was for medical and psychological experimentation. I had code inside of me to commit suicide if I said too much and kidnapping wasnt possible, which was blocked through deeply sexual code by a different agency aware of this program. I am aware that what I accused the sypathizer group consisting of the town father figure was false. Thats nice to know. This is not even on the agenda though. This agency came between me and a girl I knew from high school, who then got pawned off onto a member of the US Navy. The agency again came between me and another woman I knew, who they were attempting to feed a criminal gang organization sexually with. They were so deeply devoted to getting her over there, and killing me off if I couldnt be kidnapped, that they programs I was already conditioned to over and over again, attempting to get me to either A) turn myself into them, or B) kill myself. I watched one of these men start veering his car into me (not on the sidewalk of course), attempting to trigger me to jump in front of his car. I am still here, bored as fuck. It appears these men are still out there. This is my testimony. Im just trying to get out of this community Im in, in order to re-socialize before the town and its father figure approach me. I have been called mentally incapable of getting my license back. I am unemployable within the community unless I re-socialize first. Something needs to be done about these criminals so I can resume with my life. I dont blame this woman for any of these things at all. She was conditioned in advance though US military techniques. My only question is why do you guys have to be such dicks? I do not deserve to be in this position, on pause because you have some agency operating this way. I could pick myself up and live a life of disabled independence in some shitty apartment, being “productive”. But if my relationship to life has been established already, then why? Its gotta be time to bounce…. < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-17 17:15 -5+6 I am not trying to sit around for no damn reason. Im dont deserve to sit around in this ice cold tundra while being locked in the neighborhood again with nothing relevent to do but sit on my ass, and have thoughts beamed into my head. Im trying to go to Miami, and get my driving/financial situations organized. Do you know how hard it is to sit in a small house like this with the severely delusional? I just want to have sex and then go driving around in a car, buying clothes. I apologize to myself for getting so sensitive last night. That was very unnecessary. Its just this time issue. This is the worst place I have ever been to, if you have nothing to do. I ran out of money so I have to be sober for a while, and Im going to hate every moment of this. Im too annoyed to be sober in this atmosphere. Please. For the love of God. Send over that lady from the street to pick me up in her car. And if not her, then send the spy over and have him bring me to the airport so I can get down to Miami for tomarrows game with the Heat against the Timberwolves. Send some 16 year old kid I never met before for all I care…. So keep monitoring me… < DannyMcDelta > 2015-11-17 13:10 -5 I just fucked up the whole reason you are here though. I will be the one and only person in life to say that the “high school father figure” is a dick. What was supposed to be deep and sensitive to me (being the center of attention) has taken a back seat to reality. Every one of those people I knew from my social group who reappeared during this time can kiss my ass too. I really wish I could have met and married a dumb chick just like you. The honest truth, is that Im too inept for this atmosphere. But in my opinion, you are just married to a fat ass named Mary Jo, getting bossed around. I used to get jealous of these people because all the couples got to hang out with each other, and I was left out. That actually seems boring as fuck now. And those are lame people too. I just wanted to be included too. So now the question is, why didnt they help me out with any of those other single fat girls their wives knew? Whats the problem with me? They helped out each other all the time. Not me though. Not until I publically failed and I said the things I did that convinced these faggots I used to know to give their wives sister to me, under the conditions of me getting a job and attending school. But this just tells me there’s something in this air. I know Im not respected by 90% of the people I hung around with socially. Im some type of clown-child. It probably has to do with the face paint. And the fact that Im a “Juggler” and listen to the rock band “Unstable Clown Group” non stop. I have just generalized this whole community to what connects me to it. A bunch of fruit cakes who decided to become mature. With me being the person they compared themselves to and placed below them. Thats where the awkward confidence came from. That, plus too much exercise at boot camp. Which I find sad. One time, there was this Mary Jo who “came onto the market” from what I heard from my in-shape National Guard buddies. They were trying to pass her to my pal who had a job and a nice hair cut. I asked if I could have some too. I was told I wasnt mature enough by my Guardian pals. I was weird around her ever sense, due to the competition between socially awkward men. Im not hanging out with these people anymore. That was fucking rough. I was uncomfortable as hell, at a bad time too. I luckily recovered and went back to selling dope

More than half a century after the defeat of Nazism and fascism, the far right is again challenging the liberal order of Western democracies. Radical movements are feeding on anxiety about economic globalization, affirmative action, and third-world immigration, flashpoint issues to many traditional groups in multicultural societies. A curious mixture of Aristocratic paganism, anti-Semitic demonology, Eastern philosophies and the occult is influencing populist antigovernment sentiment and helping to exploit the widespread fear that invisible elites are shaping world events. Black Sun examines the new neofascist ideology, showing how hate groups, militias and conspiracy cults attempt to gain influence. Based on interviews and extensive research into underground groups, Black Sun documents the new Nazi and fascist sects that have sprung up from the 1970s through the 1990s and examines the mentality and motivation of these far-right extremists. The result is a detailed, grounded portrait of the mythical and devotional aspects of Hitler cults among Aryan mystics, racist skinheads and Nazi satanists, Heavy Metal music fans, and in occult literature. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke offers a unique perspective on far right neo-Nazism viewing it as a new form of Western religious heresy. He paints a frightening picture of a religion with its own relics, rituals, prophecies and an international sectarian following that could, under the proper conditions, gain political power and attempt to realize its dangerous millenarian fantasies. Goodrick-Clarke raises a highly provocative parallel between the emergence of pan-German Ariosophy in decaying Habsburg Austria (studied in his The Occult Roots of Nazism, 1985) and the resurgence of neo-Nazism and neopaganism in the contemporary West. The author surveys such diverse topics as skinhead gangs and racist heavy metal bands, elitist cultural pessimists like Evola and Serrano, conspiracy theories regarding UFOs and secret Nazi bases, and Aryan Christian and Norse pagan religious cults. The international dimension of the book is its greatest strength, as Goodrick-Clarke documents constant interaction between European and American neo-Nazis from the end of WW II to the present, and touches on South America and Australasia. He argues that these diverse phenomena stem from white anxieties over globalization, immigration, and multiculturalism. Many readers will find his predictions of a possible Nazi resurgence in the 21st century alarmist, and his attribution of blame to liberal elites, affirmative action, and open immigration singularly inappropriate. Nonetheless, the book is well written, encyclopedic in scope, and will serve as an indispensable reference for students of the contemporary far Right for years to come. Recommended for all levels and collections. D. A. Harvey New College of Florida This comprehensive inquiry examines the disturbing historical and contemporary connections between certain religious cults and Nazi ideology. Goodrick-Clarke (Hitler’s Priestess; The Occult Roots of Nazism) begins with a consideration of the origins of American neo-Nazism and ends with a thorough discussion of well-known, current far-right groups: the European skinheads, the Aryan Nations and the World Church of the Creator movement, which inspired the 1999 shooting spree in the Midwest. In between, the author focuses on the intersection between Nazi ideology and religious and cultural oddities, showing, for example, how some Nazi leaders, particularly Heinrich Himmler, were obsessed with esoterica and strange historical justifications for pro-Aryan racial theory. Over the past 75 years, Nazi ideology has been mixed with Hinduism, magic, alchemy and the occult as a rebellion against the status quo. In Nazi Satanism, “the swastika and Third Reich imagery join black candles, skulls and magical pentagrams in a tableau of ritualized transgression.” And during the post-WWII era, many fascists saw UFO sightings as an indication that Nazis would come back to rule the world. Throughout, Goodrick-Clarke catalogues the ideologies, histories, personalities and appeals of the groups, most of which have always found young white men to be their most receptive audience. There’s little evaluation of the potential that the small, splinter groups now active might have to commit future atrocities, but the author adds to our knowledge of the broad, frightening tentacles of Nazi ideology. Goodrick-Clarke’s The Occult Roots of Nazism examined the influence of late 19th- and early 20th-century German and pagan mysticism on National Socialist thought. This sequel, based on the writings of past and contemporary adherents of these ideas, continues this study among modern American and European racist groups. The new angle is the glorification of Hitler and Nazism. Goodrick-Clarke shows how a strange mix of racism, paganism, Eastern religion, Christianity, Satanism, rock music, and science fiction is being used to support the revival of fascist ideas; adherents see Hitler himself as an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu who survived World War II at a secret German flying-saucer base located in Antarctica. This disturbing work presents a troubling picture of the mindset of the modern Far Right. For all libraries. Stephen L. Hupp, West Virginia Univ.-Parkersburg

I was a victim of Bed Bug terrorism < DannyMcDeIta > 2017-01-29 22:34 I was a victim of Bed Bug terrorism He killed his mother, upset over bedbugs. Now he wants her life insurance Minnesota man Michael Gallagher admitted to killing Patricia Gallagher but was found not guilty due to mental illness — which opened the door to a claim for inherited benefits. In the weeks leading up to Christmas in 2015, Gallagher became “increasingly delusional, obsessive, depressed, hopeless, and frantic,” according to court records. A week before his mother’s death, he tried to commit suicide, taking two-thirds of a bottle of pills, he told authorities. It was not his first time battling mental health issues — in 1991 he was hospitalized for one month at the University of Minnesota and treated with shock therapy. He became convinced that his mother’s apartment was infested by bedbugs, even though the landlord had inspected the home and found no evidence of them. He also worried that his mother was experiencing Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. Gallagher was so stressed that he could no longer work at his job as a lawyer, and chose to work at a temporary agency instead. In an attempt to get rid of what he believed was a bedbug infestation, he said he treated his mother’s apartment with a chemical, according to a criminal complaint. Gallagher became convinced that he had tainted the Twin Cities’ water supply with the pesticide he used, even mailing the landlord a letter informing him of the possible contamination and of the bedbug infestation. He said his attempts to remedy the eviction “created a nightmare” and a “vicious circle” of desperation and guilt. He feared that after the landlord read the letter, his mother would be evicted. Since he “didn’t have the resources” to find alternative housing for his mother, he decided to “spare her the pain of the eviction.” “It was an impossible situation,” he said, according to court records. “There was no way out so I was going to send her to Heaven and spare her the problems of the impossible situation we were in.” When he was helping his mother clean her apartment, on Dec. 18, 2015, he climbed on top of her, held her down, and hit her five times with the sculpture, according to the criminal complaint. The woman called out for her own deceased mother, asking him to stop. After that didn’t kill her, he grabbed a pillow and tried to smother her with it. He put both hands on her neck and strangled her. Then, finally, he grabbed a garbage bag and held it over her face.

Funny how you never interact with the “DannyMcDelta” character but you do with almost EVERY other character. I also noticed that you never seem to be able to post at the same time. Why is that?

“Now THAT is a wonderfully loaded gambit just oozing with multiple symptoms of rank amateur psych patients cum psychiapologist mercenary anonymous trolls. ” – Patroll Really? What sane person writes like this. You are slipping Patroll. You are starting to sound like your other nutty handles like DannyMcDelta.

I post as DannyMcDelta sometimes when IT is needed.

Instead, I cleverly use the term IT as often as I can when I am upset, embarrassed or feel intellectually threatened. IT is an alternative means of expression and IT suits me perfectly. IT isn’t easy at times to remember to use IT property. Sometimes I mess IT up and use IT when I am using my other troll handles like DannyMcDelta and others like IT.

Oddly how he accuses others of being trolls and impersonating others. His signature phrase besides his retarded use of the word “IT” is berating other posters as “Dumb Sloppy Trolls” As you can see, he is the super troll that causes the majority of discord here with his anti-psychiatry nonsense. You can see here that he idiotically forgot to change his handles. In a day or two, you will see this forum get flooded with nonsensical posts from handles such as sandwiches, dannymcdelta freak a sissy and others in order to push his mistakes off the front page and out of view.

etc. It’s one guy with a ton of handles who is the resident anti-psychiatry poster. He frequently gets into it with anyone who does not agree with his deluded logic and accuses them of being a single poster/troll. Ironic because this poster often criticizes others from not using good “troll tactics.” You will notice that every time he is ridiculed a slew of posts from DannyMcDelta and other comic posters appear. This is intentional so that posts from other people he hates or posts where he is ridiculed come off of the 1st page.

or the real DannyMcDelta w/e I have a hear in this forum either way wrong or right im in the moment!

or the Freak handle that YOU post under. You really aren’t that bright are you? Keep working on your posting of DannyMcDelta. You will get IT right with enough practice.

The fact that you comment means that you DO feel others will confuse him for you. On the other hand, that IMPoster as YOU like to say, could very well be you. I wouldn’t put it past you to create such a drama. You aren’t doing so well with the DannyMcDelta character so you possibly created this one.

My posts are the more intelligent one. I have a bunch of handles where I create fake skits to push my anti-psychiatry agenda and try to shame and silence others who are against me. Usually anyone who disagrees with me is really the “Freak” troll. For my creative writing outlook I posts as an insane person who is the victim of the pharmaceutical industry. I used to post as sandwiches but now I post as DannyMcDelta. I really have no life other than this board. Criminy

Willy_Nilly, Psyologist, patroll,Freak-A-Saurus, pschialogical, DannyMcDelta, Granny52 = Handles to stay away from and use different handles and some of these very handles are the same person. BTW As far as I know Freak-A-Saurus and FreakasaurusRex are different hadles. When I post to Freak-A-Saurus , FreakasaurusRex ask me why I am posting to him but I am not..?

I apologize for my only agenda was contacting DannyMcDelta, Because this forum is so much more ( in retrospect I should have just private messaged him and not interfering with what this forum is to truly be utilized for..people reaching out for help and searching for answers. This is a good forum for people to reach out for help…I regress and leave my agenda off the table so people can get help. I apologize to the community for my ignorance and I now embrace this in the hopes many people get there answers and expressions and an out let for help.

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